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  • NoWorries
    And don't get me wrong, I am not saying that running a pre-pre-pre-pre release is not fun or interesting at all. I did this as my daily driver OS for many years
    Hi claydoh, I agree that there is fun and interest in the current development. For example a "Discover" update came in today and for those who like to use Discover instead of Muon or the command line, you should be very pleased with this update.

    Just for the heck of it, I decided to use glmark2 to test the graphic speed of Jammy-Wayland, Jammy-X11 and Impish.

    For Jammy Wayland I get:
    glmark2 Score: 4582

    For Jammy-X11 I get:
    glmark2 Score: 1996

    For Impish (Kubuntu 21.10) I get:
    glmark2 Score: 2662

    Jammy Wayland is over two times faster than Jammy-X11 and I was quite surprised how well Impish performed and it is faster than Jammy-X11. This speed difference is why I always boot up with Jammy Wayland since I got it working to my satisfaction.
    Last edited by NoWorries; Jan 30, 2022, 11:46 PM.

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  • claydoh

    The best, and most useful time to jump in and try a *buntu pre-release is after Feature Freeze. Beforehand, in my long experience, as well as imnsho, there is too much chaos in the underlying OS on top of any desktop level updates to make reporting issues and hiccups pretty much useless until somewhere around the official Feature Freeze point.

    And don't get me wrong, I am not saying that running a pre-pre-pre-pre relase is not fun or interesting at all. I did this as my daily driver OS for many years

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  • jglen490
    I can't speak for anyone else, but my comment WRT pre, pre, pre, etc. was only that Jammy is still in development. While it may be in a very good place in the process, it is not yet done, and I'm sure many good things will happen between now and late April. Also, many more good things will happen by late July with the first "dot" release, which is likely when I do a fresh install. I have done some programming in my IT life, but that has only made me more appreciative of those who do it for a living - and the art of patience with process.

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  • NoWorries
    While it has previously been commented that Jammy is a pre-, pre-, pre-, pre-, (etc) release, I still use it all the time and find it to be a B... good system. This reflects the excellent progress by the developers. At least any problems that occur do not stop it from working but ways can be found to work around them, eg Discover.

    I decided to demonstrate the success of my Jammy Laptop with an AMD graphics card using Wayland in a recent LibreOffice Presentation which included still images and movies. This was a resounding success and was appreciated by all who saw it.

    I have two Laptops with Jammy installed. The other one has a NVIDIA video card which I have not had any success with Wayland as it does not detect the external monitor. I think that this is a NVIDIA problem.

    While I had success with Wayland on my AMD Graphics card Laptop, it is still needs further improvement particularly for UHD monitors. I found that I could not get the menu items, bookmarks, folders etc on Firefox and Thunderbird to a comfortable size. I have used System Settings > Display and Monitor to scale my displays by 150% and 175%. I have also used Appearance > Fonts to Force font DPI to 180.

    As well as the above changes, I also had to add more Wayland packages to successfully show videos without them being jerky. I eventually found the packages that worked for me, however, I needed to reboot to get them to work. I am sure that as Wayland continues to develop over the coming months, these problems will be resolved. So if you don’t have an NVIDIA video card, Wayland will be usable by the release date.
    Last edited by NoWorries; Jan 30, 2022, 10:04 PM.

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  • NoWorries
    I use grub-customizer to sort out the different operating systems that I have. Grub-customizer lists the operating systems that you have and you can change the order that they are listed in the boot menu it creates. When making changes are finished, they must me Saved and then installed to MBR. If you want to add a background image, it must be a png format. You can find guides on the internet and one that I found is at:

    When I do an installation of a new distribution, I will do it on an existing older system. In the installation process, I select the manual option for defining the disk partitions and make sure that the /home and /root partitions are defined correctly.

    I hope this gives you some control over selecting your system of choice.
    Last edited by NoWorries; Jan 29, 2022, 03:56 AM.

