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I've just done the unthinkable!

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    I've just done the unthinkable!

    Several years ago, after learning about the covert sharing of its users' data, along with other practices I disliked, I deleted my Facebook account. I never regretted that, and never missed it, and said [loudly and often] that FB sucks! fast forward to the recent past.

    I've been looking online for an old friend for a long, long time. A while ago she came up in a Google search: on FB. In order to contact her I had to have an account, so I held my nose and recreated one. I sent her a few messages, but since I wasn't 'friends' with her they were relegated to some lower echelon status, and I don't think she ever saw them. I finally reached out to her daughter, also via FB, and told her who I am and that I really wanted to get in touch with her mom, but I didn't think she was seeing my messages. A few days ago, voila! My old friend "friended" me!

    Today, I posted a 'happy Thanksgiving' message on her page--and she replied! She was SO GLAD to hear from me, and I'm SO GLAD she's SO GLAD!!! There's always that risk that someone from your past might not be happy that you've resurfaced in their lives, you know? So this is the best possible reaction I could've hoped for. I'm now looking forward to being back in touch with her. She important...I can't even describe how much she meant to me when we were young. The hows and whys of our multi-decade separation don't seem important right now, but I'm sure they'll be discussed at some point.

    Anyway, I've done the unthinkable, found a long-lost person on Facebook. Who would've thunk it?!
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

    Like you, I canceled my FB account several years ago. I learned that for at least a period of six months that IF I clicked any kind of FB button on any website it triggers the immediate reactivation of my FB account! NOTHING is really erased from those services. So, when you cancel again just remember the six month rule.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      GG, are you sure you actually deleted your account, and didn't just deactivate it? I'm asking because I deleted mine, and I never had the problem you're referring least not that I was aware of.

      As for FB and its uncouth, covert practices, ugh! There's so much its bazillions of users must not know about, because if they DID, they'd do what you and I did and run from it ASAP.
      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


        Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
        Several years ago, after learning about the covert sharing of its users' data, along with other practices I disliked, I deleted my Facebook account
        Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
        Like you, I canceled my FB account several years ago.
        I salute your joint canniness. I was only about a year ago, after the experimentation revelations. But I've since been disgusted often, especially the way they profit from ripping off you tube videos.

        Regards, John Little
        Regards, John Little


          Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
          GG, are you sure you actually deleted your account, and didn't just deactivate it? I'm asking because I deleted mine, and I never had the problem you're referring least not that I was aware of.

          As for FB and its uncouth, covert practices, ugh! There's so much its bazillions of users must not know about, because if they DID, they'd do what you and I did and run from it ASAP.
          Yup, I made sure it was deleted, not deactivated. The warning about re-activation came from FB itself while I was deleting my account. I deleted it for two reasons: my friends list was hijacked and each was sent a scam msg which, I have no doubt, hijacked their friends lists as well. Secondly, a person I had not seen since high school contacted me. We exchanged life histories and msg'd awhile. One day a photo appeared in my email from a friend of that person. It was of a selfie of girl, probably 15 or 16, dressed in only her panties and bra, asking if we could be friends. That's when I deleted my account.

          From what I hear FB's social environment can be as nasty as the comment sections at newsites around the web. It is nearly impossible to hold a reasoned, intelligent discussion and share viewpoints without someone restoring to insults and attacks. If people can't talk about their differences without being hostile then there is little left to discuss, and violence is the next level. The Left ( sends "Social Justice Warriors" around the country agitating for a violent overthrow. The Right is prepping for that putative overthrow, or Armageddon in general. Both sides are beyond dialog or compromise. What's left? Armed conflict?

          That's one reason why I like this forum. People can disagree without being disagreeable.
          Last edited by GreyGeek; Nov 27, 2015, 12:28 PM.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
            From what I hear FB's social environment can be as nasty as the comment sections at newsites around the web. It is nearly impossible to hold a reasoned, intelligent discussion and share viewpoints without someone restoring to insults and attacks. If people can't talk about their differences without being hostile then there is little left to discuss, and violence is the next level.
            That's one reason why I like this forum. People can disagree without being disagreeable.
            So true. Probably because on Facebook most people (not all, but most) are participating in that narcissistic "my life is better than yours" charade. It's not supposed to be about having a serious conversation, just putting up the prettiest poster of your own life that you can.

            This forum is set up around serious conversation. It wouldn't serve its purpose if it wasn't good for sharing ideas and information, and it would die off pretty quickly. Thank goodness that isn't the case

            I deleted Facebook a couple of years ago and don't miss it at all. My experience so far is that if people want to invite you to things, they will contact you some other way. The only other type of invites I used to get were for things I was never going to go to - basically event spam from people who barely know you.

