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How did the aliens learn our language? If they are from a nearby planet, like Jupiter's moons, perhaps they could have learned it to some extent, enough to read a ballot.
What? !!!
Fact is, fellow jokesters, jolly chaps, the Trump camp has worked entirely on lies throughout, from the beginning, from the top down. It's bad enough when you debate the facts with facts, it is difficult enough to do that. But how does one counter the crap that flows daily from the Trump camp? I do agree with Trump, though: it's all rigged at the news-journalist level ... The news media has not been reporting several shaky details about Trump, his past, the taxes, the Russians, the leaked info from former FBI's, more claims from women, ..., this list would take a good paragraph to detail. Yet, the slightest little rumor or half-fact about HRC brings the media and Trump right down on top of the story. I must admit that lately the media is interjecting a quick "Not true" fact check when quoting Trump or when playing a Trump video; but that's kind of a half-effort, IMO.
I better be careful what I say here. Trump wins, and he'll send the military, or agents of the Freedom Party, after me and my kind. Does Trump know Rodrigo Duterte by any chance?
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski
I better be careful what I say here. Trump wins, and he'll send the military, or agents of the Freedom Party, after me and my kind. Does Trump know Rodrigo Duterte by any chance?
and that we may need to consider this possibility in earnest is the truly scary part .
And therein is the problem; that the 'majority' of voters (those who actually go to the polls and cast ballots) believe that these are the only choices they have. That is why no third party candidate has ever been elected to the Presidency. We (the voters) do have other choices in this Presidential election.
Windows no longer obstructs my view.
Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes
The FBI has found no evidence of criminality in the new batch of Hillary Clinton emails.
systemd is not for me. I am a retro Nintendo gamer. consoles I play on are, SNES; N64; GameCube and WII.
Host: mx Kernel: 4.19.0-6-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 8.3.0 Desktop: Trinity R14.0.8 tk: Qt 3.5.0 info: kicker wm: Twin 3.0 base: Debian GNU/Linux 10
One choice we all have is to put a stop to the far Right, the Tea Party, the Freedom Party -- whatever it (or its factions) are called--the obstructionists. As for the far Left, I really believe Bernie and his gang can be calmed down enough to do what we all must do, like we always did: find a common, middle ground, compromising so we each get some of what we want. The Far Right won't be satisfied with a middle ground. OTOH, I'm certain the Far Left (Bernie, the socialists, etc.) could be reasoned with so we could find a middle ground and begin to take small steps forward.
Remember, while we are fighting among ourselves, there are enemies within (domestic terrorists and the like) and outside who are after us to either destroy us or to surpass us (e.g., in military, education, space exploration, science and technology, etc.).
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski
I agree and I have before and this time around likely but the gist of that is we will still wind up with either/or for Rep/Dem because the 3rd parties generally don't try themselves hard enough to say Hey! Look here at what we can do. So, ultimately, it only benefits the other 2 dominate parties.
Remember, while we are fighting among ourselves, there are enemies within (domestic terrorists and the like) and outside who are after us to either destroy us or to surpass us (e.g., in military, education, space exploration, science and technology, etc.).
I agree but we have to many Far Left and Right individuals who don't see it that way. It's their way or no way, so we continue that silly fight while all the while the enemy has passed us and likely already have. Gone are the days where middle ground is the goal.
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
Obama doesn't answer the question she asked. She is calling illegal immigrants "citizens", and as "citizens" says "THEY" are fearful of voting, as if they have a right to vote, which they do not. The idea that merely working and paying taxes in this country makes one a citizen is absurd, and does an injustice to those who entered this country legally and followed the rules to citizenship, which includes taking and passing a class on our history, our Constitution, our branches of government, learning ENGLISH AND taking an oath of allegiance. Those who enter this country and then use the deliberately relaxed laws about driver's licenses to obtain a voter registration ID have not complied with the above requirements. IF this travesty is allowed to stand and continue then we will have destroyed our own sovereignty and cease to exist as free people governed by the rule of law under the Constitution. Those that push for this outcome are also pushing to replace our Constitution with the UN "Constitution" in their drive for "One World Government". Walter Cronkite received the World Federalists Association (OWG) award in 1999, and was complimented by Hillary from the WhiteHouse.
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
a) There really IS a group of people who "just take what people say as what they mean".
b) There really IS a group of people who ABSOLUTELY THINK that she or he "is so intelligent that I KNOW "what they meant" ".
