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  • bendy
    Originally posted by acheron View Post

    The .deb is now just a transitional package that installs the snap and removes the conventional Firefox, so in place upgrades will do that.
    That's not good news - I've seen bug reports indicating that the Firefox snap causes problems, and is also slow to start up.

    I don't understand why this change is being forced - the Ubuntu bug report says Mozilla are driving the change to snap, yet Mint are saying they will build their own deb for their repos as part of their new partnership with Mozilla...

    I guess a ppa or other package source will appear in due course to provide debs for Ubuntu.

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  • acheron
    Originally posted by bendy View Post
    It sounds like Jammy defaults to the snap version of Firefox. Is the deb version still available in the repos? If so, does anyone know if you do an in-place upgrade from 21.10 whether you get to keep the deb Firefox, or whether it will uninstall the deb and give you the snap as a dependency of the top level desktop package?
    The .deb is now just a transitional package that installs the snap and removes the conventional Firefox, so in place upgrades will do that.

    firefox (1:1snap1-0ubuntu1) jammy; urgency=medium

    * Install the firefox snap in place of the debian packages (LP: #1962021)

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  • jlittle
    Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
    That bug report had a comment with a work around, and I've just used it to successfully install Kubuntu Jammy, using a recent iso, and have tested the install a little.

    The work around is to go to a live session after the installer crashes, and first update repositories; apt update, or click software sources in Muon. No need to update software. Then, use muon to install ubiquity-frontend-gtk, and remove ubiquity-frontend-kde.Then the installer will run (I ran it from a Konsole, but I expect the desktop widget would do just as well.)

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  • NoWorries
    Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
    Your experiences are a perfect ‘example’ for why btrfs should be the FS of choice.
    Are you saying that:
    1. If my system is not bootable and I can't even use Alt+Ctrl+F2 to login in to my system, that I will not have this problem with btrfs?
    2. If I have an Installation USB that results in ubiquity crashing, I will not have this problem if a btrfs system was used to make the Installation USB?
    3. If my 21.10 system had btrfs when I use grub-customizer to alter my grub menu, my Jammy system would then be bootable and not result in 1. above and be completely un-bootable?
    4. If I used the latest LibreOffice Impress to view a presentation that includes videos, a btrfs file system would make this work for all videos?
    I would be interested for proof that btrfs would prevent these problems.

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  • Snowhog
    Your experiences are a perfect ‘example’ for why btrfs should be the FS of choice.

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  • NoWorries
    It is now 1 month before the release of Jammy Jellyfish LTS.

    During this past month I have experienced significant problems with Jammy. To start with, I had a “deb hell” experience. I had packages which were no longer required, so I removed them as suggested. After doing this, my system was no longer boot-able and didn’t even get to the login screen. My Laptop has Windows, Kubuntu 21.10 and 22.04 systems on it.

    So I downloaded the latest iso and created an installation USB using my Kubuntu 21.10 system. When I tried the installation USB, ubiquity crashed. I tried earlier March iso files and they gave the same result. I ended up submitting a bug report and found that it was a duplicate of one on the 4th March and can be found at:

    For anyone wanting to now try Jammy, this problem still exists and it is only possible to try out the desktop provided by the installation USB.

    So I was well and truly snookered. I fortunately found a February iso for Jammy. I think this iso was used to solve problems with my "Sacrificial Laptop" which I won't go into here.

    I was able to successfully install Jammy based on this iso. There were hundreds of updates to do and I was able to eventually get the system going. As I have a UHD monitor on my Laptop, the boot screen is minuscule so I use grub customizer to create my own menu and background screen. After doing this, I could no longer boot Jammy. After several attempts to fix this problem, I gave up using grub customizer and now my boot menu has the main options of Ubuntu, Windows and Ubuntu 21.10 in a microscopic list.

    One advantage of the February iso is that LibreOffice is at and this version correctly deals with a presentation that includes video. LibreOffice version cannot handle videos correctly. So with the February iso my first action is to lock the LibreOffice packages so that they do not get updated.

    Now for a list of the progress by developers as summarized by the items in the Info Center.

    3 Months To Go 2 Months To Go
    KDE Plasma Version 5.24.2 5.24.3
    KDE Frameworks Version 5.91 5.92.0
    QT Version 5.15.2 5.15.2
    Kernel Version 5.15.0-22-generic 5.15.0-23-generic

    I just hope it does not take too long to solve the problems related to ubiquity crashing, so that more people can experience the development of this LTS. Based on my previous experiences, I for one will carefully test the removal of each package that is no longer required.

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  • jlittle
    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
    Is that how how you do it, or do you have an app the lets you choose the boot environment at boot?
    Yes, I edit /etc/fstab. Also, grub needs an extra entry. Symbolic links work in both places, but can be confusing, and a link can't point to more than one place at a time, so some editing is necessary.

