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Russia follows China's footsteps in blocking the Internet

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    Russia follows China's footsteps in blocking the Internet

    Following in China’s footsteps and going a step further, Russia has decided to crack down on VPN and proxy services. Despite public outcry and protests in Moscow, two legislative bodies have passed the bill that requires ISPs to block proxy services.
    Putin signed it. It's now law, effective Jan 1, 2018.

    Some believe that the next country to block major sections of the Internet is the UK.

    The WWW is obviously fragmenting into regional Big Brother NewSpeak zones.

    However, the NSA and the CIA have been violating Constitutional freedoms for decades and have even appeared to have set up a Deep State attack against the current administration. Combine that with fake news and browsing many American websites has become a waste of time.

    Contrary to one opinion, running TOR and then a VPN inside TOR won't defeat a nationwide block against both TOR and VPNs.

    P2P and blockchain networks are not expansive enough or deep enough to be considered a reliable replacement. So, it seems, the old mantra that the Internet works around obstructions is not true.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Im afraid to ask, but whats a 'Deep State' attack?


      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Ok, but what about this deep state attack against the current administration?


          A totally irrelevant but actually quite relevant scene from a film called the Wind and the Lion, which gives a reasonably good dramatization of the kidnapping of a U.S. diplomat's wife by a "sultan" of "the Turks" by the name of Rasuli...we can't actually say "Islamacists".. but...they were um...not Buddhists... and which gave rise to the line in the Marines' Hymn "to the shores of Tripoli" actually illustrates this quite well.

          When told of the kidnapping by...Islamic Terrorists... President Teddy Roosvelt said "Pedicaris free or Rasuli dead."

          And then told his assistant, while he was practicing shooting, to send the Marines.

          A state department guy said that would not be advisable.

          When the marines were marching into Tripoli the FRENCH, GERMANS AND RUSSIAN...DIPLOMATS...made all sorts of comments about the stupid, brash, ill advised U.S. President.

          When the marines leveled a gun on the "sultan" that was Rasuli's superior the guy told him to let her go and she was gone.

          Now YES...the deniers say that "actually" she had quasi escaped before Roosvelt said what he said so he did not "really' cause her release but that totally misses the point.

          The point was that...even the FILM MAKERS of the seventies, and the author of the novel, knew about "the deep state".

          It was just not so powerful back then.

          Another term, and much more benign term, for the "deep state" is..."entrenched bueaucracy".

          They look at themselves as a power behind the throne because they are there from administration to administration.

          I THINK that the man behind Roosvelt here is the State Department guy and that the guy with the cigar is the advisor/assistant.

          Here is a "yellow sheet" an aspersive term used by "Legitimate news organizations" that show that "the people" wanted Pedicaris free or Rasuli dead, kind of like "the people" today who are sick and tired of the "deep government / big government / entrenched bureaucracy"...

          ...tell them that a pond that a farmer had cleaned out was the equivalent of destroying an "inland waterway".

          This LATER led the "establishment media" of the development of the term "gunboat diplomacy".

          WHAT IS HILARIOUS...

          Is that the LIBERALS in the sixties and seventies...used to be AGAINST... "The Army Corps of Engineers / nascent water control" because ..."next they will dam the ditch in front of my house".

          But...the big point here is that even with the Ambassador being shot in the head and his wife and kids taken hostage for ransome, the "deep state" thought that... Roosvelt was a stupid clown and they could get her back, maybe...after twenty years of negotiation because...welll

          they are just SMARTER than the rest of us...

          They will tell us that any time a reporter asks.

          Last edited by woodsmoke; Aug 06, 2017, 10:17 PM.


            Ahh yes, a young Candice Bergen, if I remember correctly.
            If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

            The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


              a man who knows his films!



                Not quite sure how a movie from 1975 about an event that occurred in 1904 explains a deep state attack against the CURRENT administration...


                  The film depicted the THEN, not really WELL entrenched "deep state" as in "the State Department" trying to get Roosevelt, who was, in some ways, rather like Trump,

                  To the elites at "the State Department" he was described as... "a clown", "a buffoon" "not playing by the rules", "inexperienced" ...

                  Have we heard the exact same words used on Trump? Yes we have.

