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    [KDE] Post now!!

    I want EVERY PERSON to post a "thank you" to the anonymous people who enable what YOU USE!

    Thank you to the devs and everyone else who have donated their time to make Kubuntu what it is today. It is by far the best OS I have used. My brother in law keeps asking me how much I think my desktop is worth. I just tell him I can't put a price on it.


      Where to start? Thank you Debian > Ubuntu > Kubuntu > Customer support (forums etc...) It is a huge effort so much thanks to all.


        From the lone individual contributing his/her valuable time and equipment writing software and/or documentation to the giant corporations assigning paid employees to working on the Linux kernel and other apps st no charge, or the people who donate money (like those supporting this forum), what has evolved is a culture of mutual self-interest and respect for the advantage of all.

        Since 1998 I have used 20 paid releases of SuSE over a five year period during which it was easier to pay money than contribute time and during the last six years I have been using Kubuntu and contributing time writing documentation and helping on this forum. However, just like my use of Linux I have gotten much more from this forum than I have contributed. For that I thank YOU, the the members of this forum!
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          And we from you. From each in their own way, and from each in return. Others have said it, but I'll repeat it: Kubuntu Forums is a truly unique Linux (kubuntu) support forum on the 'Net. I am not aware of any others that compare to ours. It's our members to be sure, but it's the tolerance we show that makes all the difference.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Thank you , one and all , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, REALLY Thanks.

            I have been using Kubuntu since 2009 and have never looked back , ford , or sideways ,,,,,,,just enjoyed the Kubuntu goodness + the goodness

            and a big + 1 to @Snowhog's post

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              After trying several flavours of linux, Kubuntu just hit the spot immediately. Kmymoney ( the best financial software available, and I've tried most of them), Kontact and Kate does just about everything I need.
              Thank you all very much.


                Thank You!!!!!


                  I've been a Kubuntu user since around 2009--I started with Ubuntu but tried Kubuntu out of curiosity and have never gone back. I have a dual boot with Windows 7 but rarely use it as Kubuntu does 99% of everything I need a computer for (some NASA viewers won't work on Linux). I am still amazed that this is free software and is so good--a tribute to all who have worked on it. And a special tribute to the people on this forum who have steered me in the right direction whenever I've had problems, even when my problem hasn't been particularly easy to solve. I live in Peru where this is practically no Kubuntu support so this forum is vital to me; fortunately, I have few problems with Kubuntu (none so far on 14.10) but it's nice to know that someone is always there ready to help. And a tip of the hat to member who started this thread--gratitude is important in this age of free software.


                    I'm not a full-time Kubuntu or Linux user, nor a professional IT person. I'm just a hobbyist. I would like to thank all the developers, the documentation volunteers, the testers and the corporations that bear the the bulk of the burden of funding most of that work. I have been a user of KDE distros almost the whole time I've tried to use Linux and Kubuntu since around 2009, with more or less success, success which which I could not have accomplished without the time sacrificed by so many volunteers on this very forum. If you have an interest in Kubuntu and all things Debian/KDE related, KFN is where you should be. The people here will help in just about any way they can. Thanks to those who made it happen and to those who hold the hands of us wannabes.
                    Linux User #454271


                      OK ... thank you, anonymous people!
                      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

