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Proof that Americans are gullible

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    Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
    IMO ,,,,,,and yes I know it's just one lowly opinion .

    I would half to say that even a caught red handed killer should not die at the hands of the police(after in custody) or be left to die unattended by his/her own hand wile in the custody of the police or authorities this would make the police/authorities the criminals in my eyes .

    I am seeing way to many instances of the police abusing their power and weapons in the news these days on the citizens they are supposed to be protecting and serving and conducting their selves in a way to aggressive and controlling manner,,,,,,,,,,they are OUR police ,,,not the Gestapo or big brother and need to return to acting like it (our police )

    Personally, I think I'm seeing way too many instances of white guilt overriding our common sense.

    I don't know exactly what happened to Gray in that van, but I do know the other instances where the black men were killed, 1 tried to take an officer's gun and the other, the choking victim, had a history of resisting arrest and was also one big motherf*#*er. I watched the video of that particular man's arrest several times and I cannot fathom how the officers could have used excessive force. From my perspective, the "victims" were the cause of their own demise.

    That said, those who feel as though they've been screwed over by society are taking this opportunity to loot, destroy, and harm others. Their excuse: Cops are too uppity!

    I have yet to see any evidence that those cops were abusing their authority. So far, the cops were not indicted for either instance. And yet, other cops are now being shot at and executed by these looters and criminals. And what's truly scary is that people are saying it's "justified"! That it's necessary to encourage "change".

    Sorry, but "change" to the point where it's okay to kill a cop if you feel as though he/she is abusing their authority isn't the "change" we should want.


      There is a strong sense of righteousness regarding the prevailing society. What the prevailing society does is right and to go against it is unfounded or needs a strong sense of being justified. But the society itself doesn't need justification for the violence it uses. I'm saying this to indicate that maybe yes, respondant violence from the suppressed masses is justified.

      You must look at your own words and consider them carefully. How much police violence are you condoning and does not police resort to violence always? Is this not its missive? Justified violence?


        Police likes to lie the ball with you. If you become violent they will respond in kind. But they are already using violence and brute forcing you or into you. Or they would not be posing that question. They are already using violence against you, ..violating you.


          And much of the disrespect in this world happens through the police. Yes, authority... Authority... is a synonym for violence when the authority is placed outside of you.. Even the police do not act on their own authority.. Not even ministers do. They all serve something but what? The system...? The system?!


            Originally posted by xennex81 View Post
            There is a strong sense of righteousness regarding the prevailing society. What the prevailing society does is right and to go against it is unfounded or needs a strong sense of being justified. But the society itself doesn't need justification for the violence it uses. I'm saying this to indicate that maybe yes, respondant violence from the suppressed masses is justified.

            You must look at your own words and consider them carefully. How much police violence are you condoning and does not police resort to violence always? Is this not its missive? Justified violence?
            But the question really is "Are the masses truly suppressed?" They're given phones, aid, and resources I didn't not have when I was young. I lived in a single wide trailer where, in my ignorance regarding common household repair, we did not even have indoor plumbing. I lacked a college education and any kind of resources to pull myself out of poverty and poor living environment. Yet, I did it. And I did it by pure tenacity.

            Here's something to consider: the chinese weren't treated hardly any differently than the blacks. They too were enslaved, forced to work with poor pay, and segregated. However, I do not see them rioting, looting, destroying property, and killing cops. This, despite the fact that they too have their own criminal element. Even more so, I do not see them screaming racism and proclaiming they're suppressed.


              Well that's an interesting statement and question to make. I don't have enough time here to go out in full.

              First there is an element of aggression as a form of wanting to be right or wanting to be recognized and this is a form of injustice that can create a lot of strife (with the blacks). The Chinese do not make such demands and hence, no resistance (no conflicts). And no one who will conflict with you.

              I'm myself a case of wanting to be made 'right' and thereby ending up in serious conflict instead of live and let live. I could learn more of the Chinese. This calling for Justice! does not really help much and it doesn't create peace nor is it very strong.

              But neither do the Chinese believe in much and I think they often live lives of quiet desperation, but that's just me.

              The blacks have a strong sense of injustice done to them and this creates their trouble.

              In China modesty is held in high regard.
              Last edited by xennex81; May 09, 2015, 12:04 PM.



                If there was ever a nail upon to which to be hit with a hammer........

                You have driven it into the roof with one strike.......

                And I've driven a LOT of nails during the "roofing" part of my rather USELESS career!!



                  You're not useless WoodSmoke. You are just involatile.
                  Last edited by xennex81; May 11, 2015, 08:19 AM.


                    If it looks like a fascist police state and acts like a fascist police state, maybe you're really living in a free country with a free press.

                    Americans like Woodsmoke aren't gullible, they're being force fed boolshiat propaganda. It's really no surprise he's confused. The political ideology at work here is called FASCISM. That's when your government turns into a corporate entity. See Mussolini's "Doctrine of Fascism" for more information.

                    RIP Aaron Russo


                      I don't like the word fascism. I never did. I think fascism is a misrepresentation. It is not about politics. It is only about economics. It is not about political entities turning into economical actors. It is about economical actors turning into political powers. The state has nothing to do with it, it is being eroded. Something like that.


                        Fascism is not a political ideology. It is a result of the dynamics of democracy, the economical result of that.


                          Part of the problem is Americans don't even realize their government has turned fascist. Hitler was not a fascist. The fascists like Franco and Pinochet won.


                            For similar reasons as Paul did here, I'm closing this thread, too.

