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exam 02 my first common core student failed the math

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    GreyGeek: "...a practiced death stare"

    I know this technique, but today it would get me either shot after class or fired by the administrator... No win situation.

    I TOTALLY agree that teaching is fun, even rewarding in many non-monetary ways. Wish I could still afford to do it, monetarily.

    Looking at the situation with private, for profit, schools, they are so restricted by state restrictions on subject and teacher certification that they cannot pay well or find better teachers. So they raise their prices and prevent many potential students from enrolling... Several of my colleagues tried that route in the late 80's and early 90's. Two of those have remained in contact over the years and they have also left the teaching field for the business world.

    RE sports, our community college had no sports department(s), so no income from competitions, advertising or alumni.

    The University from which I graduated had limited sports options, golf (sport), swimming, tennis, but not the bigger draws like baseball, football and basketball. (this was before soccer become fashionable). They had the facilities, but the alumni did not throw money at sports. Not a loss in my book.

    I look at the major universities, public and private and they have an income stream from sports (and from alumni who support it). Seems a waste of money to me. I'd rather see a new science building built than another gymnasium.
    Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


      Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Post
      GreyGeek: "...a practiced death stare"

      I know this technique, but today it would get me either shot after class or fired by the administrator... No win situation.
      Na.... <sarcasm> Haven't you heard? No Gun signs make one bullet proof and it is against the law to carry a firearm within 1,500 of any public school. Psychos just off their SSRI meds won't go onto school property and shoot students and faculty willy-nilly. If one does you can "unleash your inner warrior and attack them with the sharp end of your pencil"! A CNN consultant advised that it was the way to defend yourself from the psycho.</sarcasm>

      The "death stare" works on administrators as well. Even better is handing them a copy of the ACLU paperback titled "The Right of Teachers". They'll better understand what you can and will do if they overstep their bounds.

      As far as getting shot I was a part-time LEO while I was teaching and have LOTS of practice with handguns and rifles in various scenarios, and in disarming and arresting various perps. I've experienced the sound of a bullet whizzing by my ear so close I could feel its wind. However, when the adrenalin wore off I shook a lot. I had a cockpit fire on takeoff and had to do an emergency turn-around and with-wind landing, my head sticking out the window so I could see and breathe. Cool as a cucumber until I finally put out the fire and parked it. Shook after that one too.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


          Very NICE comments folks!

          I really am "middle of the road" on almost all things, including politics, it may seem that I come off liberal or conservative because of the preloaded views of the reader.

          As an example I will argue FOR the "concept" of a broadly national curriculum, to be produced by the local states with this one thing that the feds SHOULD DO....

          And that is force all schools to provide biology at the same year in school, like biology will be taught at sophmore level, Art will be taught at Freshman level, American History will be taught at junior level.

          And the reason for that is the original reason for having a national "curriculum" and that is.....

          SO MANY STUDENTS move from state to state, withing school systems, within the state...

          It is the very bad consequence of what Ronald Reagan opined a long time ago....and that is that a "man" will probably change jobs ...don't remember, ten times in his lifetime. He was just "commenting" but the OUTCOME of the phenomenon, is that because of the internationalization of businesses and the constant buying and selling of business from one business to the other is that the child is hauled from school to school.

          And,in most cases, the classes that everybody complains are not being taught well are the episodic science classes. The kid is moved from one school in biology into another school halfway through a physical science class.

          The only answer to that if one does not force when a class is taught is to force the smaller schoold into larger systems so that "biology' is offered in several years of school.

          However, the "governemtn" just can't let it go at that. If the "government" just forced that one thing, then the problem would be solved but they always have to increase their control and this was going on at the state levels in the sixties also.

          The push to larger and larger schools comes from Conant's original master's thesis in which he suggested that it was more efficient IN TERMS OF MILES ON A BUS to have a school of about 1200 people. It had nothing to do with efficiency of teaching or anything else.

          But the educationists and governments just dropped the thing about efficiency in terms of hours on a bus and fuel savings and sait that "1200 student schools are more efficient'

          Another massive problem, is that of the requirement to "mainstream" almost ALL students with "a disability" and then redefine "disability" as "not speaking english".

          I was HORRIFIED when we were making our original "statewide test" when we all went on a tour of a "very large school system" to view classes and all of the "basic classes" K - 12, had MULTIPLE translators and signers in ALL classes. There was so much time being spent "translating" that "teaching time" was reduced by like.....half!

