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Let's un-hijack this thread

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    Originally posted by NickStone View Post
    I find it a bit ironic that two of the Americans on the forum are not wanting someone else to have their say when in the "land of the free" free speech is part of their constitution / law.
    I'm sure you understand, Nick, the the freedom to say what you want does not mean that there aren't ramifications for what you say. Freedom of Speech does not equal Freedom from Responsibility. I absolutely defend everyone's right to say whatever it they want. And I absolutely defend the right of everyone else to think you're an idiot (or a$$h0le, whatever) when you say something stupid or hateful.

    Besides, this is not a forum run by the State nor do equal access laws apply here. Therefore, the operators of this forum have the right to set standards and boundaries to free speech, just like you do in your home. One can say whatever they like about Kubuntu or the other topics covered here, but allowing someone here to "have their say" doesn't include personal attacks like name-calling. Besides, the fact that this thread even still exists on the forum is testimony to the liberalness of the standards.

    Please Read Me


      Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
      ...the fact that this thread even still exists on the forum is testimony to the liberalness of the standards.
      From our 'who are we' article:
      What should KFN members and visitors expect? All free software projects have distinctive cultures. So do their support forums, both official (like that for Ubuntu) and unofficial (like KFN). One of our notable distinctions is that, within reasonable bounds, posts of topics unrelated to Kubuntu or Linux are allowed here. Our Community Cafe forum and its subforums contain lively discussions and cantankerous debates over subjects often prohibited on other technical boards. Why? We are humans, diverse and opinionated. We are also good friends. Our regulars enjoy challenging and learning from each other. Conversations can occasionally become contentious, but our members exhibit an uncommon degree of self-discipline and rarely attack individual persons. Newcomers used to certain limits on conduct may be surprised when they first encounter such a conversation here. Again, we are not and do not intend to be a professional support forum for Kubuntu. We do not charge for membership nor are we part of a corporation: we are Kubuntu Forums, a distinct community with a unique culture.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
        From our 'who are we' article:
        I never have seen that. I like how it is worded. Yes, some of the threads here over the years have been very interesting and I like how we all go on despite the differences. It's refreshing compared to the "real" world.


          The key to it all is to disagree, when that is required, without being disagreeable. Regardless of ones opinion or what one writes ones argument is never strengthened by insulting those who disagree. Too often these days Internet talk backs are often reduced to name calling and outright ridicule, making intelligent debate impossible. The admins job is a delicate one because some are very good at couching name calling and ridicule in clever word salads, and some inadvertently ridicule or insult without meaning to because their writing skills are not well developed. And, we've had people join this forum with the sole purpose of attacking Linux, KDE, or this forum.

          People's viewpoints change while on this forum. Mine has concerning Windows, thanks to Steve Riley. I still dislike Gates and Ballmer, though! �� (Disclaimer: I used to be an active admin on this site and asked Steve to replace me. He graciously accepted and the forum has been a better place with his presence, both technically and socially.)
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            I agree with GreyGeek 100%. I only want to hear positive, constructive things about Hitler. All this negativity about the Nazis doesn't accomplish anything. Anyone who has a problem with corporate fascism should be banned/silenced, in the name of good debate.


              Cool, Godwin's Law and Blame The Nasty "Murricans LOL!!!

              If we were into silencing people here, this thread would have been taken down a long time ago.

              An interesting KFN Fun Fact:

              We have 17544 registered users, and we have been around for 10 years now. T-E-N.
              Guess how many people in that entire time have been banned from the forums (not counting spam bots and the like)

              Seriously, take a guess!

              I'll bet you are wrong!

              Nope, lower!!

              Still lower!!!

              Give up?

              We sure like to shut people up.


                Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                People's viewpoints change while on this forum. Mine has concerning Windows, thanks to Steve Riley. I still dislike Gates and Ballmer, though! �� (Disclaimer: I used to be an active admin on this site and asked Steve to replace me. He graciously accepted and the forum has been a better place with his presence, both technically and socially.)
                Wow. *blush* Thanks for the kind words, Jerry!


                  I find it ironic that thinking someone is stupid is allowed but saying it isn't ;-).

                  Just saying that it works both ways. And I agree with what GreyGeek says. Some hide name calling with attacks that are not as overt but can have an effect anyway, or deliver the same message. I suggest we both don't do that anymore.

                  I'm fine with not calling names. I wanna focus on the positive anyway.


                    Originally posted by InsideJob View Post
                    I agree with GreyGeek 100%. I only want to hear positive, constructive things about Hitler. All this negativity about the Nazis doesn't accomplish anything. Anyone who has a problem with corporate fascism should be banned/silenced, in the name of good debate.
                    Thank you for supplying an example of what I was referring to. Invoking Hitler usually indicates that the discussion has ceased to be that.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post

                      People's viewpoints change while on this forum. Mine has concerning Windows, thanks to Steve Riley. I still dislike Gates and Ballmer, though! �� (Disclaimer: I used to be an active admin on this site and asked Steve to replace me. He graciously accepted and the forum has been a better place with his presence, both technically and socially.)
                      What viewpoints towards Windows did you adopt; You didn't like Windows, now you do, or visa-versa?
                      Boot Info Script


                        Neither. I learned to tolerate Win7 because it is most similar to XP and because of the technical details Steve supplied. I detested Gates and Ballmer, but they and James Plamondon's "Technical Evangelists" are no longer on the scene. Linux has survived their unethical onslaughts and has thrived. Even MS uses Linux now. The war is over. Linux didn't slay Windows or MS. Ballmer attempted to but succeeded only in crippling MS. IMO only their huge cash reserves are keeping them afloat as their Market share dwindles.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          The computer world is in a state of turmoil. Windows 8 is not a relaxing, well done system. Windows 10 throws even more on the edge. Linux is not well done yet but goes towards a state of being consumer-happy. Windows goes in the direction of corporate ideals of a certain market share and software-as-a-service. They want to combine the tablets and the devices and also monetize on search.

                          And they do stuff that people don't want, but only they want it. I think the condition will be reached where vast amounts of computer users will be left without a home that they agee on. Now this computer does weird stuff as text is not being copied and writing in this field in Internet Explorer takes ages.

                          I am myself in a state of turmoil, but I think it reflects bigger changes. Nothing is the same anymore. I have Windows 7 but can't install it yet. Maybe I'll try in a month, after having used Windows 8 some. I hate it that my tools don't work in Linux.
                          Last edited by xennex81; Jun 09, 2015, 08:53 AM.


                            Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                            Thank you for supplying an example of what I was referring to. Invoking Hitler usually indicates that the discussion has ceased to be that.
                            You're also a good example of what I'm talking about. The word Hitler came up so the discussion is over. Doesn't matter if he was a Nationalist and Socialist not a fascist. Doesn't matter that Franco and Pinochet died from old age and that Mussolini wrote the "Doctrine of Fascism". Oh noes, you said Hitler! That's like saying 9/11 was an inside job. Discussion over!


                              I've closed this thread, as it has, IMO, ceased to be 'productive', and is becoming 'tit for tat'. My action is not a reflection on any particular member who has posted here. No offense is intended to anyone.
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