            Sometimes I can't find a number for someone and you end up talking to a mutual friend to get some details, which can also be fun. If someone wants to get back in contact with me, I have the same mobile number I have had since I was about 12, and they would find my site if they googled me. I get that it isn't always that easy though, happy you got back in contact with your friend, DYK!

            Question is, are you going to delete/deactivate the account again now it has served its purpose?


              Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
              Yup, I made sure it was deleted, not deactivated.
              That's interesting because, as noted, I did not have the issue you mentioned, at least not that I was aware of.

              The warning about re-activation came from FB itself while I was deleting my account. I deleted it for two reasons: my friends list was hijacked and each was sent a scam msg which, I have no doubt, hijacked their friends lists as well. Secondly, a person I had not seen since high school contacted me. We exchanged life histories and msg'd awhile. One day a photo appeared in my email from a friend of that person. It was of a selfie of girl, probably 15 or 16, dressed in only her panties and bra, asking if we could be friends.

              That's when I deleted my account.
              * nodding knowingly *

              Wow...that sucks. I would be VERY UNHAPPY about receiving UNSOLICITED and UNWANTED child pornography-ish stuff like that.

              From what I hear FB's social environment can be as nasty as the comment sections at newsites around the web. It is nearly impossible to hold a reasoned, intelligent discussion and share viewpoints without someone restoring to insults and attacks. If people can't talk about their differences without being hostile then there is little left to discuss, and violence is the next level. The Left ( sends "Social Justice Warriors" around the country agitating for a violent overthrow. The Right is prepping for that putative overthrow, or Armageddon in general. Both sides are beyond dialog or compromise. What's left? Armed conflict?

              That's one reason why I like this forum. People can disagree without being disagreeable.
              Definitely. It's so unusual for anything to take an ugly turn around here, even when we disagree on something. (Remember while back who attacked me--for defending Linux...on a Linux forum?! I was so touched by the unsolicited support I got from regulars here! )

              Personally, I LIKE discussing things, both in real life and online, where people have different opinions. My best friend--a staunch, lifelong Republican--and I--a staunch, lifelong Democrat--get along GREAT! (Obviously, what with being best friends and all. ) We disagree on some things, agree on others, have a lot in common aside from politics, and respect each other's thoughts/opinions even when we don't agree with them. I don't know why it can't be like that, and like it is here on KFN, on more places online. I just don't see the point of having a discussion degrade into a yelling, obnoxious mess.
              Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                So true. Probably because on Facebook most people (not all, but most) are participating in that narcissistic "my life is better than yours" charade. It's not supposed to be about having a serious conversation, just putting up the prettiest poster of your own life that you can.
                I heard something on the news very recently about that. It was saying how, for the most part, it's all an illusion, i.e., it's exactly what you're saying, that people are presenting their lives as if they're perfect--and better than the next guy's--while in reality, well, they're just as dull and boring and mundane as anyone else's!

                This forum is set up around serious conversation. It wouldn't serve its purpose if it wasn't good for sharing ideas and information, and it would die off pretty quickly. Thank goodness that isn't the case
                Yes, indeed.

                I deleted Facebook a couple of years ago and don't miss it at all. My experience so far is that if people want to invite you to things, they will contact you some other way. The only other type of invites I used to get were for things I was never going to go to - basically event spam from people who barely know you.
                What gets me is the emphasis on how many 'friends' everyone has--even though no reasonable person would believe that they actually KNOW all of those 'friends.' Like celebrities who have a million 'friends'--does anyone believe they actually KNOW all of those people? Yet back when I first had a Facebook account, the rules said you could only friend people you actually knew in real life. When did that change?

                Sometimes I can't find a number for someone and you end up talking to a mutual friend to get some details, which can also be fun. If someone wants to get back in contact with me, I have the same mobile number I have had since I was about 12, and they would find my site if they googled me.
                Yep, there are always other ways of doing it--just like we all did for eons before FB!

                I get that it isn't always that easy though, happy you got back in contact with your friend, DYK!
                Thanks! I've been looking for her for years. As I noted earlier, her reaction was the absolute best I could've hoped for. You never know for sure what the reaction will be when someone from the past suddenly resurfaces, so there was that little twinge of apprehension, but it turned out great.

