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What I am up to

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    What I am up to

    Hi all I'm sure it's been a while since I have posted a lot. My Linux box crashed in 2015 by then I had a Android tablet. So my wife wanted a win 8 machine and I don't use it much. Now I just use Twitter ,. Facebook and deviant art

    Twitters it's @wahyaweti means old Wolf 2800+ wallpapers

    Facebook is not shared for now

    Regards Star Wolf

    Welcome back StarWolf !

    In December of 2014 I and my wife got iPhones. Since then about 95% of everything I did with my Linux box I now do on my iPhone 6+.

    My iPhone fits in my shirt pocket. It has 8-10 hr battery life, depending on how I use it. It is my phone, my email, my banker, my creditors, my information center, my GPS, my road map, my health monitor, my library connection, and more. My iPhone has an EKG attachment which I use to monitor my wife's heart following her surgery a year ago. I do a lot of Kubuntuforum stuff using my iPhone, just not today. It's form factor is just too small except for Angry Birds, which I quit playing in 2010. It does so much more than my 17" Acer laptop does and it is a lot more convenient. The one thing I do not do with my iPhone is play Minecraft with my grandsons.

    I quit Facebook several years ago, and I am about to quit Google G+ as well, if not gmail altogether.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 11, 2016, 07:04 AM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Originally posted by StarWolf View Post
      Hi all I'm sure it's been a while since I have posted a lot. My Linux box crashed in 2015 by then I had a Android tablet. So my wife wanted a win 8 machine and I don't use it much. Now I just use Twitter ,. Facebook and deviant art

      Twitters it's @wahyaweti means old Wolf 2800+ wallpapers

      Facebook is not shared for now

      Regards Star Wolf
      Welcome back! Wow what a collection. Very impressed! Do you make them on Android now? Or what do you use to make them?
      ​"Keep it between the ditches"
      K*Digest Blog
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        Originally posted by dequire View Post
        Welcome back! Wow what a collection. Very impressed! Do you make them on Android now? Or what do you use to make them?
        I used gimp for all those. I have not found a Android app that is as powerful as gimp


          You may have already looked at this. I haven't so I can't say if it is of any use.



            Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
            You may have already looked at this. I haven't so I can't say if it is of any use.

            Unfortunately it doesn't work that good. The menu not built well
            Uses a mouse arrow you have to drag around. Hoping for them to improve it

