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Automated photo scanner?

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    Automated photo scanner?

    I have a project I've been putting off for YEARS, but really want to get to...eventually. I have thousands of old photos I want to scan and save on hard drives, but I simply CANNOT imagine doing it one at a time. In other words, scan a photo, name it, save it, scan another photo, name it, save it, etc...

    Can anyone recommend a scanner, whether it's specifically for photos or not, that can automate this process? I want to stick a bunch of photos in a hopper/tray and have the scanner feed them in one at a time, then just name them sequentially [or whatever] with some generic name I start with, saving them all in the same location. Does such a creature exist? FOR LINUX? I don't do windows, so there's no point discussing any of those.
    Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

    I've found these

    Any good?


      Originally posted by NickStone View Post
      I don't know. I'm really hoping for input based on personal experience with a scanner, for Linux, that does what I want. Failing that, I'm certainly open to looking at scanners and picking one that might work...but I'd rather not!
      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


        Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu View Post
        I have a project I've been putting off for YEARS, but really want to get to...eventually. I have thousands of old photos I want to scan and save on hard drives, but I simply CANNOT imagine doing it one at a time. In other words, scan a photo, name it, save it, scan another photo, name it, save it, etc...

        Can anyone recommend a scanner, whether it's specifically for photos or not, that can automate this process? I want to stick a bunch of photos in a hopper/tray and have the scanner feed them in one at a time, then just name them sequentially [or whatever] with some generic name I start with, saving them all in the same location. Does such a creature exist? FOR LINUX? I don't do windows, so there's no point discussing any of those.
        I don't know but I 'd think these devices would have nothing to do with Linux or Windows, but Maybe I'd be wrong. On the other hand, if it is so important to you, why not 'make a sacrifice' and use Windoze for this particular task? It might need nothing more than a VM instance of Windows XP ;-). Some of these devices can probably email files to you, but I'm not sure. I wanted to put you to a single thing though that you might find of interest:

        It is just an old study friend of mine or at least acquaintance, who is like an expert in 3d and graphics work. There is not even a download on that page, but it's something he did back in the day (apparently). He uses it (or it can) to extract pictures (photos) from a scanned image when there is more than one picture (photo) available in that image.

        Supposing you didn't have a scanner that was a tray-feeder this (or something like this) would at least save you the time of 'extracting' the pictures of any regular scanner. It could then save them to some file, so all you'd do was press the scan button time and time again.

        But he probably never made it into software. Lol, check out his publications:

        This is his company: If you want to contact him you have to do it there :P. Lol.


          Originally posted by xennex81 View Post
          I don't know but I 'd think these devices would have nothing to do with Linux or Windows, but Maybe I'd be wrong. On the other hand, if it is so important to you, why not 'make a sacrifice' and use Windoze for this particular task? It might need nothing more than a VM instance of Windows XP ;-).
          That would be great--if, A) I didn't mind compromising my "Linux only" philosophy, and, B) I had windows available to install. Since neither A nor B is true, it's a non-issue.

          Some of these devices can probably email files to you, but I'm not sure. I wanted to put you to a single thing though that you might find of interest:

          It is just an old study friend of mine or at least acquaintance, who is like an expert in 3d and graphics work. There is not even a download on that page, but it's something he did back in the day (apparently). He uses it (or it can) to extract pictures (photos) from a scanned image when there is more than one picture (photo) available in that image.

          Supposing you didn't have a scanner that was a tray-feeder this (or something like this) would at least save you the time of 'extracting' the pictures of any regular scanner. It could then save them to some file, so all you'd do was press the scan button time and time again.

          But he probably never made it into software. Lol, check out his publications:

          This is his company: If you want to contact him you have to do it there :P. Lol.
          Thanks. I'll take a look.

