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17 The way i like it.

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    17 The way i like it.

    For ages i've been using Linux and windows. But i never got completely away from windows because of all the games that are written for it.
    I usually kept at least one dual boot system running just so i could keep up on the latest linux innovations. But 16 completely wrecked that system, So i decided to run it solely as a win 10 machine ever since the free upgrade to 10 was available.

    So my overall opinion of win 10 at this point is very low. It runs like a fish out of water, Even with a clean install. Very sluggish, And your harddrive is constantly being run by softwares that you can't identify on the task list. Games have an overall sluggishness to them, Especially if you play newer games such as legion. It's not really a big lag, So you can't complain a whole lot. But moving the mouse quickly will show the delay in performance. It's just an overall feel that it's overtaxing your computer, And causing it to run hot. And this is with every unnecessary system in windows shut down. Or at least supposedly shut down.

    Yesterday i finally hit my frustration limit, And decided to try kubuntu again. But as a dual boot system with win 10 so i could compare them repeatedly. Both are fresh installs and fully updated now. The results are major.

    Kubuntu 17 install was very fast, But did not install the grub boot manager, I had to do this manually. What's the reason for that?
    Win 10 install was very slow, And gave almost no options during setup. And i was forced to stare at their egotistical bragging pictures during the entire install.

    17 gave driver update alerts the second my desktop was available. And with only a click and a password, Bam it was done.
    10 choked on first startup, Actually crashed the entire system twice, And i had to hit the reset button until it finally stumbled onto the desktop, Lost, and screaming for driver updates that microbrain didn't have. And 1.5 hours later it finally digested enough driver updates, That i installed manually. And then rebooted three times before it settled down.

    17 popped up a completely installed desktop on second boot, And didn't require anything but my personal touches to the system settings. wallpapers ect.
    10 after numerous reboots finally said it was finished, And then proceeded to do a 45 minute download of updates that it said it didn't need.

    17 on third boot, required nothing, And sat idle running at low temperatures, And with no hard drive activity that i could see.
    10 decided to scan my entire system with windows defender, Even though i was actively using the computer. And at the same time decided to defragment the harddrive. The system was unusable for hours. And the temperatures were extremely high, Including the harddrive. This has never stopped.

    17 allowed me to install wine so i could play wow, Lich king popped up the login screen in three seconds, And the game runs flawlessly, I even had to cap the fps to 60 so im not just wasting cpu cycles.
    10 required many of the same libraries to be installed that wine required. Which is stupid since it was written for windows. The game takes about 1.5 minutes to open up. And max fps bounces from 12 to 51. Never hit my cap of 60.

    The same scenario played out for every single version of wow, Except cataclysm. That game client is so buggy that neither windows or linux can make it start up fast. So nothing to say about that.

    A better comparison is with Rising World. This game is written for both windows and linux. On every computer i own Rising World it's sluggish if you move the mouse around fast, And it's very noticable. And every single one of those computers is running a version of windows. And traveling ingame will choke your harddrive with data, And requires a reboot.

    Now i installed it in Kubuntu 17 last night expecting the same sluggishness, And what i got was a complete shock. Not only did it start up instantly, Remember i was used to a 1 minute delay in windows, But there is virtually zero lag, No matter how fast i move the mouse around.
    So i decided to travel long distance in that game, and see how fast the computer chokes on it. And it never happened, I must have traveled fifty miles with zero lag, And the harddrive never started choking on all the data.
    In fact when i left the game, 17 acted as if i hadn't run a game at all, No lag, No reason to reboot.

    I have to tell you i am very happy with 17. You guys did an incredible job working out the bugs.
    Never have i seen this computer run so well as it is right now. And today all of my computers get Kubuntu 17. Win 10 will remain on one old dual core in case i need to run some sort of installer that won't work otherwise.

    And at this point the last system just completed the install. Running smooth as glass on every single one.
    Thank you all.

    Originally posted by Cartephylus View Post

    Kubuntu 17 install was very fast, But did not install the grub boot manager, I had to do this manually. What's the reason for that?
    Win 10 install was very slow, And gave almost no options during setup. And i was forced to stare at their egotistical bragging pictures during the entire install.
    Did you install both OS in the same mode? [UEFI/Legacy] I had problems with these too.

    Originally posted by Cartephylus View Post
    I have to tell you i am very happy with 17. You guys did an incredible job working out the bugs.
    Never have i seen this computer run so well as it is right now. And today all of my computers get Kubuntu 17. Win 10 will remain on one old dual core in case i need to run some sort of installer that won't work otherwise.
    I'm glad, I'm very happy too,
    Good Gaming

