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North Carolina[U.S.] Sneezes Tuesday......YOU should grab a hanky...

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    North Carolina[U.S.] Sneezes Tuesday......YOU should grab a hanky...

    North Carolina, Gibbon, Toynbee, Uncle Sam sneezes.

    Contrary to what the elitists expound........when "Uncle Sam" "sneezes"....."the rest of the world "gets a cold"....

    If the United States "is doing well" then.........the rest of the world "does well"....

    This is a FACT, uncontestable............

    Now .......the "liberal intelligentisia"........expounds that all of the EVIL in the world comes from........first.......Catholic Europe and then "Lutheran and descendants Europe". and that the "rest of the world is benign and should be espoused....

    Let us take Gibbon......on page 145 of his "Decline and Fall" he points to one salient point in the development of the Roman Empire which started the decline.......and therefore the "decline" of a "good empire" or the "development of alternate empires".

    Let us move forward to Toynbee.

    Toynbee postulates that there are a variety of influences on "a society"...environmental, social, etc. which produce........such a massive effect that the society does "not develop".......or so benign that the society does not develop or.......that there is "middle pressure" which produces a society which MIGHT ...become "predominant"..........

    The United States........does somewhat fit into the Toynbee model of "moderate" pressure and in which the ideas of the constitution, of people having inalienable rights and that the average group of people through a representative can develop a "moderate" community........ has existed for.......a few hundred years........

    Less than the span of the Greco Empire or the Roman Empire....

    The United States is, as of this writing, being subjected to somewhat small emperical pressures which may continue over a certain time frame...

    The United States is, as of this writing, being subjected to internal pressures of immigration.

    PRIOR TO THIS DECADE............

    "Immigrations" were considered to be "neutral" in that.........

    Yes.........."Irish keep off the grass" applied.........but it was that "neutral people" appeared on the shores of the United States and had to "go through a process" to become

    VOTING citizens.........

    The United States in the year of 2014 is really.........about

    half and terms of "the old white establishment" and "other cultures"...

    That is what was to be expected from the study of Gibbon and Toynbee...

    People arrive........people are assimilated ........people become citizens........people "vote/participate"....

    The massive difference that ONE MAN.........Barak Obama........could........with the stroke of his pen and cell phone........

    Add so many millions of voters to "one side" of the ledger......the Democrats...........after all......if he legalizes them......they will vote "for him" "in terms of "his party"..............

    Defacto.........2020.........the United States becomes a "one party system".....


    The very people, Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Reed..........

    IN THE 1960's..........were marching in the streets protesting George Orwell's 1984.........

    are NOW .........enabling Big Brother in the form of the "Democratic Party" in 2020.

    If the Republicans had engineered this...........would YOU want the "Republicans" to "be in perpetual power"?

    AND...........contrary......if the Republicans "win" in North Carolina..........would you want the "Republicans"

    ENGINEER some kind of "thing" for those milions of "illegals" to where they "vote Republican" in 2020??

    What is good, or bad, for the goose also good, or bad, for the gander.......

    Written the day before the 2014 elections.........and the day before a small race.......

    rather like Gibbon...........

    in North Carolina, United States, planet of Earth.

    Kubuntu forums.........really is an egalatarian, world wide forum......... , as oposed to the people who "run" the forum....who "tend" to be "Eurocentric" and therefore "white centric" and "liberal centric".........

    YOU.........................please....Look back on this post in a few years.........and consider whether you life.....

    look back and consider the election in North Carolina........and the ENSUING POLICIES........and consider.......

    no matter where youi live on the planet..........

    whether your life........has come out .for the better or for the worse...

    There was a small blue butterfly........flitting North Carolina.........

    Woodsmokewhohaspostsgoingbackto2005thatwerelwayspr esceintsmoke
    Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 04, 2014, 12:51 AM.

    bah, what a bunch of whoee. The united states already has a one party system ...... the politicians. I see no need to blame it on the immigrants or the threat thereof, It is already done.


      I agree it is already broken, but the issue woodsmoke is talking about would ensure decades of a socialist/marxist reign. We will actually miss the current crony capitalism system.
      Klaatu Barada Nikto


        What the hell are you talking about? Whats happening in North Carolina?