          The much more efficient way to deal with the problem is to............have the "foreign language" students in ONE class all day, rather like the way that the STATE DEPARTMENT teaches a language to a diplomat, and have someone bring in "science" or "art" appropriate to the grade level to get.............all students speaking english and then they can go their own path in the school because they are EMPOWERED...

          But, nay......... the left has so bslimed the idea of "speaking english" as opposed to "ethnic diversity" that things are just bogged down and guess what...........

          more teachers are needed, more buearaucracy is needed, new computers are needed because of the problem that the "power structure" really does NOT want to be solved because the problem feathers their nest.

          Here in the "midsest" "small towns"...........the people of different languages are put into intensive english courses and are also mainstreamed into the "episodic" classes with a student who can the end of a few months, problem solved.

          It works so well that a student who came from REALLY "mexico" in the fifth grade literally graduated as salutatorian.

          But that is in a "flyover state" that is so despised by the liberal power structure in the big cities on either coast.

          So, yes, both political parties have dirty hands in this but since the Universities are basically "liberal" and want to "keep the problem going" so that the teachers are in a continual cycle of having to "improve".

          Here is another little nugget.

          In a LOT oif states, where they tried to enact a lot of Bush's stuff, there is an obscure little line in 8 point at the bottom of teacher certififcation forms that show what classes the teacher is certified to teach...

          that says.......'requirements for all certifications are subject to change without notice"....

          Until the teacher walks in for faculty summer meeting and finds out that the class that they have been certified for ten years now they are going to have to got to "saturday school", or "inschool suspension, sorry classes" that will colst hundreds to thousands of dollars and even then, the requirements change again ...

          It is all bogus, and, yes, enabled by both conservatives and liberals over decades.

          Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 07, 2016, 04:08 PM.


            Woodsmoke, interesting idea to consolidate a particular subject into a full year, instead of spreading it out over several years.

            I can see that having an effect on dropout rate. If you didn't go all the way through, you don't get a degree/pass to go to the next level of schooling. Perhaps it would work, perhaps it would frustrate some people who only want to know a particular subject and would get bored with one subject for the whole year. It would need a change in mind-set on the part of the students, not the mention the teacher.
            Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


              very astute observation.

              Here's another nugget that has never been in the media.

              The "state departments of education" are so DESPERATE to grab power and build bureacracies that in the 90's they just literally tried to close "small schools" by fiat.

              The particular fiat was saying that the little schools were not "efficient" and that the student's "wasted too much time" on things like......moving between classrooms! and that the lunch periods were "too long".

              But, since they are politically correct to the "T" they had to leave those stupid little schools a "way out".

              All across the nation small schools converted length of year a little bit and length of day a little bit and.... I kid you not.

              Many went to very short "semesters" and only three classes a day but the classes lasted something like an hour and a half. Books for the next class were taken to the classrooms by custodians on carts and class "rooms" were arranged so that the students could have easy "stop" at the restroom and not have to go to their lockers.

              Others....went to seven ( 7 ) yes..........SEVEN sections per day of something like fourty one ( 41 ) minutes....and had a slightly longer year and shorter breaks. I kid you not. (This is what our little school did for.....five grueling years....

              None of this is EVER reported by the main stream media with the exception of occasionally publishing a letter to the editor which has been "edited" for space constraints.

              It will take a Bernie or a Donald to actually maybe break the cartels up.

              and then maybe we could actually let teachers teach in a safe evironment and then the nation can get on with business.


              A woman that i have known for many years who is an avowed, till death do us part, "LIBERAL", of course, she is actually a "woosie liberal" a hanger on and fan girl, because she just follows what the old white men, and sometimes women, in higher academe tell her.

              Well, her husband had his hours cut because of the "affordable" care act, he had insurance, that was not a problem, but across the board in this enterprise everybody who was hourly had their hours cut so that they could then PAY FOR OBAMACARE to people who would be NEW HIRES..

              So.....she says, "hey" I am doing a lot of music classes ( private ) why don't I get a masters in basketweaving or some other crappola make work degree and then I can be an adjunct at the college.

              She put forth the effort, and finished the thing in a few years of very intensive work. All of these degrees are in "education" and they are literally just hundreds of sheets of double space gobbldeygook about "methods" with hundreds of MLA citations and worth only being a doorstop. She learned NOTHING about how to better teach music.