                Question is, are you going to delete/deactivate the account again now it has served its purpose?
                Yes, I most likely will. Once my friend and I have set up other contact methods, I'll probably give it the ax. However--to the best of my knowledge--the way I've set it up it's pretty shielded. The problem with FB, however, is that nothing is ever as clear as it should be, so you may THINK you're safe/hidden, only to find out otherwise. Stay tuned, because I'm not sure yet how this will play out!
                Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                  Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
                  Personally, I LIKE discussing things, both in real life and online, where people have different opinions. My best friend--a staunch, lifelong Republican--and I--a staunch, lifelong Democrat--get along GREAT! (Obviously, what with being best friends and all. ) We disagree on some things, agree on others, have a lot in common aside from politics, and respect each other's thoughts/opinions even when we don't agree with them.....
                  I gave up on the Republican party in 1994, and have never been a Democrat. That makes me "Independent". I vote for the person, not the party. It's been a mixed bag. My first vote was for Goldwater. I was told that if I voted for him there would be war. They were right, but Goldwater didn't start it, Johnson did. I didn't vote for Kennedy, but wish I had later. He was one jewel of a president. I voted for Carter but later wished I hadn't. Carter lacked common sense and fortitude. I voted for Bush. He was a big mistake, but Gore would have been worse. Obama had no background or experience to be president, and it has shown. His agenda is something else entirely. He'll go down as the worst president America ever had. The biggest mistake that could happen in the coming election is to have Trump win it. He is a Ross Perot. A person who has been a Democrat all his life, donated more to the Democrats than Republicans, but now is saying what a lot of people on the Right want to hear. Stupid stuff. Wild claims. His mouth runs like a leaky toilet. He has only one purpose - to see that Hillary wins. The best Republican candidates, IMO, are Carson and Fiorina. Bernie is in the race to make Hillary seem more centrist, when in fact she is just as far Left as Bernie is, or the entire Democrat Party, which was captured by the Left at the 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago.

                  Can anyone explain to me the difference between the Democrat Party and the Party of European Socialists?

                  Bill Clinton, beginning at 2:34 explains why "Progressives" have had problems since the fall of the Berlin Wall to "sustain Social Justice" in America and countries around the world. What fell with the Berlin Wall was the funding and political support of the Left around the world by the USSR.

                  Maxine Waters let the cat out of the bag about what "Liberals are all about". She knows three things: what "Liberals" really believe, what their real intents are, and that most Americans, if they realized what the Liberals were about, would never vote for them again.

                  Last edited by GreyGeek; Nov 28, 2015, 08:44 PM.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                    I gave up on the Republican party in 1994, and have never been a Democrat. That makes me "Independent". I vote for the person, not the party.
                    Same here. I take pride in the fact that--with very rare exceptions--I do not 'straight party vote' but instead go office by office, choosing the person I believe is best qualified. I'm pretty sure the last--and, I believe, FIRST--time I ever voted straight Democratic was Clinton's first election. I was living in Dallas, and every office, both national and local, I had chosen my candidate, and they all happened to be Democrats.

                    It's been a mixed bag. My first vote was for Goldwater. I was told that if I voted for him there would be war. They were right, but Goldwater didn't start it, Johnson did. I didn't vote for Kennedy, but wish I had later. He was one jewel of a president. I voted for Carter but later wished I hadn't. Carter lacked common sense and fortitude. I voted for Bush. He was a big mistake, but Gore would have been worse. Obama had no background or experience to be president, and it has shown. His agenda is something else entirely. He'll go down as the worst president America ever had. The biggest mistake that could happen in the coming election is to have Trump win it. He is a Ross Perot. A person who has been a Democrat all his life, donated more to the Democrats than Republicans, but now is saying what a lot of people on the Right want to hear. Stupid stuff. Wild claims. His mouth runs like a leaky toilet. He has only one purpose - to see that Hillary wins. The best Republican candidates, IMO, are Carson and Fiorina. Bernie is in the race to make Hillary seem more centrist, when in fact she is just as far Left as Bernie is, or the entire Democrat Party, which was captured by the Left at the 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago.
                    You're going to want to kick me for this, but...I voted for Ford, not Carter; I voted for Gore, not Bush; I would've voted for Kennedy...if not for the fact that I was barely out of diapers back then ; I voted for Clinton, twice; and...drumroll please...I voted for McCain, not Obama. I CANNOT STAND Obama. I worked hard for Hillary Clinton in 2008, and I was speechless as people jumped on the Obama bandwagon instead of supporting the QUALIFIED person, Clinton. It was all about "he'll be our FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!!!" Sorry, but I don't vote based on a person's race, gender, or anything else EXCEPT their ability to fill the office they're running for. That's why although I'll celebrate having our first female president when Clinton wins, it's not BECAUSE she's female that I'm supporting her, it's because she's the best qualified of all the candidates. I think it's a real shame that the bandwagon jumpers who elected Obama didn't stop and think that electing an unqualified jerk, just so we could say we now have a black president, was really, really stupid.
                    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