          @W-S, re Post #1:
          Ya know, the color can vary, it is not important. But pour it into a glass so you can see what you have. After doing so, look for and demand clarity. There should be nothing floating around in it. Take a mouthful, roll it over the tongue, and hold it while you test this. Smell it. Who knows the source of the impurities--never take a chance. Old-timers can tell some scary stories about bad moonshine in the '30's, for example.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            What the hell are you talking about? Whats happening in North Carolina?
            I guess you gotta be tuned into some secret steam to know about it, from the inference and tone I would guess right wing tv or radio. Nothing wrong with that, just sayin.
            Last edited by anika200; Nov 05, 2014, 06:51 AM.


              For two years Congress debated the Democrat's proposed "DREAM Act", but never passed it. Pres. Obama, decided to bypass Congress and usurp their authority to make law by issuing an Executive Order titled "Defered Action for Childhood Arrivals", or DACA, which is nothing less, and a whole lot more than the DREAM Act.

              With what DACA provided to aliens who have illegally entered this country, they can vote.
              DACA holders will continue to be safe from deportation for another two year period. In addition, they will continue to have work authorization and to be eligible to receive a social security number, and, in nearly every state, a driver’s license.
              With those two documents they can register to vote, and in most states VOTER ID is not required, although ID is required if one wants to access government buildings to talk to immigration officials, and they have guards at the door to be sure you just can't wonder in and talk to someone willy-nilly.

              And, it's NOT about the "kids". The unprotected borders have produced a FLOOD of over 5 million illegal aliens into this country in recent years. Let them the vote and who and what will they vote for? Strong borders? Fewer taxes? Those who promise to continue the tax payer funded gravy train? Why would anyone want to work for a living when they can get more per hour in government handouts and subsidies per year than the minimum wage supplies?

              In 1996 Clinton signed into law a measure which reformed only one of the 79 means tested welfare programs. He claimed that "we are ending welfare as we know it". He was right. Since 1996 welfare spending as a percentage of our national output has nearly doubled to 4.3% of GDP. People who earn wages near the poverty level supplement their incomes with an array of federal benefits, including food stamps, Medicaid, child care, and cash wage subsidies, plus school lunch (and breakfast) for their kids. And many supplement their income with unreported income from part-time jobs, selling dope, etc...

              Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, the country’s expert on welfare statistics, has concluded that: “Since the beginning of the War on Poverty, government has spent $19.8 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2011 dollars) on means-tested welfare. In comparison, the cost of all military wars in U.S. history from the Revolutionary War through the current war in Afghanistan has been $6.98 trillion (in inflation-adjusted 2011 dollars). The War on Poverty has cost three times as much as all other wars combined.” Pres. Obama gutted that one 1996 reform bill by removing "work" from the requirements via an executive order. Welfare pays more than minimum wage in 35 states.

              If some calculations are to be believed, all Nebraska did by raising the minimum wage was to move a lot of single mother families into the 50% income tax bracket.
              Last edited by GreyGeek; Nov 05, 2014, 10:13 AM.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                People who earn wages near the poverty level supplement their incomes with an array of federal benefits, ...
                Then surely the route course of this problem are the bosses for not paying their employees a decent wage.


                  Originally posted by NickStone View Post
                  Then surely the route course of this problem are the bosses for not paying their employees a decent wage.
                  One would think. However, my wife and I did a lot of volunteering at a local food bank near our house. I'd guesstimate that at least 1/3rd to 1/2 were not "poor" but were exploiting the good will of others. You can always spot them: latest hairdos, glam makeup with smoky eyes, gap or other trendy clothing and high prices shoes. Did I say many were over weight? Oh, they had smartphones my wife and I couldn't afford. About 1/3rd were truly poor, and were easy to spot as well. They were usually older than 50, wore worn out clothes, usually had a body odor and green crust on their teeth, and they were very thin. Most were foreign and many of them couldn't speak or understand English. Usually from European Balkan states.

                  The big problem with government handouts is that the government clerks who are responsible for supervising the programs are not spending their own money, so they don't care if the system is gamed, as long as they get their 40 hrs in. When churches and charitable organizations, working with voluntary contributions, were running the food banks they usually checked out who was asking for food to see if the need was honest or not. AND, it usually involved more than just giving them a box of dated food and sending them out the door. Once they were "adopted" food was brought to their house, along with clothes for all the members of the family, toiletries, books and magazines, games and such. Also, they were helped in their search for a job. Usually they found a job within a month or so. Today it may take longer to find something better than a job flipping burgers.