              So a bunch of us are in the student atrium visiting instead of hiding in the "adjunct office" and she is there and someone asked her how things had transpired.

              She said something to the effect of: "Well, I thought that I would be able to teach three sections a semester instead of two, that is what used to be done, we REALLY need that extra section."

              ANOTHER PERSON, not me, said "well, you thank Pelosi, Reed and Ob.... " and stopped because she had literally stuck her fingers in her ears and was STAMPING her feet and SQUEALING..." I don't wanta hear it, I don't wanta hear it, I don't wanta hear it!"..

              We were ...............taken aback to say the least.

              If there is one group that voted "as a massive monolithic block" for Obama it is the "education people" in the union run big and medium sized cities ( not the small towns, they actually want to TEACH and not do make work).

              And, since he knew, as did Pelosi and Reid, that they will ALWAYS vote Democrat (not "Democratic" ) the were left to wait for the next election to, yet again be told by the old white men union bosses to vote for Democrats.


              Supposedly there is one definition of insanity is to the effect of "failing at doing something by repeating it over and over and expecting a different result".

              BTW that is a favourite statement of both Clintons:


              Just found this post after hearing someone say this for the hundredth time. It drives me crazy (ha ha)! I did a little research, and Bill Clinton may have played a role in popularizing this inane phrase. He repeated the "definition of insanity" line several times during the 1992 presidential campaign. The usage seems to really take off in the mid-1990s.
              Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 08, 2016, 07:49 PM.


                Everybody wants job security...

                No matter the cost to either the student, the parents, or the teachers. What? You mean the tax payers? Let them eat ribs.
                Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                  The "school consolidation" hit Nebraska's rural schools hard. Rather than have 20-30 kids taught in a one room school by one teacher, within 5 miles (15 minutes) of all the students and the teacher, like they had been doing for more than a century, they now spend an hour on a bus commuting 30 miles each morning and evening. All that so they can sit in a class of 40-50 students and be indoctrinated with Common-core.

                  For a while farmers began home schooling, and even pooling their resources to support a teacher in a private school setting, but the state dept of ed continued tightening the screws to prevent parents attempts to focus on Faith and Freedom (Constitution).

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                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Yep, that is too bad.

                    Fortunately in my fair state the LEGISLATURE quietly, but definitely, supports home schooling.



                      One of the best things that ever happened to me was learning the multiplication table, or more precisely memorizing the multiplication table. The teacher was a tiny little greek lady with big black horn rim glasses, but very jovial and smart.

                      Write numbers 1-10 across the top and 1-10 down the left side, then start multiplying and writing in the products in each box in the grid, with the last box in the lower right corner being 100 (10x10)

                      I was always the first one done, sometimes a minute or two before any other kid. One day the teacher asked me how I could do it so quickly.

                      Easy. Row 2, count by 2's. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Don't do the multiplication in my head (which I already had memorized anyway) that's too slow. Just count by 2's.

                      Next row count by 3's. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc.etc...
                      Next to last row count by 9's, with the next number always decrementing the one's digit. 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90.
                      Last row count by 10's. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

                      Pizza Cake! To this day having that little table memorized has been the basis for being able to do multiplication and division in my head. And it didn't take me long to realize that the other kids didn't get it.

                      The teacher would say multiply 119 x 15 in your head. Most of the other kids couldn't do it. They had to write it out, slow, and they ended up hating it.

                      The process in my head......
                      this is (119 x 10) + (119 x 5)
                      119 add a 0, so 1190.......remember that number. Eleven ninety. Easy.
                      119 x 5 is 120 x 5 minus one five. 12x5 is 60 and add a 0......600.....minus one five......595.
                      1190 + 595 is same as 1190 + 600 (1790, that's much easier to figure) minus one five......or 1785.

                      A simpler example.... 60 x 12. That's ten 60's (just add a 0, or 600) plus two 60's ( 2x6 is 12 and add a 0, or 120) = 600 + 120 = 720.

                      Pizza Cake. But to this day most kids and certainly most adults cannot fathom how I can do that in my head. I give all the credit to that one jovial math teacher who was always trying to explain numbers shortcuts to us, in the hope that one of the tricks would click with some of the students.

