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AT&T ditches windows for Ubuntu

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    AT&T ditches windows for Ubuntu

    AT&T recently surprised a lot of people by turning its back on Microsoft and adopting Ubuntu as its cloud, enterprise, and application solution provider. In addition, Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) will provide support for these platforms/solutions.

    The reason why AT&T chose Ubuntu

    AT&T is reinventing how it scales, and Ubuntu will be at the heart of this strategy.

    The reason the carrier chose Ubuntu was simple: innovation and performance in the realm of the cloud. Ubuntu is the leading platform for scale-out workloads and cloud, and this is exactly what AT&T needed in the never-ending war against mobile carriers.

    Toby Ford, Assistant Vice President of Cloud Technology, Strategy and Planning at AT&T, said,

    "We're reinventing how we scale by becoming simpler and modular, similar to how applications have evolved in cloud data centers. Open source and OpenStack innovations represent a unique opportunity to meet these requirements, and Canonical's cloud and open source expertise make them a good choice for AT&T."


    Hopefully, this soon-to-be massive influx of business won't turn Ubuntu away from the platform that brought it to this place... Ubuntu Desktop.

    Yes, the cloud is the thing, but Canonical would be remiss if the company turned its back on the desktop. I don't see that happening,

    but I do see Canonical following in similar footsteps as Red Hat and SUSE.

    It would come as no surprise if Canonical spun off desktop development into its own entity so it could focus much of its efforts on the cloud.

    Sooooooooo after all the shouting about Ubuntu going for "scalability" by various quarters of Linux....

    It SEEMS as if it has now paid off and the naysayers were........well.......naysayers.......

    WOODSMOKE's opinion:

    IF.......and it is a BIG IF........ IF...........Canonical does "spin off" the desktop, then...

    THERE WILL BE A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF ENTHUSIASTIC work on that desktop........

    Where that would lead is completely unknown.......doubling down on the present paradigm or .........what?

    BUT THE POINT BEING.........

    NOW is NOT the time to "jump ship" from Kubuntu just because of the unfortunate events of the last few months......

    NOW is the time for lovers of Kubuntu to DOUBLE DOWN......on testing, commentary, etc. etc. to provide all the support possible for devleopers, etc.....

    Interesting times...

    commentary requested!