                  The only difference between the situation then and now is that there is another hundred years of "the State Department", "the CIA", "the FBI" becoming entrenched.

                  Yes the CIA and FBI were not around then, actually the FBI was there in the form of the "Pinkertons", but they were then a PRIVATE organization on contract to the government.

                  I have PERSONALLY experienced the "sneering contempt" of "the Deep State" for anyone "in the midwest ( flyover country ) in the form of utter contempt that the "Washington people" who came to the midwest to "supervise" had for those "dolts" at a hazardous waste cleanup site.

                  The particular situation was caused by an EPA rule which was DESIGNED to "keep operations going whether needed or not".

                  The situation was that there was a "five gallon can" of a pesiticide which had been moved across a state to a hazardous waste cleanup sit, a valid cleanup btw, from the original storage area which was a HARDWARE store on the other side of the state that had gone bankrupt.

                  So... this pesticide which was, and still is, being used by every farmer IN THE @##$ world!! just was so DAM#$%$ DANGEROUS that it needed to be INCINERATED...

                  rather than...oh...don't know... "sold off" by the government to one of MANY local farmers who had already purchased and used the stuff...

                  So...there the can sat...

                  the incinerator was going to be shut down because the cleanup was done...

                  BUT the EPA had "moved the can there"...with the UNstated intent of..."well we can keep this place going and keep the money rolling in".

                  But, no... the locals got in the way and...the COURTS got in the way and...the can had to be...moved...

                  NOW GET THIS...REALLY..

                  BACK to the original place ...which was...the defunct hardware store...that...had been bought out and for business!!


                  So THE ADMINISTRATOR from Washington had to actually SOIL HIS going to the...yeeeeccchhhhh site...that he was administering...

                  and somehow find a way to TRANSPORT the five gallon can across the state.

                  Guess what...It required SPECIAL CDL's ...i mean...SPECIAL...CDLs to transport this can...

                  for the EPA...

                  the same can that is being transported DAILY across the U.S. today by...plain "CDLs" for transporting "chemicals"..

                  He was just LIVID...if smoke could have been coming out of his ears it would have...

                  He was TRAPPED in HIS OWN RULES...and HATED IT.

                  There were a few lackeys with him and they walked around on eggshells and were always running their fingers around in the neckline of their obligatory white shirts and black tie in the black suit that was supposed to be...kind of the "men in black"...

                  OH the guy was just LIVID..

                  and CONTEMPTUOUS of all those HILLBILLIES that he was having to deal with.

                  He was on the phone all day...well...his lackeys were on the phone...calling any and all trucking / transport companies and they just laughed at him.

                  WHY would they "pull a driver" from IMPORTANT work that was contracted and long term to make a five hour drive for NOTHING..

                  Of course when the lackeys couldn't get the job done HE...would get on the phone (land lines back then) and in ALL UFFISHNESSS let the trucking guy know that it had better be done BY GAWD...

                  and they laughed and hung up on him.

                  Welll this was getting worse by the day...

                  But...I had originally been hired on to actually HANDLE the waste and to do "site studies / evaluations" all that stuff...wearing the moon suit.

                  But, the purchasing agent ( this was, and is, a private company) had been caught "en flagrante delicto" with the wife of the she always came in with him when he came from New Jersey to inspect things and she ALWAYS wore the "little ( well more like micro ) black dress ...

                  When the guy caught them... ( the owner really was MAFIA... really... A buddy of mine now knew him "back then" because he was an architect in the same town) somewhere I don't know where, he fired the purchasing agent and started another business, a boutique, for his wife to run to keep her ...well... somethings "together". lol

                  So...I'm literally outside the open door in this long trailer in "another space"...

                  And a guy that I had worked with in the incineration had been moved to doing "inventory" and he would come in to smoke a ciggy and drink coffee and visit when he was on break.

                  he always wore... gotta picture this...IN THE HEAT... what were then "duck" coveralls that had a lot of pockets on the front and...BROGAN boots...

                  he was...really...a HICK in reality. Bred and born twenty miles away and "lived in the hills"..."could skin a buck and run a 'trot line". all that.

                  so...he was hearing all this in fifteen minute segments several times a day and said...

                  "Tell him that I can drive his truck".

