I, rather frequently, either reinstall, or install kubuntu. I am currently using 15.10. After installation, from the live cd (the iso it was created from), the system wants to upgrade, get language packs, etc. -- IMMEDIATELY, ONLINE, ON MY SLOW NET CONNECTION!
How can I upgrade the iso file, itself, with all current upgrades, so that the live cd I burn from it is up-to-date, and will be requesting no upgrades, etc. -- after an installation from the live cd, which has been burnt from the upgraded iso file?
I am rather new to kubuntu, and it is OK to feed me the information with a baby spoon.
Thanks in advance.
How can I upgrade the iso file, itself, with all current upgrades, so that the live cd I burn from it is up-to-date, and will be requesting no upgrades, etc. -- after an installation from the live cd, which has been burnt from the upgraded iso file?
I am rather new to kubuntu, and it is OK to feed me the information with a baby spoon.
Thanks in advance.