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How to maximize your Internet security

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    How to maximize your Internet security

    This is not about firewalls, or staying away from Windows. I posted it in 'Out of Focus' because although it has technical suggestions those suggestions are based on a personal desire to remain politically free, so if you don't want to read or see this post then click away now. Otherwise, scroll down.

    It is about how to avoid apps by Google, Facebook and Twitter, global corporations who are doing their best to track you and bring 1984 to reality.

    I completely cut my Google ties a year ago. I run Vivaldi with adblock. I have FireFox but rarely use it because it, too, has joined the march to 1984. I have a protonmail account but besides the limits mentioned by Black Pidgeon, I am not aware of a way to offload your emails to your local HD. I don't visit Gab, and rarely visit Minds, Vid.Me or other such sites. I've just discovered DTube, which is interesting, but it content is sparse, as it is on Vid.Me, Vimeo and other alternate video sites. promotes free speech on the basis and intent of the 1st Amendment. Comments that threaten the life of the President or others, etc., are not permitted. The big problem with Gab is that it has become infested with Trolls, most of which include posts by Nazis, White Supremacists, Flat Earthers, etc... It's disgusting, but in a free society that's part of the baggage. One can always mute them. The problem on Gab, which is the same on just about every other Internet comment section, is that it soon devolves into personal attacks and evoking Hitler or Duke. One can no longer have a civil discussion any more.

    The situation is made worse on the popular social websites by the corporate owners censoring views which differ from their own, so the playing field is slanted significantly to favor the Marxists. So conservatives who hate Nazis, White Supremists and violence are band, but AntiFa, the source of 99.9% of all political violence in the last 18 months gets a free pass.

    If totalitarian control in the US ends up where it usually does in other dictatorships the next thing you will want to try to avoid will be Reeducation classes (or camps) as they are euphemistically called. As you read the following experience by a Columbia University graduate, who wrote about his experience AFTER he graduated, consider this: Jews in German concentration camps were processed by other Jews. Even though they knew what was going to happen, their hope was that somehow they would avoid the gas chambers because they helped the Nazis. They didn't. Notice how each increasingly higher authority the student met plead sympathy with his situation but they all claimed their hands were tied. They were either lying or they are cowards. Also note that in the Rule of Law under the Constitution you have a RIGHT to face your accusers, but not in totalitarian societies. They cannot hide in anonymity while they hurl charges of mis-conduct against you, secure in the fact that as part of one of the seven protected classes they will never be charged with false accusations or outright lying.

    Last edited by GreyGeek; Aug 28, 2017, 01:05 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    The thing that stands out (to me) in his commentary, is "they claim". He doesn't provide actual "proof" that the alternatives are in fact, safer to use than Google and et al. I'm not saying that because of that, that the alternatives aren't safer, just that no proof is provided to back up the claim.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
      The thing that stands out (to me) in his commentary, is "they claim". He doesn't provide actual "proof" that the alternatives are in fact, safer to use than Google and et al. I'm not saying that because of that, that the alternatives aren't safer, just that no proof is provided to back up the claim.
      I had the same thought as well. Any of them could be honeypots to trap malcontents. I was shocked to learn that Tor's development was funded by the NSA and the CIA so US spys could have a way to send data and receive further instructions anonymously.

      One thing for sure. There is no doubt about where Google, Facebook, Twitter or FireFox is heading. It is interesting to note that FireFox's "automated real-time fact-checking engine developed by the Full Fact foundation, which is backed by Omidyar and Hungarian-born investor and philanthropist George Soros, said its software is capable of spotting lies in real time, and was used to fact-check a live debate at the House of Commons."

      So, the "lies" that it will detect will be based on whose definition of the "truth"? If Soros funded the engine's development then the "truth" will be what we are already hearing from the MNM.