                  So I told the guy and he literally looked at the guy, through the doorway and SNEERED CONTEMPTUOUSLY that "he couldn't drive THIS".

                  Well the hillbilly didn't say anything, just smoked his ciggy and drank his coffee...

                  this went on over a week or more..."tell the guy" ..I told him..."the guy sneered"...

                  It was down to THE DAY BEFORE THE LISCENCE TO INCINERAT WAS TO CLOSE... and if that can was not out of there the EPA would HAVE TO SUE ITSELF!!

         how stupid all this stuff is...actually it was a "safeguard" which was built in by the congress back then and is GONE..

                  Think of the EPA screwing up the berm on the river and releasing millions of gallons of toxic waste and ...nothing was done...nobody fired...

                  Anyway... finally the EPA guy said to bring him in and again in a very SNEERING AND CONTEMPTUOUS way...said something like "ok, prove to me why you THINK that you can drive this truck".


                  ya gotta think about "grand dads" getting out their wallet and opening it and a "long line of pictures in a folding picture holder" "falls down" with pictures of the grandkids..

                  it's a granddad thing.. lol..

                  The guy gets into his SWEATY and STINKY pocket on his chest of his coveralls and pulls out a wallet and flips it open and out falls a long stream of...

                  FEDERAL LISCENCES TO DRIVE ANYTHING on the road including "tanks with steel tracks" ( that is the extreme one, the normal liscencure is rubber treads )

                  And the EPA guys mouth, and eveybody else's just fell open.

                  How did he get those liscences?

                  He was in...the National Guard and whenever he deployed, anywherek, worldwide, he did not chase ladies of ill repute or get drunk in beer halls...( I got moonshine back home for that and it's free)...because he was married with kids...

                  Well okaayyy...

                  PROVE IT!!

                  They had a "bobber" trailer on a non-sleeper cab backed up...

                  NOW GET THIS...

                  a concrete pad which measured , as I remember, twenty by twenty feet...

                  with a 9 foot tall chain link fence on the perimeter

                  with a interior / exterior dual gate system with locks.

                  Inside that was

                  a sheet metal building, I think, ten by ten feet maybe...


                  and the center of the floor...all alone...was one lone five gallon can of pesticide IN TWO "body bags" designed to hold hazardous waste.

                  GAWD...what a joke...

                  Anyway...the EPA guy told his lackeys to get two "road cones" and put them right at the nose of the tractor unit, about a foot away to the left and get that...

                  about a FOOT away...

                  He then "challenged" the stupid, doofus, hillbilly GAWD I WISH I WAS BACK IN WASHINGTON WHERE I DESERVE TO BE...

                  to pull the tractor and trailer unit out and to "go over to that place" and then BACK IN WITHOUT hitting the cones.

                  Whew...that was quite beyond me unless I took several tries...

                  actually backing USING MIRRORS is EASIER than pulling in forwards for anyone who actually KNOWS anything about driving trailers...but it was apparent that the EPA guy was a "harvard man" and had no clue.


                  so the guy says..."I'll need a cup of coffee to study this and a light"...I mean the lackeys HAD THAT CUP OF COFFEE ON HIS FINGER IN THREE MINUTES...and were lighting his ciggy...

                  He said something to the effect of "somebody light that thing up".. and one of the mainainance men hopped in and started it, diesel, so it could "warm up".

                  After a few minutes of "studying" the guy got in, pulled over to the place that the EPA guy had designated and...

                  In one of the smoothest...long...beautiful arcs that I have ever seen, in one long smooth arc backed it in pretty as you please, shut the engine down and got down and said:

                  "I think I can drive her".

                  Everybody but the EPA guy and the lackeys were ECSTATIC...pounding him on the shoulder etc. etc.

                  And again, they, those in awe were asking him how he was able to do it...

                  and I LEARNED SOMETHING...

                  He practiced in "truck rodeos" so that when he might be called on to "go to war" he could do it right.

                  I had never heard the term before. So I learned something. Which is good!

                  He left the next day.

                  So...the EPA guy was a perfect example of a "deep state" bureaucrat who,yes "may" actually "care" about "what is going on" but thinks that HE is much more important than any stupid passing, buffoonish, President.

                  Last edited by woodsmoke; Aug 07, 2017, 03:19 PM.

