Two points:
It's a dark picture.
Sneaker net is not a high data rate system, not even very secure if you implement the encryption schemes you discuss.
[EDIIT] I don't think of "sneaker net" as being something which need encryption, but rather a means of keeping isolated servers updated with roughly matching data. Something like a village server with a few hardwired terminals to serve the community. Our public libraries are similar to this in concept although they are hopelessly embedded in the WWW. If the net went down, then those servers could still have a few terabytes (exabytes or even more?) to serve as the town repository.
RE getting a computer which is not compromised by design would mean making them yourself (Like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi systems). Not yet something which can be made in the home, but 3D printers are becoming more capable...
If the 'net does become too controlled (if it isn't already), then society will have been changed to the point that our (private) businesses will probably be unworkable. Time to find another skill set? I'm a decent gardener and I can repair bicycles...
Have we taken this thread to something like an end? I'd like to have some optimism left...
It's a dark picture.
Sneaker net is not a high data rate system, not even very secure if you implement the encryption schemes you discuss.
[EDIIT] I don't think of "sneaker net" as being something which need encryption, but rather a means of keeping isolated servers updated with roughly matching data. Something like a village server with a few hardwired terminals to serve the community. Our public libraries are similar to this in concept although they are hopelessly embedded in the WWW. If the net went down, then those servers could still have a few terabytes (exabytes or even more?) to serve as the town repository.
RE getting a computer which is not compromised by design would mean making them yourself (Like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi systems). Not yet something which can be made in the home, but 3D printers are becoming more capable...
If the 'net does become too controlled (if it isn't already), then society will have been changed to the point that our (private) businesses will probably be unworkable. Time to find another skill set? I'm a decent gardener and I can repair bicycles...
Have we taken this thread to something like an end? I'd like to have some optimism left...