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"the October Surprise"

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    That's true, and contestants have a right to request a recount before Dec 13th even without any irregularities, of which none are being claimed. But, as I pointed out, Michigan has already been recounted and even though Hillary gained 576 votes (IIRC) she's still 10,000 short of reversing the outcome. Without Michigan the possibility that the recount will turn the election to Hillary's favor is nil, and Stein and Hillary know that. So, why do it if the purpose is not to deliberately throw the election into the House of Representatives, where she will lose for sure? So the Left can continue to bang the drum of illegitimacy?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Let's not forget that if the shoe was on the other foot, and it is going on right now in other races, a recount would have been requested. It is a part of the process. Always has been and to play it one way or the other is a moot point.


        Although there is no evidence of voter irregularities at this time, there are rumors and I guess Jill Stein wants to dig deeper. It is her legal right and if she wants to pursue it and pay for it, fine. In the end, a recount will likely make Trump only more legitimate. It is good to settle the matter now rather than let it bog down the country for the next four years. We have enough to deal with. Lets at least have a president that is seen as being fairly elected.


          +1 to whatthefunk
          Now that Trump is in there, nothing would be gained by pressing Hillary past him and in; or by shedding any doubt on his legitimacy. At this point, we just gotta (1) hope Trump grows up, real damn fast, (2) hope he gets a grip on reality, and (3) hope for the best and root for him to deliver the best for all of us. Remember, it's us against them, and us is USA and them is the rest of them out there who would do us harm. Except, when it comes to climate change and such, us is everyone in this world.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
            +1 to whatthefunk
            Now that Trump is in there, nothing would be gained by pressing Hillary past him and in; or by shedding any doubt on his legitimacy. At this point, we just gotta (1) hope Trump grows up, real damn fast, (2) hope he gets a grip on reality, and (3) hope for the best and root for him to deliver the best for all of us. Remember, it's us against them, and us is USA and them is the rest of them out there who would do us harm. Except, when it comes to climate change and such, us is everyone in this world.
            +1 to whatthefunk and you, Qqmike, wrote.

            Personally, I think it was a good thing for Trump to say he wasn't going to push for the prosecution of Hillary, even though I believe she is guilty of a lot of criminal activity with both the emails and the foundation. There is too much to do to waste time and resources on revenge gratification. Politically, her career is over, unless she decides to run for another office. Then I would advocate for reopening the investigation.

            I would like to see Trump pardon those who were convicted of doing with one or two emails what Hillary did with thousands of classified emails. For example:






            Hey, Clinton released 100 felons on his last day in office.

            BTW, here is the law on abusing classified information:
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Donald Trump tweeted this earlier today:
              In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally
              Is he stupid? He just made himself illegitimate and basically supported further investigation of voter fraud by saying millions of people voted illegally.


                Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                Donald Trump tweeted this earlier today:

                Is he stupid? He just made himself illegitimate and basically supported further investigation of voter fraud by saying millions of people voted illegally.
                That is why he has so many people scared. He Types before thinking. Not becoming of any official.


                  Donald Trump tweeted this earlier today:
                  In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally ... s he stupid? He just made himself illegitimate
                  Yes, I saw that, too; along with a comparison between his response to Castro's death (unhinged) and Obama's response (appropriately presidential). THIS is exactly what I refer to in my post #124 above:

                  we just gotta (1) hope Trump grows up, real damn fast, (2) hope he gets a grip on reality, and (3) hope for the best and root for him to deliver the best for all of us.
                  Boy, this is a real crap-shoot. Sad we have to think this way about our president--at once apologetic, then defensive, and then critical ... all because he may not be wrapped real tight. I hope he talks to tons of people, to get lessons, role models for mature diplomacy; as opposed to him withdrawing into his craziness shell.
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                    Donald Trump tweeted this earlier today:

                    Is he stupid? He just made himself illegitimate and basically supported further investigation of voter fraud by saying millions of people voted illegally.
                    I wouldn't say that makes him "illegitimate", but I wouldn't call a 39 EC vote margin a landslide either.

                    I still remember that Obama has ZERO experience running a business and ZERO experience as a governor. He did and does have a gifted tongue, and Trump doesn't. Basically, Obama is, I believe, a lot more intelligent that Trump, but just as tricky. Remember, after Obama became President he took an "Introduction" tour of the Middle East, where he embarrassed himself by bowing deeply to the Saudi King, the man who was financing the Wahhabi murderers of 9/11. Since then he has made enemies of our friends and "friends" of our enemies. He, Hillary, McCain and others were and are behind the supporting of Islamic radicals with weapons and military intelligence, even bombing Assad's troops, until Russia told them that if they bombed government troops again they would shoot down the American planes, and they brought SA-400 ground to air missiles into Syria to back up their threat. IMO, we should be helping Russia to defeat ISIS, not helping ISIS to defeat Syria and create the ISL.

                    He was a Chicago organizer teaching ACORN members "organizing" from Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" (have you read it? I have a copy of it), and acted as ACORN's attorney in several lawsuits which lead to the Community Reinvestment Act legislation that Jimmy Carter signed, and Bill Clinton enhanced by preventing banks which didn't give low income loans from doing business with the Federal government, driving banks to create NINJA loans which lead to the housing bubble crash.

                    Here is another take on the subprime bubble
                    Last edited by GreyGeek; Nov 28, 2016, 12:20 AM.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