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  • cookiemuncher
    Originally posted by kc1di View Post
    Downloading today's build will see how it goes.
    I did a clean install a few days ago, and had 2 issues.
    • The first was the lack of listing 'other OS's' on bootup (grub menu), but solution is up above somewhere in this thread.
    • The second was only 2 or 3 partitions were displayed while trying to remember which partition I wanted to install on, the others being off the screen (graphics issue?)

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  • kc1di
    Downloading today's build will see how it goes.

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  • jglen490
    All this is interesting, but as claydoh said, this is a pre-, pre-, pre-, pre-, (etc.) release set of unstable software elements at the moment. It will become what it is supposed to be by late April; until then, I don't take it seriously except as a product in early development, when everything can and will go wrong. Thank you testers!!

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  • NoWorries
    Jammy Jellyfish LTS is at 3 months to Release.

    Jammy is now at its half way point of development. In the past month we have all probably experienced periods with a large number of downloads which involved significant updates to KDE Plasma and KDE Frameworks. There have also been updates to many applications and I noticed there were some for Wayland.

    To find out what Wayland progress has been made, I use LibreOffice Impress to give a presentation that includes videos. Previously, Impress would not show videos nor would it have a separate control and Presentation screen on Jammy. With the updates over the past month, LibreOffice now passes this test. One negative from this test is that the current time and the duration time of the presentation do not change while the video is playing. Also, it is not possible to advance to the next screen while the video is playing. These times are corrected when the video is finished. My other main limitation with Wayland is its failure to restore a previous saved session.

    Given the current state of progress with Wayland, I hope it reaches the preferred option by the release of Jammy.

    Now for a summary of the outstanding progress over the last month as shown by the items in the Info Center.

    Last Month Status 3 Month Status
    KDE Plasma Version 5.23.4 5.23.90
    KDE Frameworks Version 5.89 5.90
    QT Version 5.15.2 5.15.2
    Kernel Version 5.15.0-13-generic 5.15.0-17-generic

    The above list is based on my extra packages, which sometimes get me into trouble and they are.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-kernel-team/unstable

    I do have complete confidence in the progress the developers are making to know that any problems from this package selection will be resolved. The only outstanding problem for some is that Discover does not work. Updates are always possible using either the command line or Muon.

    Congratulations to all the developers on an excellent system at the half way development.
    Last edited by NoWorries; Jan 21, 2022, 04:40 PM.

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  • NoWorries
    For some time now I had problems with LibreOffice not correctly locating the video image in the control screen. It was always offset slightly to the lower right. After doing the totally purged of LibreOffice and then doing a new installation, this problem was resolved and the videos are all now correctly located in the control screen window.

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  • jlittle
    Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
    ... LibreOffice Impress failed to deal with videos...
    I've had a somewhat similar situation with a LibreOffice problem. I found that using an AppImage was a timely workaround.

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  • acheron
    Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
    I also had to use System Settings to define the Login Screen as I was presented with a totally white screen. Also, Discover does not work on both systems that I have Jammy installed on.
    The white login screen is now fixed via applying an upstream patch. People should not get that any more.

    Discover not starting is probably this bug:

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  • NoWorries
    Yes, I indeed now have had it installed for over a couple of days now using
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma
    Initially, it was a bit of a "shock" as I was faced with a black screen on reboot. I was able to fix it by installing plasma desktop and some related packages. I also had to use System Settings to define the Login Screen as I was presented with a totally white screen. Also, Discover does not work on both systems that I have Jammy installed on.

    This morning I got an update to LibreOffice and LibreOffice Impress failed to deal with videos. As I dearly wanted to use Jammy for a presentation, I purged LibreOffice and disabled the pre-released updates option and then installed LibreOffice 7.2. I found all was well and I could use Jammy. When I returned home, I then re-enabled pre-released updates and it worked perfectly with videos. I think that I had old files on my system from previous version and purging LibreOffice fixed the problem and LibreOffice 7.3 is now working like a charm and I am very happy with it.

    So Jammy is making great progress, but sometimes it is necessary for me to correct problems of my own making. Thanks once again to all those involved in the development of the outstanding package.

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  • acheron
    Plasma 5.24 Beta (5.23.90) should now be in Jammy

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  • oshunluvr
    Yeah, so sorry I have avoided converting to UEFI.

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