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gluten free and joints pain

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    gluten free and joints pain

    Ok, you will just have to "take this on faith".

    I have "regularly" "walked incrementally" every day or so and "practice dived" every week or so for the last several years.

    I KNOW.......a lot of people would say........BORING!!! lol

    Well........"practice diving" is kind of like taking apart and reassembling...........GOTCHA!!!

    "not a marine M-1 carbine"

    An acetylene torch! lol

    But........."do that stuff" so that I can dive with disabled people and not have to "think much" about "me"......I can concentrate on them.

    But..........I have not practice dived or even walked for almost a month and a half!! :0

    I did not get the flu shot, I never get the flu shot, because I always had the elementary kids giving me their " lunch money" or politically correct "lunch credit card" with "snot" on the stuff and all that, and so I got my innoculation from the kids! lol

    So, for whatever reason, I got the "double dip" flu.

    That means, you get feel like you are DYING!!! and it seems to go away.......and.......then comes BACK!! lol

    And I also had vacation, also SNOW......ALSO ICE.......etc.

    sooooooooooooo I have not done anything "athletic" or whatever for over a month and a half.

    ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...........I just seem to not be able to "get rid of the last 8 or 10 pounds of belly" that ALL OF US GUYS are "stuck with"........

    I researched the "wheat belly" diet.........which ACTUALLY seems to have REAL medical people that think that it is legit and started it about the same time.........

    OK..........took one of my physics classes to my "dive shop" which has a warm water pool because I use my diving stuff to teach physics stuff like Boyles law, density, etc,

    I did a "standup" and had an instructor do a "standup" and then I did a "giant stride" into the pool and illustrated inflating and deflating the Bouyancy Compensation Device, etc...

    And sent them on their way with a merry......."I'm going to enjoy an tank of air!"

    I do "aerobics" by swimming rapidly and efficently for twenty minutes or so and then go through "the evolutions"....

    "emergency ascent", "mask clearing", "pseudo buddy breath and surface" all that....... and also......removing the gear, placing it on the bottom of the pool, with the mask OFF, and......

    OMG........I was doing it ON MY KNEES!!

    Backstory:.... I was in a MASSIVE car wreck in which my right leg was CRUSHED first wife faithfully took me to the doctor every other day, in the middle of snow and ice, so that he could "massage" my leg, which was in a "pressure cast" .........


    The only effect is that I have "veins on the outside of my leg" and a "stiff knee" ( not "varicose veins", just "lumps")


    One of the "things" about "diving" is that if one is not "en extremis" and "doing something on the sea floor" is that one does it on "both knees".

    I, unfortunately, have not been able top do that........I..........."take a knee".

    Ok........back to the time in the pool.........

    I SUDDENLLY realized that I was on BOTH knees...........!!! :0

    The ONLY that I was doing the " wheat belly" thing........which is a MILD form of "gluten free"....

    I suddenly realized that I was on BOTH KNEES.........and they were..........FLEXIBLE......... :0

    Ok this is not an "endorsement" but...........that is the only conclusion which I can form.

    Just a thought for people that have "joint problems" and have "done everything else"..

    If anyone has any questions I will try to answer them.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Mar 04, 2015, 07:41 PM.