          An automated photo scanner that doesn't require a computer at all would be great. One that saves its files to its own hard drive or USB stick would work. I was originally thinking in terms of what I know, i.e., printers/scanners that are connected to computers. But I'm open to any/all that might work for me.
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


            Well then maybe scanning your photos is a non-issue ;-). Maybe after all it is not so important if you are not willing to 'compromise' (I am writing in apostrophes because you are really more compromising what you want rather than what you don't want, so you are currently already compromising your life ;-) or your wishes or desires!) but by all means.

            Just take a look at regular picture-user forums ;-). There must be people in the photography sector/phanbase who have done this stuff. Something like this is not when you start out with "linux people", you start out with "photography people", whether linux or not. Maybe their you'll find your answers. Good luck!.

            Just to give you another pointer:


            It might be very expensive, but it is an option of course. 30c per image for a 1000 pictures comes down to $300. For that price you might have your own tray feeder. This is an absolutely excellent thread:


            It recommends services, it says they go as low as 10c/picture. You might test-run one with a small sample. If it comes out bad, you may have wasted your money but at least the photos probably return to you. One person also recommends a number of devices - mind you, this is a thread of 2007 but maybe you can even get one second hand. Personally I would envy the person who does it himself because you'd learn a lot and you can select the quality or edits you want, you might even batch-process all the photos (maybe in gimp) on the other hand Photoshop ;-) has an ability to extract images like the guy I just mentioned above. You'll need to find a way OR a machine that will automatically crop and align the images it scans.

            If you can't use Linux and you don't want to use or won't use Windows (that's the better term ;-)) you might even get a second hand mac, that's sure to work :P. Heck.

            Just buy a second hand laptop for €140 and you'll have a second-hand Windows install (actually you'll have a fresh license or maybe an older license) and you'll basically have Windows 7 Professional for free. Moreover, you'll have like a HP EliteBook 2530 or 2540(p) which just plain rocks :P. Then when you're done you can throw Windows off and install Kubuntu or whatever :P. But you'll have the license so whenever you need it you can simply get an image online/offline from Windows 7 Professional and reinstall it if need be. Currently I'm using Windows and I wanted and still want to put Kubuntu 15.10 and OpenSuSE 13.2 on this but at the moment using Windows is just such a bliss aaaaaaaah so good. No need to worry and the only unhappiness in my life comes ;-) from having to install and configure a Linux (Debian) VPS as well as.

            You won't believe this. They offer a Squid (proxy server) install for Windows. You install it and it WON'T WORK. It might simply be crashing over missing SSL certificates but it gives NO ERROR MESSAGE AT ALL

            2015/08/15 22:23:20.337| method: Using SSLv2/SSLv3.2015/08/15 22:23:20.338| sslCreateClientContext: Setting RSA key generation callback.
            2015/08/15 22:23:20.339| sslCreateClientContext: Setting certificate verification callback.
            2015/08/15 22:23:20.340| sslCreateClientContext: Setting CA certificate locations.
            2015/08/15 22:23:20.362| leave_suid: leave_suid: PID 4440 called
            2015/08/15 22:23:20.363| parseOptions: command-line -X overrides:
            Then in the end I resorted to creating the cache directories myself (8x 16 dirs) and now it works as long as I don't use SSL.

            Gotta love Linux software! The perfect way to waste your time and get more headaches .

            Anyway I need to close this browser to see if the proxy will work after I have installed a certificate. And restarted.


              Originally posted by xennex81 View Post
              Well then maybe scanning your photos is a non-issue ;-). Maybe after all it is not so important if you are not willing to 'compromise' (I am writing in apostrophes because you are really more compromising what you want rather than what you don't want, so you are currently already compromising your life ;-) or your wishes or desires!) but by all means.
              I have no idea how you've concluded that I'm COMPROMISING MY LIFE/WISHES/DESIRES by refusing to use the bloated, overpriced, crappy, uncustomizable, virus-prone crap from micro$oft. I also have no idea why *I* need to defend myself ON A LINUX FORUM!

