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Had a hard time finding the login button. Gets hidden when scrolling. Color is muted. Had to read the FAQ to find it. Also doesn't seem to keep me logged in. I'll give you all a few days before I start complaining. In the meantime, thanks for the update.
Yep, it's looking nice but I can't find the 'New Posts' button!
I have https://www.kubuntuforums.net/forum.php bookmarked and if you come in via that page, you won't see it. Need to go to https://www.kubuntuforums.net/ and there is a tab called "latest activity". There is also a filter drop down menu on this page to customise it. If you have "new topics" set to "on" then it only shows you new started new topics. If you turn it off, it shows replies as well.
This version of VB is soooo much nicer than the old one. Well done folks! I'm sure it's going to take a while to get everything ship-shape again.
The fonts were a bit too small for my old eyes and because I had other things to do I just hit Ctrl + in Firefox to make them readable. I'm sure there's a user setting but haven't had time to look.
I also notice the browser fav icon is displaying a generic VB logo and not the old forum logo.
I also notice the browser fav icon is displaying a generic VB logo and not the old forum logo.
Well, accessing KFN with Firefox 93.0, The blue KDE icon displays on the Tab. So, works for me.
Windows no longer obstructs my view.
Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes
Clicking on New Topics is presenting 'you' with a list of Unread 'by you' new content. So New Topics = Unread Posts.
Dorthy: "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
That being said however, Clicking on New Topics and clicking on any of the listed Posts Go to last post icon doesn't remove that Post from the list; it doesn't mark that Post as Read. To have vBulletin mark that Post as Read, you have to click on the Posts Title hyperlink. That of course takes you to the first post in the thread, which, if it's a new thread; has no replies yet; no problem. But if it's a thread with lots of replies, you then have to click on Latest Activity to see the 'new' unread post.
Again, this isn't vBulletin 4.2.5 anymore. That rotary phone you loved so much? It's gone. Have to learn to use your brand new smartphone.
As to my 'observational comment' in paragraph 3 above.
Clicking on the Go to last post icon does mark the post as Read, but the entire list of posts remains until all of them have been reviewed. Then the list is 'emptied'.
Windows no longer obstructs my view.
Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes