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Second hand laptop with Windows Vista

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    Second hand laptop with Windows Vista

    On Sunday I was given a emachines laptop which has Windows Vista pre-installed. My first instinct was to remove Vista and replace it with Debian or Manjaro but then I thought, why not attempt to see if I can use this OS for a month to see how bad it is. I've never had Windows Vista before and have only read other peoples accounts on how bad it is.

    This is day 3 of using Windows Vista and it is annoying the hell out of me, for one thing it is really slow. When I'm dragging the mouse pointer across the screen it feels like I'm dragging it through treacle. Then there's the constant reading of the hard disk - unsure if it us using swap because laptop only has 1GB of RAM.

    I have set up two new accounts, one called Root which is the administrator account and the other is under my own name which is a normal user account which I log in most of the time.

    I have a few videos in mp4 format on a USB stick but Windows does not have the codec installed so cannot play them through Windows Media Player I would need to download the codec or install VLC.

    I haven't bothered to install a 3rd party virus scanner but I do have Windows Defender installed, I am hoping that this will keep most of the nasties at bay.

    One thing that I was surprtised to see installed was Microsoft Works, I had not seen that since the 90's. I didn't think Microsoft were still developing it.

    Anyway I am not too sure I will be keeping Windows Vista for a month, but as a word of warning, if I ever start using foul language on here it's because I've been using Vista so apologies in advance.

    Voluntarily subjecting yourself to Vista? And with less than 2GB of RAM?

    Are you doing penance for something?


      Originally posted by ronw View Post
      Voluntarily subjecting yourself to Vista? And with less than 2GB of RAM?

      Are you doing penance for something?
      Yes I'm punishing myself


        To be fair you should also force yourself to use Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) for a month. I bet you'd find similar issues with media support!
        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


          Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
          To be fair you should also force yourself to use Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) for a month. I bet you'd find similar issues with media support!

          I did try installing Vista to a VM so I could root my old phone using the particular software required at the time. On a P4-m. With 2gb ram. Wow, just wow. I booted to Lxde just so I could put moar ramzes to the VM, and used a guide to remove all the unnecessary services. What a waste of time that was. I happened to have a legal and valid install disk for it, which is the only reason I tried it.

          I forgot that the laptop originally had win2k on it, it had the sticker on the bottom for it, lol.


            Originally posted by NickStone View Post
            On Sunday I was given a emachines laptop which has Windows Vista pre-installed.
            No friends, eh Nick?

            Originally posted by NickStone View Post
            I've never had Windows Vista before and have only read other peoples accounts on how bad it is.
            My Ship-It Award has badges for Vista and 7. It's buried deep in a pile of junk I'll probably never dig through again.

            Originally posted by NickStone View Post
            This is day 3 of using Windows Vista and it is annoying the hell out of me, for one thing it is really slow. When I'm dragging the mouse pointer across the screen it feels like I'm dragging it through treacle. Then there's the constant reading of the hard disk - unsure if it us using swap because laptop only has 1GB of RAM.
            Wow, three whole days! Dirty little secret: everyone in Redmond ditched their Vista builds for the first Windows 7 pre-alphas as soon as the buildlab churned out DVDs. Even that was better.

            Originally posted by NickStone View Post
            I haven't bothered to install a 3rd party virus scanner but I do have Windows Defender installed, I am hoping that this will keep most of the nasties at bay.
            Defender in Vista is only anti-spyware. It has no anti-virus capabilities at all. You'll need something -- now.

            Originally posted by NickStone View Post
            One thing that I was surprtised to see installed was Microsoft Works, I had not seen that since the 90's. I didn't think Microsoft were still developing it.
            Works is very dead; killed in 2009. Version 9.0 -- the one you have -- was the last.


              Originally posted by NickStone View Post
              ... why not attempt to see if I can use this OS for a month to see how bad it is...
              Because it's a pointless exercise in futility.

              ...laptop only has 1GB of RAM
              Lubuntu (IME) or Linux lite (I've been told), both based on Trusty, would run well, assuming no hardware issues. Would keep you closer to your Kubuntu skills.
              Regards, John Little


                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                No friends, eh Nick?
                No that's why I'm on here 24/7

                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                Wow, three whole days! Dirty little secret: everyone in Redmond ditched their Vista builds for the first Windows 7 pre-alphas as soon as the buildlab churned out DVDs. Even that was better.
                If it was that bad, how did it get through quality control?

                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                Defender in Vista is only anti-spyware. It has no anti-virus capabilities at all. You'll need something -- now.
                Anti-spyware? Well it's not working coz Windows is still on it.

                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                Works is very dead; killed in 2009. Version 9.0 -- the one you have -- was the last.
                RIP Works


                  Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                  Because it's a pointless exercise in futility.
                  Just wanted to see how bad it was or were people exaggerating. Nope they weren't, it really is that bad.

                  Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                  Lubuntu (IME) or Linux lite (I've been told), both based on Trusty, would run well, assuming no hardware issues. Would keep you closer to your Kubuntu skills.
                  I'm thinking of putting Debian or Mint on it.