      The idea that a "Truth Squad" has to sit between me and the Internet to tell me what is truth and what is a lie, because they feel I am not smart enough to collect and evaluate the evidence for myself and come to my own conclusion, infuriates me. I don't need any "safe space", like the SJWs and such.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post

        The idea that a "Truth Squad" has to sit between me and the Internet to tell me what is truth and what is a lie, because they feel I am not smart enough to collect and evaluate the evidence for myself and come to my own conclusion, infuriates me. I don't need any "safe space", like the SJWs and such.
        (Emphasis added by Snowhog)

        It isn't that they think you aren't smart enough, on the contrary, they think you are smart enough! Those in power/control aren't afraid of those who aren't smart enough; they fear those who are!
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Good points, both of you.

          "Truth" has to be the most often mis-used word in the English language and can be very subjective. However, "facts" are, or should be, a different matter. For example, global warming is a fact, but the truth about what's causing it is widely disputable.

          To another point, I am not a member of any political party because they are all wrong. I cannot abide being told what to think. If your positions can be supported by arguments composed of facts, truth, and logic, I'll agree with you. I have yet to hear a political candidate who can do this on any point, much less the majority of them. Everything I hear from either side is designed to invoke an emotional response from the party core so they'll vote they way the party leaders want.

          Anyway - I still can't get excited about internet security or privacy. It's mostly hoopla and FUD. If you're doing something you don't want known, you'd better stay off the internet and the web. The likelihood of a spy agency or foreign power being interested in my internet presence or some hacker targeting me for identity theft are so minuscule as to be not worthy of my time. Even the whole "Identity Theft" moniker is a scam designed to scare you so you're not spending time wondering where are your tax dollars are going or spend money on needless services like "Identity Guard". It's the same bullcrap they use to sell home security systems. Having a credit card number lifted is now labeled as identity theft - it used to be simple fraud. They do this to skew the numbers the direction they want. The only people who actually lose money from credit card fraud are the retailers who fall for it.

          Please Read Me


            Ditto on political party membership. Even Trump is beginning to show he isn't the maverick he claimed to be. He just signed into law a bill that allows the Virginia, Maryland and DC railroad corridor company to do searches on adjacent property w/o warrants. So much for the 4th Amendment.

            However, if a free Internet were not so threateningto the PTB they wouldn't spend so much time trying to throttle or contain it. It's all about free access to information of any kind. That's why I am resuming my investigations into P2P networks.

            Also, while doing research this afternoon I found a list of search engines. I didn't realize that there were so many! I found an interesting one, a P2P search engine called YaCy. It's been around since 2006 but I'd never heard off it before and I am and have been very active on the Internet. It is my giant library! So, now I have 3 P2P projects to explore and evaluate, but YaCy looks good on its own.
            Last edited by Snowhog; Aug 28, 2017, 03:17 PM. Reason: Corrected YaCy hyperlink
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              This May be of Interest: It's Time To Break Up Google.
              Last edited by SpecialEd; Aug 29, 2017, 12:00 PM.
              If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

              The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


                Originally posted by SpecialEd View Post
                This May be of Interest: It's Time To Break Google Up.
                I think it is time too. Their "Do No Evil" pledge was abandon years ago.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  I have to agree with your viewpoint wrt our privacy (or lack thereof online).

                  I dropped Google(r) long ago, I use Startpage/IXQuick for my search engine and removed most other default engines from my browsers entirely. Yes, Startpage does show my search results obtained from Google(r) but it is done using meta search so I am not exposed to their (Googles(r) ) database collection. I left DuckDuckGo as a secondary search engine option.

                  I too use Firefox and, like you, am getting disappointed with the direction Mozilla is taking. On your advice, I am testing Vivaldi. I just spent several minutes running through configuration changes. Part of those changes involved deleting the many (MANY) default bookmarks to services and website which were way too leftward leaning. I dumped the social media links totally.

                  Vivaldi has an interface which is sufficiently different from Firefox that I'll withhold judgment until I train my fingers and mouse to behave properly (No! Bad Fingers!). I did note that when I imported my bookmarks from Firefox, Vivaldi dumped them another whole menu layer deeper. What was a single click with Firefox is now two clicks away. When I have time, I'll drag my bookmarks back up to the surface again. The bookmark import feature did NOT allow me to specify the granular destination (We put it were we think it should go, not where you think is should be).