                  I've come to the opinion that in many ways giving unmonitored or regulated charity is like giving cans of booze to alcoholics. It prevents them from getting off the stuff. Always supporting people in their dependency for basic necessities removes their incentives to get a job and become independent. That's the problem a lot of people who lived under Socialism had trying to adjust to freedom. They pretended to work and the government pretended to pay them. Everyone complained about the result, but no one wanted to change it. (That's from the wife of my wife's father's brother's grandson, who was from Russia.)
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                    The big problem with government handouts is that the government clerks who are responsible for supervising the programs are not spending their own money, so they don't care if the system is gamed, as long as they get their 40 hrs in.
                    First, there are are millions of hard working government workers and your blanket statement about their work ethics immediately brings into question all your other statements and beliefs in general.
                    Second, your statement is just not true, the process for getting "hand outs" involves many layers of inquiry and follow up into the persons financial records. This would include everything, all your expenses, everything you own like cars etc and anything else the government can glean from your ss#, drivers license, current paycheck stubs, utility bills, etc...
                    As a tax payer I would prefer this method over one where someone looks at you and decides if you deserve the food/handout. I would hate to have to go to a food bank where the volunteers suspiciously leer at you inspecting your choice of cloths that you probably got from goodwill or some other cloths recyclers.

                    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                    they will continue to have work authorization and to be eligible to receive a social security number, and, in nearly every state, a driver’s license.
                    That is a quote of a quote and you can just tell from the language used that it is most definitely not from the actual document.
                    That being said, if we are going to try to move towards legalized immigrants of course we would need some way to track them and we already have at least two methods for this, social security numbers and drivers license.
                    What would be the alternative, a whole new system that would cost tax payers even more money and many many years to complete?
                    I guess if you are trying to stall the whole process one might make a big deal of this and try to create some sort of fear of it but the fact remains we already have good systems to track people and we all need drivers license to work in this country too.

                    Oh and also, if one has a social security number then one automatically starts to pay the government every time one gets a pay check.
                    Last edited by anika200; Nov 06, 2014, 02:42 PM.


                      Originally posted by anika200 View Post
                      That is a quote of a quote and you can just tell from the language used that it is most definitely not from the actual document.
                      That being said, if we are going to try to move towards legalized immigrants of course we would need some way to track them and we already have at least two methods for this, social security numbers and drivers license.
                      Clairvoyant are you? Or, do you just judge by looks?

                      So you DO know that DACA allows illegal aliens to obtain ssn's and driver's licenses. With those two forms of identification and a resident address the illegal aliens can vote. Do you approve of that? Democrats do. There would be enough voting for them (to continue the free services) to keep them in office perpetually.

                      Originally posted by anika200 View Post
                      What would be the alternative, a whole new system that would cost tax payers even more money and many many years to complete?
                      You state that as if there are NO other alternatives. There are several. None of which would end up costing tax payers what the current proposed amnesty of nearly 34 million illegal residents would cost.

                      According to the US Citizenship Application, to become a U.S. Citizen you must be

                      • 18 years of age
                      • A lawful permanent resident for five years
                      • Have maintained continuous residency during the past five years
                      • Have maintained physical presence during the past five years
                      • Have good moral character
                      • Have basic knowledge of English
                      • Have basic knowledge of US Government and History
                      • Be willing to take the Oath of Allegiance

                      The chance that any of the illegal immigrants not covered by the Dreamer Act could meet any of these requirements, except for the age requirement, is doubtful. The Obama Administration’s millions of children that surged the border would definitely not meet these requirement.

                      Therefore the executive order, probably coming within the next two months, will be to provide illegal immigrants with “green cards,” or permanent resident status, which requires only that they are living in the United States and that they qualify for refugee status, hence the administration’s reference to the people surging across the border last spring as “refugees.” Obama has already let a contract for 34 million green cards to be printed.

                      Originally posted by anika200 View Post
                      I guess if you are trying to stall the whole process one might make a big deal of this and try to create some sort of fear of it but the fact remains we already have good systems to track people and we all need drivers license to work in this country too.
                      You don't have to guess. I am not trying to "stall it". I want to see it reversed. I want to see illegal aliens returned to their own country and our borders re-secured, with troops if necessary, and that future immigrants enter legally, and in numbers that do not damage our own economic security and social stability. In the first quarter of this year alone over 560,000 were given DACA status. There is a pool of more than 30 million out there, waiting, and the flood at the borders is continuing unabated.

                      The "amnesty" program will put their wait to an end, and they will overwhelm our social services and collapse it. All those Americans who are retired on social security, having been forced to pay into it for over 50 years, like I have, will see it collapse. Will it be OK if I become a "refugee", crash through the borders of your home, and take up residency illegally, raiding your refrigerator, using your cell phone for personal business, sleeping in your bed and bringing my children and grandchildren along to enjoy the goodies at your house?