              Currently I'm using Windows and I wanted and still want to put Kubuntu 15.10 and OpenSuSE 13.2 on this but at the moment using Windows is just such a bliss aaaaaaaah so good.
              That's the thing about using dumbed-down, so-called operating systems that are made for clueless computer users--sometimes they actually work, like you're experiencing right now. That's lovely! Now if it would only CONTINUE to work...the way YOU want...and look the way YOU want...and do things only when YOU want...and install things only when and where YOU want...and not get infected with adware/malware/viruses...

              No need to worry and the only unhappiness in my life comes ;-) from having to install and configure a Linux (Debian) VPS as well as.
              It's too bad you don't know how to use a real operating system. My computing life--my "Linux ONLY" computing life--is effortless and carefree. I have no idea what it's like to encounter the problems you're apparently having. I install what I want when I want, and go about my business. I have Linux boxes with YEARS of continuous uptime, just humming along happy as can be.

              Gotta love Linux software! The perfect way to waste your time and get more headaches .
              See above. Like I said, I have no clue what you're talking about, since I NEVER waste time with Linux software, nor does it ever give me headaches. And I'm something of an expert when it comes to headaches, because I had the great displeasure of having to administer some windows boxes at my last job. Talk about headaches!

              Since you're so unhappy with Linux, and so incapable of using it effortlessly, and so in love with windows, perhaps posting on windows forums would be a better fit for you. I definitely don't think making Linux users feel the need to defend their choices--ON A LINUX FORUM--is appropriate.
              Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                Oh oh, the dropped the appropriate bomb. Now everyone is going to shudder and fear. Now it's elevated to the status of good manners and human decency, and even more so, righteousness and justness and being an acceptable good person. How to defend against that? :P .

                Inappropriate almost means "WRONG" as we have violated some very important universal law by doing so. Shudder and fear and run to your mothers!.

                I have no idea how you've concluded that I'm COMPROMISING MY LIFE/WISHES/DESIRES by refusing to use the bloated, overpriced, crappy, uncustomizable, virus-prone crap from micro$oft. I also have no idea why *I* need to defend myself ON A LINUX FORUM!
                Because you're a silly girl that lets herself get teased up in the most silly of ways. Silly silly silly! :P. Hahaha. Now that was easy :P.

                Not sure how to say it in English though. In Dutch we say "op de kast jagen" --> "being scared onto the cupboard". Losing your cool in aggrievance and aggrivation when the other was perfectly intending to do so .

                That's the thing about using dumbed-down, so-called operating systems that are made for clueless computer users--sometimes they actually work, like you're experiencing right now. That's lovely! Now if it would only CONTINUE to work...the way YOU want...and look the way YOU want...and do things only when YOU want...and install things only when and where YOU want...and not get infected with adware/malware/viruses...
                Oh their continuation has never been a problem. When I look at the amount of times that Linux users here are having to reinstall their boxes (some do over minor problems! They told us here!) then I can say that I've never had to reinstall Windows for any problem except that my Windows XP installation refused to install any new graphics drivers without becoming unstable after I had been running the system for about 5 years I think. Granted, that is annoying, because configuring a Windows system takes a lot of time, especially all the software you install. Same goes for a Linux system I guess except that I never got that far with it. Whenever I tinker with Linux to get it the way I want (I capitalized) people tell me "Don't tinker with it, why do you need to tinker with it?". They habitually tell me that I should leave the system as is. That the defaults are good enough. So how about, what about, getting it the way I want ? (I capitalized). That doesn't seem to be the truth of Linux at least not here. You are being looked down on for wanting to change the base system or create something now that is better or an elevation or an improvement or evolution of what it is now because of all the ego around Linux supposedly being perfect the way it is.

                Also I once lost a lot of data in Windows 98 because it decided to overwrite my file system tables with junk (at least the primary sectors of it) when it rebooted as a CD in the CD player/drive couldn't be read because of errors. I had to use a Norton disk tool to scan my disk for known strings just to get some programming sources back that I never subsequently was able to restore in their pristine state. That was a real bummer indeed. I was sitting there at a computer shop for hours scanning my disk in one of their systems I think/believe just to get some source files out of it, but the binary files that accompanied it I could not restore. .

