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US Environmental Protection Agency tested diesel fumes on children

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    US Environmental Protection Agency tested diesel fumes on children

    When I read this article in the paper I felt sickened that a country (any country) would carry out experiments like this in this day and age. It is similar to the "experiments" carried out on people in concentration/death camps by the Nazi's during the 1930's and 1940's.

    Full article here ->

    I'm hazardous waste certified, full encapsulation.

    Without getting into details, a container of weed killer, which is sold as a matter of course, with no liscencing, etc. to farmers and the guy that is gunning it out with the neighbor over dandelions in a drive way, had been stored at the place where I worked from another area in the state. Again, the labyrinthine reasoning would take pages to explain.

    But, it had to be moved........umm it had already been moved

    but THIS was "different"......There was always an EPA person in the facility and we were fully compliant, but........The FULL FORCE OF THE EPA descended on that place.....

    I personally, have never seen so many gucci shoes, and 500 dollar suits and two hundred dollar haircuts concentrated in one place except for the Lyric Opera in Chitown and the ...forgot the name......the new Opera in San Diego! lol

    Huffing, puffing, glowering looks, in your face that this would be done because THEY WERE FROM WASHINGTON........they made rules, they broke rules, they did what they DA%^ well pleased! And you had bettter not even wince because they had their hands on your throat........

    What is surprising is that for some strange reason the media which is always an apologist for the EPA even reported this.

    And I, again, am a card carrying ecologist, earned MS in plant ecology and carried placards protesting American Cyanamid dumping sulphuric acid in the Gulf of Mexice.......

    The epa denied the loading permit..........everybody left, and a year later the permits were given for loading further down the coast.........

    a pox on all of them except the poor lab technicians and area managers...etc....


