This student is my first verifiable ( by how the problems were attacked ) person who was taught using common core.
I have NEVER seen such botched up reasoning and "hen scratching" on so many pieces of "show the work" paper.
Here is an example of how common core is done:
THE CREATOR of Common Core admits ON CAMERA that he created it......
..............................but to "end white privilege"
Fortunately the audience roundly boos him but the audience is then "shused" by the moderator....
AS A NOTE: the REAL reason that such a student ended up in my class is seemingly valid.
there is some cause to think, going back quite a few years, that using "a test" to determine if a student should take "remedial" classes in the first semester can actually increase dropout rates whereas if a student "self selects" to take a remedial class after a first semester that the student's chance of success is improved.
Since this is a pretty high tech campus within the system the college decided to allow "self selection" for remedial classes. And, by and large it has worked well, This is a rural, agricultural area and the schools, by and large, still teach "readin, ritin, and rithmatik" in the elementary grades so we usually get a very high caliber student. This is in contradistinction to the "main" campus which is a catchall of the normal students. I fear to think what will happen if they decide to try self selection for all of the campuses.
My campus teaches laboratory tech, environmental tech, medical laboratory tech, physical therapy, dental hygenist, hearing technology, we are in a pilot program about the cochlear implant in addition to the normal hearing stuff,
Appended below is an example of one of the first studies ....please notice that even back in the eighties the number of students who need remedial work was very large, nothing has changed except the talking heads that shout out of the telly at the poor taxpayer..
Fortunately our state legislature opted to lose a lot of money and drop common core and also to drop our mandated state wide test ( which I and a bunch of other educators slaved to make but then the legislature decided literally to SELL it to a book publisher and it turned to a monstorous abortion). They are going to make another stab at the TEACHERS AND PARENTS and the college airheads acting only in an advising capacity...actually making the new statewide exam.
I have NEVER seen such botched up reasoning and "hen scratching" on so many pieces of "show the work" paper.
Here is an example of how common core is done:
THE CREATOR of Common Core admits ON CAMERA that he created it......
..............................but to "end white privilege"
Fortunately the audience roundly boos him but the audience is then "shused" by the moderator....
AS A NOTE: the REAL reason that such a student ended up in my class is seemingly valid.
there is some cause to think, going back quite a few years, that using "a test" to determine if a student should take "remedial" classes in the first semester can actually increase dropout rates whereas if a student "self selects" to take a remedial class after a first semester that the student's chance of success is improved.
Since this is a pretty high tech campus within the system the college decided to allow "self selection" for remedial classes. And, by and large it has worked well, This is a rural, agricultural area and the schools, by and large, still teach "readin, ritin, and rithmatik" in the elementary grades so we usually get a very high caliber student. This is in contradistinction to the "main" campus which is a catchall of the normal students. I fear to think what will happen if they decide to try self selection for all of the campuses.
My campus teaches laboratory tech, environmental tech, medical laboratory tech, physical therapy, dental hygenist, hearing technology, we are in a pilot program about the cochlear implant in addition to the normal hearing stuff,
Appended below is an example of one of the first studies ....please notice that even back in the eighties the number of students who need remedial work was very large, nothing has changed except the talking heads that shout out of the telly at the poor taxpayer..
Fortunately our state legislature opted to lose a lot of money and drop common core and also to drop our mandated state wide test ( which I and a bunch of other educators slaved to make but then the legislature decided literally to SELL it to a book publisher and it turned to a monstorous abortion). They are going to make another stab at the TEACHERS AND PARENTS and the college airheads acting only in an advising capacity...actually making the new statewide exam.