                And it must have happened another time (with Windows 98) because I remember having to decompile a program (java) to get sources back after a crash.

                When I went to Windows XP finally after that (I hated it, didn't want to move) I even fondly cherished the idiosynchracity and lunacy of having a system that liked to do random reboots once in a while for no reasons whatsoever (that I could see or sense). I missed it, didn't want to lose it. At least it was my happy stupid system that I loved. And Windows XP was ugly face it.

                In terms of customizability: I have always, or for the largest part, ran Windows XP with a different theme I don't remember the name; it was a bit less contrast but more better colours, not that hideous blue and green, but a softer blue with a nice shine to it. I guess it was the only theme that even was available but it was good. I even tried to use a (commercial) package to improve it further but I failed, the system was too hard to work with and I'm too bad at graphics work. And I didn't want to fork over the cash to get ready made themes with it. It's not that XP wasn't customizable you just had to pay money for it :P. But I was reasonably content with what I ended up with.

                I've heard the same from Mac lovers as well: my Mac would NEVER do that (cause me to lose data in a crash). Heck, currently I get Blue Screens of Death very regularly but I don't think it has anything to do with Windowze this laptop is just rotten. I might get the same in Linux.

                My previous laptop of the same type was rock stable and also in a better condition. Having had a backup would have of course alleviated the small nightmares that I've had.

                But all in all Windows saves me time compared to what not, because the defaults of everything are very good and I have no need or desire to change it in any way. The changing I do is: create custom directory trees for persistent data that I can backup and restore to a new system; make sure external drives and network drives have their right drive letter (for me) and the most annoying thing is the way in which environment variables need to be configured. Especially PATH. Could that not be easier? Some startup script? Jeez.

                It's too bad you don't know how to use a real operating system. My computing life--my "Linux ONLY" computing life--is effortless and carefree. I have no idea what it's like to encounter the problems you're apparently having. I install what I want when I want, and go about my business. I have Linux boxes with YEARS of continuous uptime, just humming along happy as can be.

                Well I gotta say Squid for Linux (a default squid package install) doesn't give those problems, but this package for windows was compiled and distributed by a party that makes money off of it, and it should just work. And if it doesn't there should be error messages, not random crashes. I don't know where you've been but I've spent MANY useless hours with Linux over the years. This forum is also full with it. I'm not sure if you're not seeing that or choosing not to see it.

                Just being away for it for a while (as I have been for the past month) makes me much happier: I was just busying myself with Java programming and it was a bliss. I was just using javac/ jEdit / NetBeans (currently) and it was hard to get used to Ant and Maven but I'm happier now for it. Configuring Linux is just...

                When I was using Kubuntu 14.10 on my last laptop I spent a lot of time devising a way for my configuration to be able to get saved. And then for a semi automated way to get it back on a fresh install. I never really accomplished that yet I guess but I did write a configuration file updater program. That was somewhat helpful.

                Configuring e.g. Apache might be fun the first time, but since you're having to do everything in config files and without Internet you wouldn't get far; I am Googling constantly to know how to do things. It is not there; it is not explained; the manual is bad; without tutorials or tutorial snippets you can't do anything. Linux and Linux software lives by the way of the Internet Search, without it you are dead. Squid, by contrast, is well documented I must say, it comes with a Documented configuration file that has ALL of the directives in it that you can use, even the ones that are commented out by default (which is mostly everything, because they are defaults ;-)).

                All I know is that e.g. Exim is a horror to configure, it just takes SO MUCH TIME before you understand how it works. In the end I guess everything is easy, but everything is bound to be easy after you've spend 20 hours reading a book on it.

                So, just talking about your effortless and carefree Linux computing life, I guess you don't need a scanner that works with Linux only, or with Linux at all, since you're so carefree that you can do without ;-).

