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Will you install Windows 10?

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    I'm starting to see more websites that only work with IE.
    Yes, I remember that, too, back in the XP days (I can't recall what sites they were, but there were several). But now I thought that was less common, that other browsers were being used more and more; now Edge is supposed to be the thing, but is failing in its acceptance, thus far. I thought IE was now on the skids, had drastically lost its share.
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
      Websites that only work with IE? Never come across that before. Any examples?
      Banks used to be prime culprits, but seem to have caught up.

      Both the examples that cause me hassles at the moment are payroll / personnel information systems. One of them is so archaic that it displays in a 1024x768 panel in the middle of my IE window, however big it is.

      Wait - another one is the CRM system my current company uses.
      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


        Was my last Windows OS. I deleted it and gave my entire HD to Kubuntu with Btrfs some time ago.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Originally posted by life0riley View Post
          Unfortunately I'm starting to see more websites that only work with IE. I thought that was changing with the popularity of Firefox and Chrome.
          I haven't seen that recently and my primary browser is Chromium. When I have encountered it I copied the source HTML to my HD and edited out all the gratuitous Windows dll calls sprinkled liberally throughout. Then the page displayed just fine from my HD. It's classic MS incompatibility in order to force noob Windows users to IE.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            Websites that only work with IE? Never come across that before. Any examples?
            Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
            I haven't seen that recently and my primary browser is Chromium. When I have encountered it I copied the source HTML to my HD and edited out all the gratuitous Windows dll calls sprinkled liberally throughout. Then the page displayed just fine from my HD. It's classic MS incompatibility in order to force noob Windows users to IE.
            I looked and was hard pressed to find any websites that only works with Internet Explorer at this time. I checked websites that previously gave me an issue. It turns out I can access them with Firefox again. I don't use Chrome so I can't speak to that.

            Originally I started noticing the issue sometime around the end of last year and the beginning of this year I had trouble accessing my back accounts, work HR website, and Health Care Spending Account. I couldn't get past certain menus and pages with Firefox, and some buttons just didn't work. It turned out my bank was doing maintenance on their website. My company has since done maintenance on their website, and they have switched the company that manages the Heatlh Care Spending Account. I tried all with Firefox again, the issue appears to be resolved now.

            My bank blocks any browser except Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. They have a published statement listing supported browsers and operating systems. Linux is not listed with the supported operating systems. They list Windows 7 and higher and MAC OS 10.X or higher as the only operating systems supported. This is BS because I have no issue accessing from Linux with Firefox.


              Actually we have internal software (purchased, not in house made) that was designed to only work with IE8 and it happens to work on IE9 thankfully. So there are items out there that do unfortunately. Said software even removed FireFox and Chrome capabilities in one of the updates so further tying us to IE9. Don't know about their newest whole number version release, but from what I read in release notes, only IE is supported. Shameful in my opinion.


                Originally posted by life0riley View Post
                My bank blocks any browser except Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. They have a published statement listing supported browsers and operating systems. Linux is not listed with the supported operating systems. They list Windows 7 and higher and MAC OS 10.X or higher as the only operating systems supported. This is BS because I have no issue accessing from Linux with Firefox.
                In these cases I think it's not so much a case of "we've found it doesn't work with Linux | Safari | etc" but more "we can't be bothered to test changes to our site on more than 3 browsers or more than 2 OSes so we won't support it".
                I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                  My bank specifically blocks unsupported browsers. I get a message that says "For Online Access You Must Use a Supported Browser" if I attempt to log in with anything other than Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome.


                    Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
                    In these cases I think it's not so much a case of "we've found it doesn't work with Linux | Safari | etc" but more "we can't be bothered to test changes to our site on more than 3 browsers or more than 2 OSes so we won't support it".
                    Right. There aren't enough members making noise about this for them to consider it a significant issue.


                      Luckily the more universal browsers have a User Agent switch, either native or as a plug in.

                      For me it would be a damn good reason to switch banks, if they are not able to offer safe browsing (!=IE or MS) then they're not to be trusted with my money.


                        ummm.........uhhh.............thinking.......... rearranging ... my stamp collection.......all three stamps........





                          i had tired it came as free upgrade to new pc (slowed system down to dial up speeds) reverted back to win 8 . however kubuntu still best option


                            You read articles like this and wonder:

                            (1) is MS stupid?
                            (2) is MS incompetent?
                            (3) is MS dishonest?
                            (4) is MS [manipulative, scamming, what]?
                            All the above? Not likely. But after all these years in business, they keep doing this sort of thing. And angering everyone.

                            But what is it with this company? Nowadays, any big company can hire excellent technical writers and copywriters to write copy for them. Why can't they write simply, clearly, in terms most living humans can read and understand? Isn't this frustrating? I'm not a Windows user, but we do maintain a laptop here using 8.1, to be upgraded to X at some point. The Windows update service is extremely confusing. The average user doesn't and won't have a clue what all this is about or how best to navigate through it.

                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              I've been running Win 10 for over six months .... ON A VM! I hope never to actually install any Microsoft OS again, on real hardware. But I do enjoy picking up occasional beer money from friends and acquaintances with broken Windows systems, so I'm not actually against it.


                                Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
                                You read articles like this and wonder:

                                (1) is MS stupid?
                                (2) is MS incompetent?
                                (3) is MS dishonest?
                                (4) is MS [manipulative, scamming, what]?
                                All the above? Not likely. But after all these years in business, they keep doing this sort of thing. And angering everyone.

                                But what is it with this company? Nowadays, any big company can hire excellent technical writers and copywriters to write copy for them. Why can't they write simply, clearly, in terms most living humans can read and understand? Isn't this frustrating? I'm not a Windows user, but we do maintain a laptop here using 8.1, to be upgraded to X at some point. The Windows update service is extremely confusing. The average user doesn't and won't have a clue what all this is about or how best to navigate through it.

                                This kind of crap concerning Windows 10 is why I purged it from my system and decided it was time to switch to Linux for good. I used to be "meh" about Windows' telemetry, but I kept reading about all sort of extra telemetry on Windows 10, and that it's impossible to completely disallow it, only set it to a basic level that sends minimal data. I don't mind that Microsoft wants telemetry to improve Windows, but I want complete control over what I send them, even to the point of completely shutting telemetry down if I so choose. Then I watched a video that demonstrated that completely ignored the hosts file in Windows 10, and started to wonder what else ignored it, given that Spybot released a tool that uses the hosts file to block telemetry (I was using said tool). Is all this tin-foil hat stuff on my part? Maybe, but I'm not so much irked that Microsoft wants data, but that I don't have complete control over what data is sent to them. Combined with how aggressively they're pushing Windows 10, and at this point, it'll be a cold day in he** before I install Windows outside a VM.

