I confess! I used the aspersive term: "Billary" just to "tick off" the Billary lovers! lol
But, this is not about "politics" it is about......
Her IN - HOME server through which ALL of her "State Department stuff" went, as opposed to the PROVIDED......State Department "secure" e-mail account.
A) We have all had discussions about "home servers" and "security". There is even a thread today about "TOR".
i) "Linux" and "Windblows" people "usually" approach this in terms of "keeping evil stuff from OUT THERE away from 'my' computer".
ii) Of course there is also the other discussion when a few people want to "remain hidden" so that they can download illegal stuff ( We will RESERVE FOR ANOTHER DISCUSSION what "illegal" means).
B) So given that.........Hillary has not SAID this....but she will supposedly argue that she "did not trust" the "goverment servers".
i) Hillary had placed IN HER HOME.......a PRIVATE SERVER through which she had "State Department stuff" "e-mailed". 50,000 emails.....that is FIFTY THOUSAND...e-mails.
ii) "Un-named third party 'operatives' "set up" the servers".
NOTE.......the "videos" of her........SHOW.......her "taking a call" and then almost IMMEDIATELY ......HANDING THE PHONE to SOMEBODY ELSE......
C) First question.
i) the immediate reaction by the ONLY news organization covering this asked a simple question: "What if a "third party 'operative' " "working in the house", removed the hard drive and threw it in the Chappaqua River?
Drive gone, data gone......from Hillary......"what? I know nothing!!!

WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF "OTHER WAYS" of PROVING that "a third party operative" threw the drive in the Chappaqua River?
That then leads to .............
ii) WHAT IF.........there was......."set up on the IN side of the server" an "account" for "Joe Blow"...... and "Hillary" NEVER typed anything.......she DICTATED everything to "Joe Blow"..
Is there an "obvious"......not out in the weeds way to "show to the public on 5:30 news....that "a person associated with Hillary did all the typing because he was smoking dope?"
iii) the other end of the e-mail trail.
What is the "chance" that if .........at best guess......part of the "other end of the e-mails " were found, that they could be "traced back" to "Hillary" or a "third party operative working at the physical building"?
D) Apparently "whoever set it up" ...."did not do a good job" it was "hackable".
That was about "as far" as the discussion was pursued....
but it leads to:
The POSSIBLIITY...the old woodsmoker suspects that........it was a "Windblows" server and therefore some kind of "politically correct" Windblows "firewall".
The questions that then arise are:
i) What is the "percentage chance" that "investigators" from the EVIL Republican Party can "ferret out" from "the other end of the e-mail trail" IF THE DRIVE IS THROWN IN THE CHAPPAQUA River?
ii) If Hillary "had a third party operative with a "name" on the "back side" of the "server" "TYPE OUT" all of what she wanted to say........ What is the "chance" that this kind of thing could be proven to have happened, given that the operative did not respond to a million dollar bounty to "out" Hillary?
iii) Since the "server" was "hackable"............which of the two "types" of "servers" is "easiest to hack" given that "passwords, etc." are equivalent on the system?
a) Windblows OS and app?
b) Linux OS and app?
I confess! I used the aspersive term: "Billary" just to "tick off" the Billary lovers! lol
But, this is not about "politics" it is about......
Her IN - HOME server through which ALL of her "State Department stuff" went, as opposed to the PROVIDED......State Department "secure" e-mail account.
A) We have all had discussions about "home servers" and "security". There is even a thread today about "TOR".
i) "Linux" and "Windblows" people "usually" approach this in terms of "keeping evil stuff from OUT THERE away from 'my' computer".
ii) Of course there is also the other discussion when a few people want to "remain hidden" so that they can download illegal stuff ( We will RESERVE FOR ANOTHER DISCUSSION what "illegal" means).
B) So given that.........Hillary has not SAID this....but she will supposedly argue that she "did not trust" the "goverment servers".
i) Hillary had placed IN HER HOME.......a PRIVATE SERVER through which she had "State Department stuff" "e-mailed". 50,000 emails.....that is FIFTY THOUSAND...e-mails.
ii) "Un-named third party 'operatives' "set up" the servers".
NOTE.......the "videos" of her........SHOW.......her "taking a call" and then almost IMMEDIATELY ......HANDING THE PHONE to SOMEBODY ELSE......
C) First question.
i) the immediate reaction by the ONLY news organization covering this asked a simple question: "What if a "third party 'operative' " "working in the house", removed the hard drive and threw it in the Chappaqua River?
Drive gone, data gone......from Hillary......"what? I know nothing!!!
WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF "OTHER WAYS" of PROVING that "a third party operative" threw the drive in the Chappaqua River?
That then leads to .............
ii) WHAT IF.........there was......."set up on the IN side of the server" an "account" for "Joe Blow"...... and "Hillary" NEVER typed anything.......she DICTATED everything to "Joe Blow"..
Is there an "obvious"......not out in the weeds way to "show to the public on 5:30 news....that "a person associated with Hillary did all the typing because he was smoking dope?"
iii) the other end of the e-mail trail.
What is the "chance" that if .........at best guess......part of the "other end of the e-mails " were found, that they could be "traced back" to "Hillary" or a "third party operative working at the physical building"?
D) Apparently "whoever set it up" ...."did not do a good job" it was "hackable".
That was about "as far" as the discussion was pursued....
but it leads to:
The POSSIBLIITY...the old woodsmoker suspects that........it was a "Windblows" server and therefore some kind of "politically correct" Windblows "firewall".
The questions that then arise are:
i) What is the "percentage chance" that "investigators" from the EVIL Republican Party can "ferret out" from "the other end of the e-mail trail" IF THE DRIVE IS THROWN IN THE CHAPPAQUA River?
ii) If Hillary "had a third party operative with a "name" on the "back side" of the "server" "TYPE OUT" all of what she wanted to say........ What is the "chance" that this kind of thing could be proven to have happened, given that the operative did not respond to a million dollar bounty to "out" Hillary?
iii) Since the "server" was "hackable"............which of the two "types" of "servers" is "easiest to hack" given that "passwords, etc." are equivalent on the system?
a) Windblows OS and app?
b) Linux OS and app?