                      Maybe you don't understand some pertinent facts. NPR reported that the Mexican government has been paying the $465 per illegal to the Department of Homeland Security for fees related to the work permit and for required fingerprinting. Mexico revealed that 9% of its citizens born in Mexico are now living in the United states. (That is a calculated figure. See footnote 3) A record 33.7 million Hispanics of Mexican origin resided in the United States as of 2012. What it is now since the borders have been in flood stage even before 2012 can only be guessed, but it is certainly not less.
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	PHC-2013-05-mexico-1.png
Views:	1
Size:	21.5 KB
ID:	642574

                      Why is Mexico paying DACA fees and publishing pamphlets showing its citizens how to sneak across the border and where to go to avoid ICE, as if they have to worry about ICE? Hopes of illegals sending money back home and other cross-border economic activity. Mexico's government appears to be organized like ours but for the last 80 years has been controlled by the Socialist IPR. Even so, they are dumping their dependent citizens on us and then getting them to send money back home, which is a win-win. Interestingly, Mexico has armed guards at its southern borders.

                      By the way, the figures above say nothing about the "refugees" from other countries in South America, or the Far East or Middle East.

                      Originally posted by anika200 View Post
                      Oh and also, if one has a social security number then one automatically starts to pay the government every time one gets a pay check.
                      You sure assume a lot. One pays FICA ONLY if their employer doesn't pay them in cash and mark their labor off as some other kind of expense. ICE used to raid the beef packing plants in Nebraska regularly and haul off illegal immigrants working there. The owners would get trival fines and the next day it was business as usual. Now that ICE doesn't do raids any more most of the beef packing payroll is under the table. Long hours, hard work, low pay, but much more than what they'd make in Mexico. That's been going on for several years already. There was a video about five years ago with a bunch of lawyers showing employers how to place help wanted ads and filter applicants in such a way as to avoid hiring American citizens.

                      From my own experience most Mexicans are hard workers, given the opportunity. Only those who have been here a while seem to have lost their footing. A family of illegals moved into a house across the street from ours five years ago. It was a run down pile of junk and abandon. A real eye sore. There were holes in the roof made by squirrels and raccoons, giving birds access to the inside where they made nests. Animal feces covered the floor after the back door was blown in, giving them access. The last owner gave it to them gratis after she could not sell it for three years and the city put a condemnation order on it, along with failure to pay taxes. Three bedroom, two baths, cathedral room, utility room, kitchen and more. 1,800 sq feet. During the three hottest months of the summer Richardo and a crew of other illegals he rounded up worked on it from sun rise to sun set and later. New roof, new siding, repaired the bay windows, fixed the plumbing. Did a fantastic job. They are good people with the same family values that my wife and I have. They would throw family parties on the lawn and 50 relatives would show up. They invited us over. Happy people. Glad to be here. I was happy for them. But life boat American does not have an unlimited capacity. Who are you going to start throwing overboard when resources run out?

                      Here is the information on DACA and drivers licenses:

                      Obama's Executive Order for DACA (google it) already allows driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Only two states did not honor that EO, Arizona and Nebraska. Here is the social security website which describes what is necessary for a "deferred action" person to get an SSN:
                      Notice that it takes ONLY ONE document. That would be the driver's license, freshly obtained.

                      Now, with their newly minted voting status, what kind of politician are they going to elect? One who wants to secure the borders and send the illegals home, or one who promises them more of the free goodies. Maybe even a free cell phone?
                      Last edited by GreyGeek; Nov 06, 2014, 07:45 PM.
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        My mention of North Carolina was an indicator of whether or not the Republicans would "sweep" the Senate.

                        The state is also in "the old south"............and the REPUBLICANS .......elected an African American.......... to the Senate..........

                        So much for the Republicans being "Racist"..........

                        Nixon......was the first President to establish a cabinaet level position for "racial equality"........

                        A the name of Wallace was the governor who wanted to STOP integration...........

                        and lest people say....."that was then"...........those SAME people cite the Catholic Inquisition........a thousand years to what is going on in the modern chruch.

                        But...............the cut to the chase is that the Prez said in his news conference that he WILL use his pen....and his Blackberry to text all the people in countries south of the border...........

                        that he wants at least four million more Democrtatic voters by the time he leaves office.......

