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Microsoft forcing upgrades to Windows 10 [and how to prevent it]

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    Microsoft forcing upgrades to Windows 10 [and how to prevent it]

    I use Kubuntu for 90% of my work, but there is that 10% that I do in Windows. There are some programs that were just too important for me to give up and which don't run well or at all under WINE. I think a lot of us here use Windows as a secondary operating system, so I thought this would be a topic of interest. Some Windows 7 or 8 users have sat down at their computer in the morning to find it upgrading to Windows 10 without their authorization. Apparently there's some sort of screen that pops up saying something to the effect of, "Will upgrade to Windows 10 in X hours unless you say no." What if you're asleep while that happens? Tough luck. You're getting Windows 10 whether you want it or not. (Add yet ANOTHER unethical practice to the long list of the ones that Microsoft has done.) Fortunately, I've found a tool that will prevent an unwanted Windows 10 upgrade.

    Btw, I'm not saying that Windows 10 is an atrocious OS. I've seen it before and it has its merits. It's not a repeat of Microsoft's awful OSes like Windows 95, ME, or Vista. I still don't want it. I only run a few Windows applications, all of which run well in 7. Plus, there are privacy concerns with Win 10. See the video below.

    I'm not sure if you'll get hijacked into Win 10 if you have a "hacktivated" copy. If you have a legitimate copy (as is the case on my laptop), there is the danger of that. I used the utility on my laptop and said buh-bye to that annoying upgrade-to-Win-10 icon. The tool also sets it so that the pester-you-to-upgrade software does not download with Windows updates. Here's the link:

    And here's the Youtube video on this topic:
    Kubuntu 22.04 (desktop & laptop), Windows 7 &2K (via VirtualBox on desktop PC)