    Note that the /etc/fstab and grub.cfg I use are cleaned up and laid out nicely so that editing is easy and less error-prone. The clean up is mostly banishing UUIDs for volume labels.

    We did track down the python script that is the origin of the names "@" and "@home", and if one was doing a lot of it, it would be quicker to edit the script.

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  • GreyGeek
    Originally posted by jlittle View Post
    If you used btrfs, there'd be no need for lots of partitions, just two, or three if you want a swap partition. Subvolumes take over the role of partitions.

    When I do test installs of new releases, I install into the same btrfs as other installs. Ubuntu installs into subvolumes called "@" and "@home", and I just have to rename them to something else to get them out of the way of another new install. It saves a lot of time and space, not juggling partitions.
    So your new installs are named @ and @home. You have to change /etc/fstab settings to point to the set you want to boot into. Is that how how you do it, or do you have an app the lets you choose the boot environment at boot?

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  • bendy
    It sounds like Jammy defaults to the snap version of Firefox. Is the deb version still available in the repos? If so, does anyone know if you do an in-place upgrade from 21.10 whether you get to keep the deb Firefox, or whether it will uninstall the deb and give you the snap as a dependency of the top level desktop package?

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  • GreyGeek
    Originally posted by NoWorries View Post

    Today my Firefox snap failed to start and I initially thought that I would have to return to my Kubuntu 21.10 version which worked OK without the Snap version. I then returned to Jammy and decided to install firefox-dev. This remove the Firefox snap version and installed version 97.0.2 which is not a snap version and works perfectly. So I am now very happy with this solution which I hope continues to work. My Thunderbird version has not been made a snap version yet and I hope it never does.
    I uninstalled snap and discover from my Neon and I, too, hope that Thunderbird will always be available without snap. I used to use KMail for a loooonnnggg time but then it became too fragile to use and I reverted to Thunderbird.

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  • NoWorries
    Originally posted by MeMyself View Post
    So far, the experience on Jammy continues to be quite good! Still have the Software Sources bug posted about previously, which is understandable as I will run Staging and Proposed. One thing I am not a fan of was the update for Firefox forced the SNAP version.
    Today my Firefox snap failed to start and I initially thought that I would have to return to my Kubuntu 21.10 version which worked OK without the Snap version. I then returned to Jammy and decided to install firefox-dev. This remove the Firefox snap version and installed version 97.0.2 which is not a snap version and works perfectly. So I am now very happy with this solution which I hope continues to work. My Thunderbird version has not been made a snap version yet and I hope it never does.

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  • NoWorries
    Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
    I have a LibreOffice presentation coming up and it includes three HD videos. I have being using Pre-released Updates and the LibreOffice version was I found that this did not handle videos correctly. Basically in some cases the presentation screen was on the same screen as the projection control. To fix this, I removed the Pre-released Update option, purged LibreOffice from my system and then installed the standard version which was

    LibreOffice presentation works perfectly with HD videos inserted. So I will keep a close eye on any fixes to I will do this by enabling the Pre-released Updates and see what LibreOffice version is to be installed.

    This is one case where I have had Pre-released Updates give me problems. I continue to be impressed with the progress of 22.04
    Even with Pre-released Updates disabled, I unfortunately missed that my system was updated to LibeOffice version which only shows one in-bedded video on LO Impress, others are not shown. I even tried version and that has the same problems.

    So I have now Locked at Current version, all LO listings on my 21.10 system. This allows me to use a working LO Impress system for presentations that have in-bedded videos. I would like this problem fixed on Jammy, but I am in no hurry as I have a solution to my problem which I feel is not shared by many on this forum.

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  • kc1di
    I'm still using Libreoffice here also. One thing I find with it though is that I usually disable Java in options>advanced but in 22.04 it won't let me do that if I uncheck it, it simply rechecks it when I click on apply. Haven't really sought any further to figure out why.. Just don't need Java for anything I do and think it still a security risk.

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  • NoWorries
    I have a LibreOffice presentation coming up and it includes three HD videos. I have being using Pre-released Updates and the LibreOffice version was I found that this did not handle videos correctly. Basically in some cases the presentation screen was on the same screen as the projection control. To fix this, I removed the Pre-released Update option, purged LibreOffice from my system and then installed the standard version which was

    LibreOffice presentation works perfectly with HD videos inserted. So I will keep a close eye on any fixes to I will do this by enabling the Pre-released Updates and see what LibreOffice version is to be installed.

    This is one case where I have had Pre-released Updates give me problems. I continue to be impressed with the progress of 22.04

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  • kc1di
    Things are still going well with 22.04 here. No real problems a couple of third party programs I use had to be from focal but they work fine. They will be update I'm sure when jammy hits final.

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