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    >> set up a "go fund me account" and just dollar a month in it...

    Throwing money at a complex problem won't help. Problem with linux isn't lack of resources which are unlimited, I heard, with the world as its oyster and millions of people contributing and developing. Right, or was that a lie ?

    Besides. what about commercial cos raking it in the name of OSS/linux ? Examples- redhat, IBM, intel and so on. Are they just getting a free ride on the gravy train ?

    >> NO..."PCLINUX OS" walked off and LEFT IT!!! WALKED OFF AND LEFT IT!!!"

    I tried often to install PC linuxOS and then had to remove it. Under the covers, it has serious issues. I don't blame it entirely on the small group of people putting together that distro- they simply cannot support a linux desktop on their own. They could have been smarter and focused on ONE desktop to at least make the most of their resources.

    Speaking of making most of the resources, this is what should'a happened, like 20 years ago. Is there ANY reason, besides insanity that there isn't a single way to package s/w for any distro even today ?! Or a convention for packaging s/w that is universal, so that a package can work across distributions ? When this simple, non controversial, "non political" thing happens, pose this Q again and maybe ask for money.

    Canonical puts its own money into improving linux. And it does a LOT MORE than redhat. I don't just mean money but in terms of results. I don't work for Canonical nor even on any of its distributions. I simply base my staement on the fact that most desktop users of linux (outside of chromebooks) run a flavor of ubuntu. I keep coming back to ubuntu after trying other distros because it works better than any other in terms of h/w support, plug and play, repository depth and mind share. I remember the times when that used to be Suse and Mandrake and even earlier when it was Caldera !

    Before talking about money, talk about pooling resources. Talk about efficiency. Don't talk like the govt- let us tax you more so your money can sink into the corruption pit that is DC.


      I don't have an answer to such a general question, but if I did there is one thing I would say.

      Look at this Kubuntu forum. And look at the amount of posts in the various areas. Comparing the paucity of posts in the five currently active versions - 14.04 through 17.10 compared to areas unrelated to the actual distribution. There are approximately 13,000 to 14,000 posts related to the active Kubuntu. Look at the Community area with its 26,000+ posts.

      There aren't a lot of difficult problems with the actual distribution compared to the unrelated Community posts, including this thread. People are complaining about/commenting on a lot of things, but not Kubuntu itself.

      That's success.
      Last edited by jglen490; Oct 08, 2017, 03:24 PM.
      The next brick house on the left
      Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


        Originally posted by jglen490 View Post
        ... That's success.

        A friend approached me today at 1:30PM. He was carrying a Lenovo T61 laptop. He told me that he had paid a total of $200 to two different Windows repair shops to fix his T61, which was suffering from BSOD (Win10). Neither shop, both prominently associated with Windows repair, fixed it even though both "re-installed" Win10. I suspect that both merely reinstalled from the phantom drive and re-infected the installation.

        I told him I could fix it in 15 minutes IF he didn't mind moving away from Windows and running Linux. I took it home and 15 minutes after I turned it on it was running a shiny copy of KDE Neon User Edition, fully updated, using Btrfs. I spend another couple hours playing with it and installing Thunderbird and configuring FireFox. I also installed LibreOffice, Muon, gufw and some other programs. At 4:15PM I called him and and told him he could drop by and pick it up. He was flabbergasted. When he got here I showed him what he was going to run from now on. He was even more flabbergasted. I put his email addr and password into Thunderbird and it automatically configured his account and installed all his folders and downloaded all his emails. (He apparently left his emails on the server!)

        That's success!

        BTW, the keyboard on the T61 is awesome. Real keys with tactile responses. I sure miss them.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          And on the other hand, there's the Linux Mint forum. I'm not saying that LM is unsuccessful, because they do have a really good distro that I run on my Toshiba laptop. There are some really knowledgeable users, but the forum is filled with mess dealing with everything from UEFI, to dual boot, to "my screen is black and I swear I had a good install". Over and over again. Love to help, but where to start ...
          The next brick house on the left
          Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic



            I ran LM KDE for a couple of months just to try it out. I was impressed with it. Installed easy and ran nice. No Btrfs. That was when the ISO server got hacked, which wasn’t impressive, but he learned his lesson. I don’t think the forum was a “mess” but it was/is significantly bigger than this forum and requests for help scroll out of sight much faster. We have questions about a lot of distros and even windows as well, covering all range of problems. And, there’s even an old gezzer posting odd stuff in the “out of focus” room.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Their forum is a mess, but not because the owner/mods aren't trying - quite the opposite. It's a very different "clientele" over there.
              The next brick house on the left
              Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                ... And, there’s even an old gezzer posting odd stuff in the “out of focus” room.
                I resemble that remark!
                Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.