                      However, nobody got left behind.....
                      Home office = Linux Mint 18 working well Thanks to you!
                      Home studio = AVLinux dual core "Conroe" 6750 P5Ke mb 6gb ram Nvidia GeForce 210 hopefully soon to wipe out Win 7 (all is 32 bit)


                        The "process in my head" is actually what common core was trying to teach. BUT, since they didn't emphasize the 12X12 tables, the kids didn't know that 12x5=60. Remember, they didn't memorize the +-/ tables either. The process died.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          What soundchaser showed is .....'kind of"..... what common core math was "supposed to do", break the "big numbers" up into "smaller numbers" and manipulate those.

                          Unfortunately ..... anyone with an agenda cannot just say...........hey this method that was developed fifteen years ago really does work so lets all concentrate on it.

                          Nope, it is all about follow the money, or in this case, publish or perish.

                          Academia always has to "progress" because, ipso posto factotum, anything that came before is...retrograde and using the lable that they created, "mind numbing busy work".

                          take a look at this

                          this is a "teacher created resource"

                          People may remember "chisenbop" well this is not a discussion of the "only" method that the Japanese use but take a look at the use of lines and dots in japan.... supposedly students who are so much better educated that U.S. students.

                          The U.S. Industrial-Education complex does not WANT to have young people to actually learn AT A CERTAIN GRADE to "multiply" or whatever.

                          what they want is a lifelong assembly line of people paying money to "get educated".


                          Here is a little nugget that I literally read three weeks ago:

                          Experienceing Science - Jeremy Bernstein which is a collection of some of his New Yorker reviews, which includes a biography of I. I. Rabi one of the seminal people working on physics in the early to middle part of the last century. The link is to the Kirkus review.

                          To quote page 42 of the hardcover which I picked up a couple of decades ago:

                          I asked Rabi at what age he had begun to go to school ( i.e. to be able to READ ), and he said,

                          " it was the tradition in my family that a boy started going to school ( learning to read because the assumption was to go into the Temple ) at the age of three".
                          THREE.......the ASSUMPTION was that "Jewish boys" would learn to read at THREE.....

                          And in follow on discussion that was the general way that things were done with "boys" during those days....

                          And we do not ALLOW our students to actually READ until third grade or higher, Block printing in the first grade,

                          WE NOW HAVE EDUCATIONISTS and federal LAW proscribing the teaching of handwriting in script.

                          FORTUNATELY in my fair state the Legislature passed a law REQUIRING writing in script.

                          The way to keep a person in a "ghetto ---- the black term" is to keep them from reading..... and writing....

                          And of course we all know that the ORIGINAL term ghetto was for the ...........Jews....

                          Anybody remember "ebonics"?

                          ....that would have BURIED the black kid in a language ghetto............and oh the wonderful progressive EDUCATIONISTS AND DEMOCRAT California were all for it...



                          THERE IS A JOKING MEME going around in the "outies" of academia not the POWER PEOPLE....

                          "In the future anyone who can multiply in his (her) head will be thought of as doing witchcraft"

                          Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 16, 2016, 11:46 PM.


                            As a child I remember using flash cards to memorize the +_*/ tables. The ones I got right I put on my left, the rest in a pile on my right. Eventually the pile on the right was empty. The next day I started over with all 400 cards. I stopped using the flash cards when every answer came to me instantly and was right.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                              "In the future anyone who can multiply in his (her) head will be thought of as doing witchcraft"
                              Wednesday afternoon recess will be reserved for burning at the stake all of those caught knowing too much...

                              Re ebonics, have you listened to what "language" is being used by those in their teens and twenties? I'm not talking about "scat mouth" or "potty mouth" but rather a serious inability to converse in plain and simple language. We used to call this "plain english" but that term is no longer allowed either. Habla usted Espanol? Sprech Sie Deutsche?

                              It's no wonder that employers are buying robots... Even adults cannot do the simplest business transactions: "Would you like to supersize those fries?" "Yo dude, you give me a franklin and we gets you two tubmans in change".

                              Try telling an eighteen year old that the trajectory of the projectile needs to be calculated using its initial vector velocity and the altitude relative to the target. If you don't show your calculations in correct mathematical notation, you don't pass the test...

                              Good way to get yourself shot on the way home after school.
                              Last edited by TWPonKubuntu; Oct 17, 2016, 01:49 PM. Reason: Germain spelling correction...
                              Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                                Strange you should mention witchcraft. Yesterday I watched a video clip of a South African Social Justice Warrior (yes, they are everywhere) demanding that "Western" science should be abandon in favor of Witchcraft!
                                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