                Talk about carefreeness! You don't have to worry about it at all. You can just go to a store and buy something and it will work. No need to ask question on a forum about it at all! ;-).

                See above. Like I said, I have no clue what you're talking about, since I NEVER waste time with Linux software, nor does it ever give me headaches. And I'm something of an expert when it comes to headaches, because I had the great displeasure of having to administer some windows boxes at my last job. Talk about headaches!
                I don't care, I haven't done your job, nor would I want to.

                And maybe it would be appropriate for YOU to respond to the actual helpful comments I made without being a b1tch about it and only hating on the things that draw your eye like a red cloth draws the eye of the bull that is then stampeding without any second thought or knowledge of what it is doing into the abyss and its painful dead at the hands of the torero? You're being a real bitch about it I can tell you. I have spent all this time digging up threads and you are not even grateful, nor have you thought to do that work yourself, just happily asking questions for other people to do it for you or to provide the experiences you are too lazy to seek out yourself. That is your "happy Linux life", you let men do your work.

                And then you are completely inappropriately attacking the person who is teasing you a bit knowing full well how easy it is to get you disgrudged and jumping boards, making it so serious as if you are the high and mighty and some great threat was posed and some holy thing was attacked that should warrant close examination and expulsion at the hands of the ones who are right and --- saying it is "Inappropriate" to post something nonserious and humorous like that on your Very Serious Linux Forum which is So Important that we must all honour it and tread in respect to it always.

                Last edited by xennex81; Aug 16, 2015, 01:58 AM.


                  And I don't know why you have a picture in your sig attacking Windows if you've never used it and - oh you did use it, at your job. Maybe you should talk about those experiences instead instead of vilely attacking anything that says Linux is a bad software.


                    This is the sort of task that is best done by someone that has experience with the pitfalls, and has the best gear. There's so much that can go wrong, not least destruction of your photos. Unless you plan to make a business out of this, I'd suggest finding someone who has. Even then, I'd want to check them out personally, do trial runs with relatively unimportant photos, and whatever produces lots of warm fuzzy feelings.
                    Regards, John Little


                      DoYouKubuntu is a valued and well-liked member here, and IMO asked a perfectly reasonable, valid question. In fact, I am currently in the same situation, having to scan a bunch of old photos and organize them.

                      As usual, xennex81, you have done what you usually do in your 363 posts to date (though it would be difficult to do an ex poste analysis of your posts because many have been deleted, including deleted by you or edited by you):

                      (1) You have made it all about you, your precious self;
                      (2) Made it clear how bad Linux is, in your opinion.

                      Furthermore, you go on with some psycho-babble, analyzing DYK's motives and behavior. Two problems with that:

                      (1) It is inappropriate, in response to a technical issue DYK raised.
                      (2) Who are you to analyze anyone?

                      DYK makes a good point: Why should anyone have to defend Linux on a Linux forum?

                      You have repeatedly made your position crystal clear: You dislike--hate?--Linux; you have written many dozens of page-equivalents explaining why. What exactly is your purpose here? Why are you here? We certainly don't need this, but what are you getting out of it, except a theater in which to vent and pontificate?

                      DYK can defend herself. I'm simply making the pattern of your responses clear.

                      Quotes from xennex81, Post #8.

                      Because you're a silly girl that lets herself get teased up in the most silly of ways. Silly silly silly!
                      And maybe it would be appropriate for YOU to respond to the actual helpful comments I made without being a b1tch about it and only hating on the things that draw your eye like a red cloth draws the eye of the bull that is then stampeding without any second thought or knowledge of what it is doing into the abyss and its painful dead at the hands of the torero? You're being a real bitch about it I can tell you. I have spent all this time digging up threads and you are not even grateful, nor have you thought to do that work yourself, just happily asking questions for other people to do it for you or to provide the experiences you are too lazy to seek out yourself. That is your "happy Linux life", you let men do your work.
                      And then you are completely inappropriately attacking the person who is teasing you a bit knowing full well how easy it is to get you disgrudged and jumping boards, making it so serious as if you are the high and mighty and some great threat was posed and some holy thing was attacked that should warrant close examination and expulsion at the hands of the ones who are right and --- saying it is "Inappropriate" to post something nonserious and humorous like that on your Very Serious Linux Forum which is So Important that we must all honour it and tread in respect to it always.
                      Last edited by Qqmike; Aug 16, 2015, 06:06 AM.
                      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                        To offer something concrete and constructive ...

