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    All of the p[eo[le who bleat for your is all AGENDA...

    Volunteer!... FTFF darknet ...

    we are3 being over run

    Dark Net has already been "overrun". The FEDs own it. They own Tor, too. And Blockchain.
    They also own the telecoms and cable companies. They own the IoT as well. That's why your smart TV watches and listens to you as well.

    I have a friend who is retired now but continues his habit of working strictly with cash, believing that it allows him anonymity. After his retirement checks are deposited he withdraws cash to pay for everything he does. I haven't the heart to tell him that if he thinks he is avoiding Big Brother he's mistaken. Every time he pays for something at a business security cameras take his time stamped picture, along with the cash register transaction ID. When he uses his flip phone his cell tower activity locates his relative position. Any LEO can track him and build a database of his financial activity without touching his digital equipment, even if they don't plant a GPS tracking device on his car. But, all that is a big pain to Big Brother, which is why the push is on to abandon cash and go with plastic. It's only a matter of time before you'll need plastic to do any kind of business because the printing of money will cease.

    You mentioned AGENDA (I'm assuming Agenda 21), and the Continuation of Government (REX). Those programs were put in place during the late 50's and early 60s, using the Cold War as an excuse, and have been updated via Presidential E.O.'s every since. 9/11 was the turning point and the trigger. You'll notice that Trump did not repeal E.O. 13603 and all related E.O.'s. Obama didn't "create" it, he just organized it under cabinet level appointees as an extenuation of presidential power. Most people, Left or Right, don't read it, they just read ABOUT it, and what others say is in it. Follow its US Code references and definitions and it is an eye-opener.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