The second group are examples of the same people who:
a) thought...Oh Hitler didn't REALLY mean what he WROTE in Mein Kampf.
b) Marx didn't really mean what he wrote
c) Stalin didn't really mean what he wrote
d) Kruschev didn't really mean what he said when he took off his shoe and beat the table at the U.N. with it.
and what is HILARIOUSLY ironic for Hillary is that she went after Gaddafi but probably DID NOT READ HIS BOOK: The Green Book:
The Green Book consists of three parts and has 110 pages with 200 words or more on each page.[7]
The Solution of the Problem of Democracy: The Authority of the People (published in late 1975)
The Solution of the Economic Problem: Socialism (published in early 1977)
The Social Basis of the Third International Theory (published in September 1981)
The Green Book rejects modern liberal democracy based on electing representatives as well as capitalism. Instead, it proposes a type of direct democracy overseen by the General People's Committee which allows direct political participation for all adult citizens.[7][8]
The book states that
"Freedom of expression is the natural right of every person, even if they choose to behave irrationally, to express his or her insanity."
[9] The Green Book states that freedom of speech is based upon public ownership of book publishers, newspapers, television, and radio stations, on the grounds that private ownership would be undemocratic.[7]
A paragraph in the book about abolishing money is similar to a paragraph in Frederick Engels' "Principles of Communism,"[10] Gaddafi wrote: "The final step is when the new socialist society reaches the stage where profit and money disappear. "It is through transforming society into a fully productive society, and through reaching in production a level where the material needs of the members of society are satisfied. On that final stage, profit will automatically disappear and there will be no need for money."[11]
Well.....he did not really live up to those ideals....he was killing people like flies....
Why, by jingers...........TRUMP has said that he would have left Gaddafi alone or just gone in and "done it right" instead of leaving Billary's QUAGMIRE.....
Why....by jingers...... what he WROTE is what a LOT of Linux people say should be done....
The only problem is that the group who "think he wouldn't REALLY JUST KILL EVERYBODY. ...nobody would do that!! were kinda wrong! lol
I actually READ Mein Kampf and Das Kapital ( in english translations) and.....Goebble's Biology book in which he twisted Darwinian evolution when I was in HIGH SCHOOL....
I challenge anyone here to actually find a copy of that book, ain't gonna happen.
Digital data is "fungible" by the people in power.
Maybe that is why "one side" always well, knowledge is relative.
tell that to a man or woman who escaped the ovens.
I've come to the conclusion that a lot of this political stuff comes down to education -- the lack thereof. Many people simply fail to educate themselves on the issues or on the candidates.
Certainly, the news media could do a better job helping to educate voters. PBS tries. But voters nowadays have many nearly-almost-mostly-pretty-much-objective sources to consult. I can't believe how many people don't even plan to vote. I can't believe how many people can't tell you WHY they are voting for a certain candidate--not that they consider it private*, but that they have no clue what that candidate represents.
This involves human beings. It will never be perfect. But we have a long ways to go before we place the perfection deficit delta under a microscope.
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein
* My dad always told me there are two things you shouldn't ask people: how much money they earn; and how they vote. Of course, he also told me not to discuss politics or religion in public because it just causes too much conflict.
An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski
Regardless of who wins this election, the people will get the president they deserve.
(How's that for cynicism?)
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
If it had "just been another Republican" we would have had the "normal" election and, of course, Hillary would have won because the Demicans do one thing very well, they ORGANIZE.. While the Rebuicats form a circular firing squad.
If Hillary wins we really ARE going to "experience" pretty close to the "grand experiment" of socialism. The Bernie people and the far lefties in the media will assure that.
If Trump wins we really ARE going to "experience" full throated "capitalism" and "nationalism".
Both will be on full display,
the Hillary experiment promoted by the lamestream media and decried by the internet and parts of Fox News, and possibly a full bore, NEW "broadcasting system" done by Trump and the rich conservatives.
The Trump experiment will be promoted by the internet and parts of Fox news and possibly by an "extension" of Trump with a new "broadcasting system" financed by the rich conservatives, and of course, continually panned by the lame stream media.
But one thing is for sure, There are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people going to Trumps rallys and watching on the internet.
While Billary can't even keep a crowd when they bring in Jay-Z... after the music the crowd left.
If it is "close" as in hanging chads and Billary wins I think that there will be open revolt by all those hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who were obviously there for Trump, either that or they secede.
I think that if Billary wins there will be few posts arguing about stuff in Linux fora.
I also think that if Trump wins that a lot of the Linux fora will return to the days of the one sided flame wars and the conservative and moderates will just...leave...
which would be JUST FINE with the vast majority of Linux folks.
Except maybe a a certain forum which is better than toast with jam!