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PROHIBETEDS.....back in the s...stuff t because WE MUST BE POLITICALLY CORRECTR

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    PROHIBETEDS.....back in the s...stuff t because WE MUST BE POLITICALLY CORRECTR


    either walked the walk or you dug out burn barrels...

    We are being over run...

    and all of the politically correct righties or lefties are hiding under thir desks sop THEY CAN MAKE MONEY OFF YOU/...

    do you want to tend a buirn barrel or make a differencdew?

    sorry im talking to my phone..;.


    woodstupidstoopidsmoike because all the linux people aresmugsmoke

    That video presents a naieve view of Tor, which was partially funded by the NSA and used by our agents to communicate with their agencies. That Tor is not secure is obvious from the fact that the FBI was easily able to take over a dark web pedophile site and even "improve" it to attract more pedophiles. In one case they dropped charges against one defendant when the Judge agreed with the defendant that the FBI needed to prove they got his IP address from that site and not some other site, because the FBI did not want to reveal their methods.

    That's why I don't use Tor, or visit the darkweb. Discord is not any better, IMO. I also investigated IPFS and ZeroNet, peer to peer distributed networks using some form of the blockchain for security. Bitcoin is suffering because of Blockchain vulnerabilities. I have little doubt that even RSA Keys have been compromised. The most recent Vault 7 posts from WIkiLeaks established that even our spook agencies are even spying on our three branches of government. Given that, they are probably spying on each other as they build their little kingdoms of power and privilege.

    I used to believe that Linux was the most secure OS in existence. Compared to Windows and Apple it probably still is, but against state actors, including ours, the Russians and Chinese, even Linux has little chance of being secure. IF you have secrets a digital device is the worst place to store them. We use logins and passwords to keep Joe and Sally Sixpack out of our personal & financial affairs, but when a LEO wants to see our banking transactions they merely get a judge to sign off on a warrant and the bank officials are more than happy to give them a printout, if not our login name and password.

    The European Union has proven that their citizens are no longer in control of their own government, and have become merely slaves paying taxes to support policies most of them do not like and cannot speak out against for fear of imprisonment. America was on that course until Trump, but even Trump may not be able to reverse the flood of PC propaganda washing away the Bill Of Rights and Freedom itself. IMO, it is only a matter of time before we join Canada and the EU in their plunge into the madness of the not so inclusive "inclusiveness" and not so diverse "diversity".
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

