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Obama destroyed Billary with Trump thumb in the eye

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    Obama destroyed Billary with Trump thumb in the eye

    woodsmoke looked at Obama's innuguration as the possiblility of "bringing the country together'

    Years later: I got the impression that he was a petulant person who wanted to "get revenge"

    Trump I think is a "the glass is half full"

    Obama is I thing " the glass is about 1/8 full"

    I, personally, think that Trump has always "kind of thought about running for president" because he has a love for the country....

    But this....I think brought out...........

    "I'm gonna destroy Obama by destroying Hillary"....

    I have a relatively recent piece here but I saw it a long time ago:

    "what used to be a "good humoured "elbow in the ribs" among other things"

    under obama became

    putting the knife in and twisting, and twisting and twisting:

    Under President Obama, the dinner has taken on a decidedly different cast:

    lauded as the “nerd prom,” it confers cool and Hollywood glamor on workaday journalists,

    and it typically features the President and a left-leaning comedian tag-teaming Obama’s critics, to the laughter of a courtier media that is already predisposed to take the President’s side in such battles.

    But the 2011 dinner was especially ugly.

    Coppins details at length how President Obama’s pique at Trump for bringing the “birther” nonsense to a head overrode Obama’s better judgment and led him to tear into Trump to his face:

    On the night of the dinner, Trump took his seat at the center of the ballroom, perfectly situated so that all 2,500 lawmakers, movie stars, journalists, and politicos in attendance could see him….

    But as soon as the plates were cleared and the program began, it became agonizingly clear that Trump was not royalty in this room:

    He was the court jester.

    The president used his speech to pummel Trump with one punchline after another…

    When host Seth Meyers took the mic, he piled on with his own rat-a-tat of jokes, many of which seemed designed deliberately to inflame Trump’s outer-borough insecurities:

    “His whole life is models and gold leaf and marble columns, but he still sounds like a know-it-all down at the OTB.”

    The longer the night went on, the more conspicuous Trump’s glower became. He didn’t offer a self-deprecating chuckle, or wave warmly at the cameras, or smile with the practiced good humor of the aristocrats and A-listers who know they must never allow themselves to appear threatened by a joke at their expense. Instead, Trump just sat there, stone-faced, stunned, simmering — Carrie at the prom covered in pig’s blood.

    the video
