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Progressive Left in U.S. bastardization of Neo-Platonism

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    Progressive Left in U.S. bastardization of Neo-Platonism

    Ya know.........

    I am sometimes amazed the old "saw" of....

    "What goes around comes around"....

    It means that...

    "what you dish out comes back to you".......


    "what was done a long time ago.......comes back and people think that it is something new...."

    It also refers to P.T. Barnum's saying......"there is a sucker( new ) born every minute".

    I would gently suggest that all of the people who think:

    a) that they have developed a "new insight"
    b) that they are "better than than that person over there because of "MY INSIGHT"...
    c) that.......people who think that "those people are just stoopid"....

    Might consider............

    comparing their bastardized way of thought compared to the NeoPlatonists:

    in the United States:

    Generally and since it influences the rest of the world:

    Specifically how neoplatonism has influnenced the thought of a few, but not the the United States:

    The INFLUENTIAL PLAY on the gullibility of both the Neo-Platonists and the ......."Christian new thought"....

    of particular interest to the lefties.........

    although they will NOT even acknowledge the influence ..

    because leftyism in the U.S. be Opposite of "rightyism" in the United States....

    ABOVE ALL ELSE........the leftys have to be the OPPOSITE of the rightys..

    Annnd.....the rightys have to be the opposite of the lefties......

    but anyway........

    here is an EXHAUSTIVE list of readings for anybody who wants to become exhausted:

    BECAUSE NO MATTER THE PROTESTATIONS...........the "lefties" in the United States are

    AN OPPOSITIONAL PRODUCT of "Puritanical thought"....

    Notice that "oppositional" does not imply that it is "correct"...

    "oppositional" merely means.......that whatever THAT STUPID person says......I'm "agin' " it!!! Me and my poppa!!! "agin' it!!"...

    BUUUTTT to move to the SPECIFIC

    the PRESENT LEFTY gotta be diffurnt from those stoopid Christians....

    All of the present day "thought"(using the term euphemistically) of the lefty is derived from:

    Christian Neo-Platonism...

    FROM THE 1920's .............

    lol......... obsession with........

    spirit readings, ouija boards, and seances...... and....

    surprisingly.........Arthur Conan Doyle.......

    who, after his wife passed, desperately wanted to maintain communication...

    The most general statement of what lead to the present loggerheads in the United States:

    Again...........from Aleister Crowley.........

    "Of thine own will shall be the whole of the law..."

    translated to the 1960's

    "Do your own thing".

    And...........because "followers-on" have evidentially....

    only been able to go............. BELOW the original impetus....

    "Whatever THOSE people want or believe, I detest them and their grandparents and their children"...

    Ummmm sounds like Christians........"condemned to the seventh generation"...


    For the "liberal progressive"....the most "cogent/relevant/trenchant statement on our out of sync times is.....

    ....puking in your sleeping bag with a roadie (courtesy of Jack Kerouac).

    So what is all of the ABOVE saying?

    "If one does not LEARN from history, one is forever condemned to repeat the mistakes........of history.......". Jack Kerouac who changed the pronunciation, while I was "in country" "Kerowaaayyyy"...... about an egoist........

    woodstilwood.....smoke.....smoke.....not much other way to say it....

    Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post





















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    Last edited by claydoh; May 11, 2015, 02:26 PM. Reason: that did not turn out as expected


      Woodsmoke, whats the point of posting all this stuff that nobody understands? It doesnt even seem to get read anymore. I know I gave up long ago.


        Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
        Woodsmoke, whats the point of posting all this stuff that nobody understands? It doesnt even seem to get read anymore. I know I gave up long ago.
        Regards, John Little