                        It has been suggested to you to help out at Kubuntu development. In fact, a dev dropped in here and indicated some specific areas you could help with. Pretty clear by now, xennex81, that you do not wish to help out. Nothing wrong with that, your choice.

                        You indicated you were gone from here a month. What other computer/Linux/software forums did you visit? I can only find very old posts at WordPress under your xennex81 name. Have you written anything (posts, documentation or software) that we could have a look at?

                        I constructively suggest you establish yourself at Arch, OpenSuse, and/or Ubuntu (yes, Ubuntu forums); perhaps Gentoo for other ideas or challenges you may have; and additionally, choose (at least) one top-tier Windows forum (as a Windows guy, you know what they are).

                        Don't feel that your message has been ignored here. We patiently got it: You hate Linux, and probably hate Kubuntu, even indicating once that 14.04 is not the solution for someone dissatisfied with 15.04. You've posted more than 360 times; let's say, what, an average of 500 words each time (that may be low, your post at DYK was about 1900 words) = 180,000 words. That's a helluva lot.

                        Time to act on something tangible, constructive--for yourself, if not to help others.
                        Last edited by Qqmike; Aug 16, 2015, 08:07 AM. Reason: spelling, added one word "posts"
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          You are really a cow turd Mike.

                          First of all there is no reason to defend yourself at all. That is the whole point of what I was saying/writing. What do you think you are defending? Some illusion? Apparently so. I only have to say ONE supposedly 'bad' thing about "Linux" and you are up in the ropes, all of you, but since DoYouKubuntu (let's not slice words here) indicates so fervously and feverously how much she is up in cahoots about it, well, that was easy :P.

                          You seriously don't know how much of an idiot you are when you defend someone's views like that. Her post was not at all technical or purely technical, it was a stab at Windows once more. You do what I say you do; no, what you say I (capitalized) do, is there a difference?.

                          Windows, that I have no particular interest in is vilified for no reasons whatsoever on a continual basis. Your hate apparently is justified. And why should I tell YOU what I have been doing? As if you have an interest in that or a right to know, after you've treated my ass like that time and time again on a continual basis?......

                          "She has a right to defend herself" -- the point is that she doesn't NEED to because she wasn't really ATTACKED. So what are you defending really? Linux? Holyness? Sanctifiticity? Jezus man, you people are crazy. Most of Linux people are like that of course, it's what makes them insane ;-). Hey, you can be sane when you want to, I'm not saying you're not. I'm just saying you advocate or seem to adocate insanity.

                          Why should I have an interest in doing Kubuntu work just because you say so?.

                          - I haven't had a computer for most of the time since about May/April
                          - Kubuntu people have been telling me to go elsewhere moments after I stepped into the #kubuntu-devel channel and ever since.
                          - they ruined a very a cool guy I was meeting saying that I couldn't do it in their precious channel.
                          - I haven't spoken to him months now, and not because we were ...

                          The list goes on. I am doing Kubuntu (or at least Linux) development when I can, it's just not what you like, or would like to see - becoming part of a team that hates me and doing what you want instead of what I want or like.

                          Even going to look for my handle on the web to see if I have posted anything under it :P. Lol. You are serious about this aren't you, this madness.

                          Why should I be...? It's senseless.

                          All of you....

