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Update iso, the live cd, installer, itself?

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    Update iso, the live cd, installer, itself?

    I, rather frequently, either reinstall, or install kubuntu. I am currently using 15.10. After installation, from the live cd (the iso it was created from), the system wants to upgrade, get language packs, etc. -- IMMEDIATELY, ONLINE, ON MY SLOW NET CONNECTION!

    How can I upgrade the iso file, itself, with all current upgrades, so that the live cd I burn from it is up-to-date, and will be requesting no upgrades, etc. -- after an installation from the live cd, which has been burnt from the upgraded iso file?

    I am rather new to kubuntu, and it is OK to feed me the information with a baby spoon.

    Thanks in advance.

    During the installation process disconnect your box from the Internet. Plug it back in on the reboot. Or, just answer "no" when asked during the install if you want to download updates from the internet.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      You reply answers a question I did not ask.

      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
      During the installation process disconnect your box from the Internet. Plug it back in on the reboot. Or, just answer "no" when asked during the install if you want to download updates from the internet.
      Yes, obvious. However, I want to update the iso file, so when I burn a live cd from that iso, it already has all updates -- from the manual update of the iso file. What I asked was how to end up so that no updates are needed, and the new install is already up-to-date, at least in regards to when the manual update of the iso was done. But, thanks for the reply, anyway.


        zsync is perfect for you, but at times there are many updates throughout the day, so you will likely never totally be caught-up, but the updates will usually be less. language packs still may need to be downloaded, regardless, as they are not all on the iso.

        However, I am not sure what the download difference is between updating the iso, and updating after an install using and "old" image. You are still having to download things either way.

        Anyway, zsync is a great way to keep the iso image up-to-date, and is super easy to use.

        After you install it, open a terminal in the folder where you have the iso, or want it to go, and enter:


        The url to the zsync file is in every iso page for daily builds in The example above is for the daily build of Wily for 64 bit.


          Thank you, you made it easy.

          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          zsync is perfect for you, but at times there are many updates throughout the day, so you will likely never totally be caught-up, but the updates will usually be less. language packs still may need to be downloaded, regardless, as they are not all on the iso. However, I am not sure what the download difference is between updating the iso, and updating after an install using and "old" image. You are still having to download things either way. Anyway, zsync is a great way to keep the iso image up-to-date, and is super easy to use. After you install it, open a terminal in the folder where you have the iso, or want it to go, and enter: zsync The url to the zsync file is in every iso page for daily builds in The example above is for the daily build of Wily for 64 bit.
          This certainly appears what I wanted, I have downloaded/built zsync, and grabbing an iso with it. I had dumped the .iso, and find that zsync will grab the whole iso, and then should be able to be used to just replace/update those files which are needed at the time I want to up date the .iso ... THANK YOU!

