This question has occurred to me on more than one occasion and recently. I feel we have a rather wide spectrum of individuals here, so why not ask it here?
My income sources, a pension and a salary, have automatic, annual increases based on the CPI (consumer price index) or COLA (cost of living).
So how come the Federally mandated minimum wage isn't adjusted - automatically and without debate - just like CSRS/FERS, SSI, Social Security Benefits, etc. In fact, I've never read or heard anyone else asking this question. It seems like a basic need. The value of minimum wage adjusted for inflation has declined most years for the last 50. Adjusted to 2015, in 1968 Federal minimum wage was $10.68. Now it's $7.25. In 1975 as a dishwasher at Sambo's (anyone remember those?) my hourly went up to $2.10. The 2017 equivalent amount is $9.53.
It's even worse here in NC where a waitress makes $2.13 an hour because employers are allowed to factor tips into their salaries. Despicable. That means I am paying the workers' salaries while their bosses collect the profits. One restaurant I know of in New York (with the same $2.13 rule) pays it's staff salaries and benefits and doesn’t permit them to receive tips. Apparently, if you leave a tip there, the restaurant keeps it, not the employee. AFAIK, the USA is the only country where the customers are required to pay the salaries of restaurant employees.
My income sources, a pension and a salary, have automatic, annual increases based on the CPI (consumer price index) or COLA (cost of living).
So how come the Federally mandated minimum wage isn't adjusted - automatically and without debate - just like CSRS/FERS, SSI, Social Security Benefits, etc. In fact, I've never read or heard anyone else asking this question. It seems like a basic need. The value of minimum wage adjusted for inflation has declined most years for the last 50. Adjusted to 2015, in 1968 Federal minimum wage was $10.68. Now it's $7.25. In 1975 as a dishwasher at Sambo's (anyone remember those?) my hourly went up to $2.10. The 2017 equivalent amount is $9.53.
It's even worse here in NC where a waitress makes $2.13 an hour because employers are allowed to factor tips into their salaries. Despicable. That means I am paying the workers' salaries while their bosses collect the profits. One restaurant I know of in New York (with the same $2.13 rule) pays it's staff salaries and benefits and doesn’t permit them to receive tips. Apparently, if you leave a tip there, the restaurant keeps it, not the employee. AFAIK, the USA is the only country where the customers are required to pay the salaries of restaurant employees.