I personally, wondered "about Scopes". Kinda ...ho hum....a "trick" for Ubuntu as opposed to whatever on other phones and maybe the desktop.
I'm going to actually "follow" this guy, And I follow FEW people, "why" at bottom of this post.
What I, personally envision will be the "future" of Libertine, if it functions as stated, is that instead of "synaptic' or (insert name here of a way to get apps).
If it really IS foolproof
I will opine... with the suggestion that IF....the app developers themselves are asked have to put a "flag" on their app as to which "scope" it is a best fit....
and....that The "menu" of Unity or whatever, that depends on Ubu's new thing.....
the left "menu" will have "several bespoke "scopes" and that the scope will have a "subclick" that will call up all apps appropriate to a bespoke scope.
The user merely need click and the app is there for ANY particular app, such as "games"....however, of course.... Ubu will want to emphasize stuff that Canonical likes....
No muss, no fuss, a great hair day all round!
What say you about "Libertine"?
Note: as to why I am going to follow him....umm to learn how to write pithily!
I'm going to actually "follow" this guy, And I follow FEW people, "why" at bottom of this post.
What I, personally envision will be the "future" of Libertine, if it functions as stated, is that instead of "synaptic' or (insert name here of a way to get apps).
If it really IS foolproof
I will opine... with the suggestion that IF....the app developers themselves are asked have to put a "flag" on their app as to which "scope" it is a best fit....
and....that The "menu" of Unity or whatever, that depends on Ubu's new thing.....
the left "menu" will have "several bespoke "scopes" and that the scope will have a "subclick" that will call up all apps appropriate to a bespoke scope.
The user merely need click and the app is there for ANY particular app, such as "games"....however, of course.... Ubu will want to emphasize stuff that Canonical likes....
No muss, no fuss, a great hair day all round!
What say you about "Libertine"?
Note: as to why I am going to follow him....umm to learn how to write pithily!