                          You say I am about "me" but all the suggestions you make are suggestions that would help you. Another guy at the Gnome mailing list where I was... also only thought about the stuff that he would like(d) to see. It's even hard for you to imagine that someone could have different goals than that. The guy.... it is so senseless you people.


                            You are trying to judge me purely on the basis of "computer/Linux/software". Why should that be the criterium with which to judge me? Why judge me at all?.

                            You don't know how senseless and sick it is to try to steer another person's life like that?. As if the person has nothing better to do. As if the person needs your "help" to find his goals, that You apparently seem not to be able or capable of understanding in the slightest, no matter how simple they are.

                            And perhaps you can't understand them because they are so simple, because it's not like I've hidden them on this forum in the slightest I believe. Okay I was not always so eager to shed my whole life, but I have said a lot I believe. You probably know more about me than I know about any of you, and yet you go on asking for even more info that you have no right to, certainly not on this basis.

                            You don't even understand my feelings at all. You all seem to fervently hate Windows, so you assume I must hate Linux if they say the sort of things they say about Windows and I seem to be saying some of the same about Linux.

                            You should read the sticky by GreyPerson in the new to Kubuntu forum. The one from 2012. A description of all the ways that Microsoft has been evil. You think there is not a big deal of hate and vitriol in there?.

                            What are you exactly accusing me of that you don't do yourself?. When you do it it is justified because this is a Linux forum and Might is Right and you are the strong here? So you can do it but I don't?. Even if I was doing the same thing....

                            Why the hell should I "establish" myself at either Arch (that I have no real interest in), OpenSUSE (that I have never installed yet to date as of since a long time ago) or Ubuntu (that I dislike to the greatest, especially their forums and their policy). Because you say so? Because if I do I am vindicated in your eyes?.

                            Why the hell should I be wanting to be vindicated in your eyes so you can be that Pope you accuse me of and gain your blessing?... Crazyness...

                            And a Windows forum? When I have never been a Windows fan and I hate their fanboys as much as I do the .... actually I don't think those people have a match, but then I haven't been around them often. And there are not many I think. There just aren't any Windows fanboys that I know of.

                            Oh I fought a Mac fanboy once. She called me nefarious. That was long ago ;-). Lol....

                            My total number of posts in my entire life on Windows forums including those of Microsoft itself is about 5. I think.

                            That's not counting stuff about e.g. Winamp, but that is not Windows, and Windows is not an interesting thing.

                            I have made posts on these forums about things not directly Kubuntu related or even... and I am currently slightly engaged with at least one of them. But you have no right to know the way it is regardless, because I never got any responses to that thread, apparently it was not of interest to you. And it is hard work and I don't like it so much.

                            But I'm reading up on how to fork a Github project if you must know and stay updated on that. I have read books on Ant and Maven if you must care. I have done Java coding. I have submitted my first patch in my life. I am trying to engage in debate, and of course people are unwilling there as well. But at least I can work on somthing. I have learned how to use Netbeans. Feeling better?.

                            I have installed ownCloud like I have indicated and offered to help with their forum software, to which I have not had a reply yet.

                            Feeling better?. I'm a PHP programmer yes, and Java one at that, not one with skills in C++ or Qt as of yet. If I wanted to get involved with Kubuntu or KDE there'd better be a very good reason, and a reason quite naturally that coincided with my goals. And it is much more likely that I'd 'contribute' to some project I like that had a reasonably good 'command structure' rather than the difficult that is often a Linux Distribution.

                            I have also read a book by Iain Banks called Matter, maybe Steve would like it, I think it is his kind of thing. Also reading Player of Games.

                            Now you know about 100x more about me than I have ever to date known about you mr. Mike friendly person.

                            Of course I say those things so you can help me, perhaps. I can always use support in whatever kind, just not the kind that says that you have to or are going to decide for me.
                            Last edited by xennex81; Aug 16, 2015, 09:06 AM.


                              I logged on to post, but you keep posting ... Oh hell, xennex81, you may have the last word (or many words) here.
                              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