                  During my re-configuration, I did note that Google(r), Yahoo(r) and Bing(r) were given higher preference wherever they were linked. That speaks to a mindset on the part of the Vivaldi developers which needs some "adjustment". Yes, I get that they are aiming their product at a demographic which is far to the political left of my own... I hope they (the devs) are not "shooting themselves in the foot" with this bias..

                  Thanks for the recommendation, GG and I'll be testing this for a while more.
                  Last edited by TWPonKubuntu; Aug 29, 2017, 12:25 PM. Reason: syntax clear not
                  Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                    On further testing of Vivaldi, I find that it is based on Chrome(r), and very much (too much) linked to Google(r) and their product line. There are no native Vivaldi extensions (at this time) and the only options are from the Chrome(r) web store. So... Goodbye Vivaldi, I hardly knew ye.
                    Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                      QupZilla is worth a try.
                      If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

                      The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


                        I have QupZilla installed and testing, Ver 1.8.9
                        It looks a lot like Firefox, which is NOT a bad thing. Familiar interface is a plus.

                        I've also installed Arora and Konqueror, more as backup browsers in case my main browser goes braindead for some reason.
                        Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                          Curious GG, what do you use for everyday email? I know you said you have a ProtonMail account. I registered with them a couple years ago but moved to Tutanota which I prefer. I have forced my healthcare personnel to use it but most people aren't interested in security and convenience wise, you still have to go to the website to check your mail. I have had pgp keys for years but again, most folks don't see a need. I have a couple alias addresss through my comcast isp and unfortunately, I have a couple gmail addresses I have been using for longer than I can remember. I try to get friends and family to take more of an interest in security/privacy, but most can't be bothered.
                          Last edited by SpecialEd; Aug 29, 2017, 02:26 PM.
                          If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

                          The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


                            In and of itself, Internet security is an oxymoron. You can do your best by using the apps discussed and hope for the best but the only tried and true method is to simply not use it from day one. But that isn't going to happen since it is like cutting off your hand in a manner of speaking. I note a number of you are admins or former admins. The same maxim applies now as it did when you were working or still at work. Don't post or do anything unlawful. Personally I wish the US had near the rights that the citizens in the EU have about how their data is used but that is only a smidgen of the whole. Treat the Internet as if you live in China and you should be ok.

                            If I have something personal to say or want to speak my mind, I do it in person F2F with another. The Internet is a human creation and as such, anything you want to find, you can if you work hard enough or diligently enough. There will always be bugs and people who attempt to exploit them. It is called 'human nature'.

                            And as was pointed out, TOR was created by the government as was TCP/IP and the security system used by RH and CentOS. The only way to try and stay on top is vote. The voter participation in the states is a joke compared to other democracies and republics. We have to live with the results of small minorities making the law for the majority, primarily those too darned ignorant to realize the power of their vote. Which reminds me of my honors public speaking class. Of the 24 participants, only 1 knew the difference between "Ignorance" and "Stupidity". I wonder what percentage here think they mean the same thing. Ignorance is simply the lack of knowledge where Stupidity is the inability to learn, usually by those whose IQ is 80 or less but I am astounded by the number of 'educated' people who pontificate on subjects it is obvious they know very little about, President Trump being a prime example of ignorance run amok. But as the saying goes, 'there is an idiot born every minute'. (And no, I didn't vote for Hillary either, I'm an independent with a libertarian/socialist bent if such exists)


                              Have you looked at the QWant search engine? Using the "Web" results it displays a lot of pages that google doesn't, and it is private and secure like StartPage. I, too, have dropped DuckDuckGo.

                              Vivalidi, because it is a Chrome fork, is limited in extensions, but one I use is the Email extension, which I point to my ISP. The rest I don't use.

                              I tried Oshunluver's favorite, Brave, but found it very limited in add-ons and extensions.
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

