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You people talk

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    You people talk

    you talk a LOt

    GET OFF YOUR DEAD A@@@ AND ONTO AN ANDROID FO""RUM an get cracking it is all NUMBERS android is being beaten to death twenf your ours a dayh...

    BECAUSE you haver an android and "oh...i want all information to be FREEE!! "


    WHO KNOWS FCKIONG WHERE hidden in fifty matrix links world wide...

    OBAMA.////////////// got the betginning...


    and guess what YOU...FOERGET YOOUR WHINE AND CHEESE...

    Kubuntu forums will be driven into the grtound...

    yoiu just don't know...

    butr the old groaners do...

    thank you...old groaners...

    woodworking off a phon inmy bedsmoke

    Ya, it is numbers. The "numbers" had Hillary winning by 90% and anyone who didn't believe that Hillary would blow Trump out of the water was mocked as an idiot. Then came the shocker. The real numbers at the polls. Someone got blown out of the water alright. There had to be a reason for her dramatic loss. The RUSSIANS! That's it. The Russians hacked all the polls, especially in the critical states where she was supposed to win. And, miracle of miracles, they were able to hack polling machines with no Internet connections! However, the Russian prowess failed to hack the recounts. Did you hear in the last debate that Hillary said that if Trump wouldn't accept the results of the election he was being "unAmerican and undemocratic"? That pretty much explains the Democrats attitude now. They accused the Republicans of being "obstructionists" during Obama and their majority, but now they define that word. One big difference, however. When Obama won twice there were no Conservative masked thugs in the streets attacking Democrats and burning property.

    The media, astoundingly, ate their own dog food! Chris Cuomo bragged on air: "We can't help Hillary any more than were already have! We've given her a free ride. All the networks have...".

    They were believing their own fake news! Did they reform? Hardly. They've doubled down on their fake news, if David Muir is any example. Most of the main stream media talking heads visited Podesta's April 10, 2015 dinner for them so that they could work out their strategy for reporting on Hillary's and Trump's campaign. That's what Coumo was refering to. When it became obvious that Hillary wasn't drawing the crowds they stopped showing wide angle shots and focused close up or from floor level to conceal the thin crowds. Trump was drawing tens of thousands but the same camera techniques prevented that from being obvious as well. Were it not for the people posting cellphone videos to YouTube one wouldn't know that the largest crowd of Hillary's campaig was the 7K attending her acceptance speech. 7K was also the smallest crowd attending a Trump rally, and that was caused by a Democrat Fire Marshal preventing the venue from opening adjacent seating areas which could have doubled and tripled the main auditorium seating capacity, which was allowed the previous weekend at a music event. The MSM is now justly earning their "fake news" moniker. Google, Twitter and Facebook are doubling down by blocking Conservative opinions as "hate" speech. They call Trump Hitler but THEY are the ones wearing the masks and attacking people and property. A true Kristallnacht.

    As far as Android is concerned, it just hit 88% market share world wide, with the iOS remaining stagnant. It's in no danger from Apple, even politically. I own an iPhone 6+ but the next smartphone I buy will be an Android for one main reason: it is not a walled garden and with many models I can change the battery myself for next to nothing.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