                        He HOPES that the Republicans will then call for his Impeachment.........and the right wing will let him put his little finger up their left nostril and lead them to self destruction.........

                        Bill Ayers.............Obama's friend and mentor...........

                        played a very long game.........and Obama is continuing it...........that of the self destruction of the EVIL CAPItALIST SYSTEM.........

               ....are a liberal..........and you probably never really THOUGHT.......of "total anarchy".........

                        YOU......... think of liberalism as drinking whine and eating brie at the that tres kewl restaurant down in the "old town".........

                        But.......just as with the IRA....... buying beer in the Irish Pubs in ChiTown and NewYakCittty.......sends money to the IRA to kill people.........

                        There is no way to look ahead.............but if I was in a bar with my chums, I would bet a drink of choice.......that twenty years from now, when all of the documents of Obama's collegiate career are finally released.......

                        that they will overwhelmingly have espoused destruction of the capitalist system by any means.........

                        NEWS FLASH.......... a midwest chain of grocery stores........who were competing very well against the detested Wal-Mart by going "boutique".......closed.........the board of directors.......said........

                        "we give up"

                        The DAY AFTER THE ELECTION..........the board of directors gave up..... because of "Obama care".

                        Most of the employees were "kids"........who were on their parents insurace....

                        .... and also "part timers" who had the insurace of their SPOUSES........

                        The "full timers"........had insurance.......and they must have like it because were career workers.........

                        This chain employed well into 5,000 people........

                        Obamacare was not about providing insurance........several accounting firms said that if the feds just imposed a $5.00 "tax" on the LESS THAN HALF......of the population that pays taxes........that it could have PAID for insurance for every single person who did not have insurance.......and then they could increase their income and take over their own insurance.......

               it that Obama did not do anything about Thamorese.?

                        The COURT IN MEXICO.......said that the U.S. government never contacted anybody about the man........

                        the court in MEXICO released him because....of his PTSD.........which is why the man was driving south in the first place..........he took a wrong turn.....

                        THE U.S. GOVERNMENT WAS GOING TO TREAT THE MAN FOR PTST............

                        The MEXICAN COURT..........because of two people NOT INVOLVED with the U.S. government.........took documents to the MEXICAN COURT......and the MEXICAN court......released him because of come.............Obama did not do what to "civilians".....did.......

                        THINK ABOUT THAT......

                        Now.....yes.........when I was in the Navy.......we were told explicitely.......... If you go to Tijuana............WALK..............

                        Because if you drive........a professional accident guy will throw himself in front of your car.........

                        a) if you have insurance......... ok............

                        b) if you have CASH ......ok you pay off THEN AND THERE.....

                        c) if you do not have insurance.......... you will go to jail and the Navy will take it's time about bailing your STUPID a## out!....

                        Greta Van Sustern kept it on the front burner and two men got Thamorese out..........not Obama.......

                        One of the "points" of being.......ahem PRESIDENT is to "protect citizens"........

                        I contend that Obama is a SUPREMELY INTELLIGENT MAN............

                        A SUPREMELY WELL READ terms of mentored by Bill Ayers......

                        a self stated anarchist.........

                        There is NO WAY.........that Obama has not seen and heard all of the STUFF about he should not use his pen to legalize 4 million Democratic voters..........

                        HE SAID.......that he wanted to have a transparent government that "worked together with the opposition"..........

                        So.,.......................lets just seeee..............what he does............

                        Prior to Obama..........the academic parasitic on taxes.... extreme liberal progressive...... was always just spouting "academic anti-capitalism hot air in the classroom".

                        NOTICE THAT IT WAS ALL HOT AIR IN A CLASSROOM OR IN A .......HARDBACK BOOK( never made enough sales to go paperpack).......(but that's ok......lets all commit suicide with Marat Sade)......that was ranked somewhere near the basement in Amazon...

                        Obama, in my opinion........has decided that HE.........will finally try to DO

                        What dozens and dozens of academics that I have heard over the last many decades......

                        They ALL HAVE SAID........

                        "I..........would do communism right......".............

                        So.........lets just seee...........what he does between now and the end of the year........

                        lets just see..........what happens between now and the last day of 2014........compromise........or anarchy.....

                        wood............since the Conservatives were voted in with a tsunami....... and since I am perceived as "conservative"........ will just be a burr under the English saddle of that politically correct dappled horse jumping in the shows in the Hamptons.......won't be postingmuch so as to keep the forum from melting...smoke. lol
                        Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 07, 2014, 12:50 AM.

