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We be doin' it wrong

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    [CONFIGURATION] We be doin' it wrong

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    I know I've been doing it wrong but it is hard to change old habits.

    I will likely continue to do it wrong for a long time, as everyone "in the wild" uses it incorrectly.

    My silly, dumb, ridiculous suggestion: set up, a plasma desktop wiki, plasma-desktop forums, plasma-desktop bug tracker, and

    I *love* kde , and I mean that both in the correct and incorrect usage of the name.

    Yes, I be crankypants today, but I went on two bike rides in this heat today, and feel inappropriately feisty with misplaced feistiness. (And a severe case of copypasta-itis)

    Props from me my friend.



      I think claydoh's account has been hijacked. Maybe alien abduction?

      Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


        To be fair, KDE stands for K Desktop Environment... there's no putting that genie back in the bottle.

        We could always suggest renaming our OS to Pubuntu, see how that goes down? Hehe.


          Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
          We could always suggest renaming our OS to Pubuntu, see how that goes down? Hehe.
          Pew-buntu? Poo-boontoo??
          You can see why I did not bring that subject up



            I had a very good day. Unlike some people who will remain nameless. I have 2 more patients in remission, I love giving out good news when I can. So work was a happy happy joy joy day. Then my girlfriend dumps Windows and has me install Kubuntu 14.04 64 bit, on her machine. It went so well, I could even get all her flash games and Netflix running without tweaking! Almost made me jealous of her system. I am staying put with the 12.04 32 bit I am running. I might be getting a newer machine down that road. Girlfriend is happy, my patients are happy, I am happy. Why can't more days end like this?

            Hmmm... Pubuntu, sounds like a animated warthog to me. Nah!!


              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              We could always suggest renaming our OS to Pubuntu, see how that goes down? Hehe.
              Is that like Puma Pants?


                Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                To be fair, KDE stands for K Desktop Environment... there's no putting that genie back in the bottle.
                We should all just be glad that they never went with the idea of the K in KDE standing for 'Kool'...
                I wonder if KDE will pull a KFC, and say that the letters no longer stand for anything.

                We could always suggest renaming our OS to Pubuntu, see how that goes down? Hehe.
                Only way to make that name work would be to pronounce it as pub-oon-too. As in, "I'm going to the pub for a few beers with the guys".
                Hmm, now that I think about it, a distro that sounds like it was made for pubs has a certain appeal.
                "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
                -- Douglas Adams


                  Originally posted by HalationEffect View Post
                  I wonder if KDE will pull a KFC, and say that the letters no longer stand for anything.
                  They did that already in the 2009 "rebranding" (

                  Retiring the term "K Desktop Environment"
                  The expanded term "K Desktop Environment" has become ambiguous and obsolete, probably even misleading. Settling on "KDE" as a self-contained term makes it clear that we have made the shift from a limited set of software components to a community providing an ecosystem of free software applications and platforms for the end user on the desktop, mobile devices, and more.
                  Obviously, one can't really dictate which terms people actually use.


                    Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                    We could always suggest renaming our OS to Pubuntu, see how that goes down? Hehe.
                    Down like a swirly.


                      Want me to hold your ankles?


                        Careful, I'll splash you good.


                          I remember back in the Navy at San Diego there was a division called "NUC", which stood for Naval Undersea Center. Cool logo, all that.

                          Well, leave it to the "land navy bureaucrats" to have to find SOMETHING to they decided to rebrand the place to:

                          Naval Undersea Research and Development Systems.

                          One day I came in and they were very busily and IMPORTANTLY scurrying around giving out the new letterheads and business cards, and etc. and yanking the old..

                          Even changed the sign over the gate....that was occurring when a bunch of us were going down the street to a that had GREAT CHILI AND COLD BEER....and some poles.....with some ladies in skimpy clothing...

                          And my lord.....what to our wondering eyes did appear....when we returned.........

                          the new sign was down......the old one being put back up........and a bunch of bureaucrat land navy types VERY HURRIEDLY........running around gathering up the new letterheads, etc. and dropping big messy piles....the old stuff....

                          Last edited by woodsmoke; Jul 15, 2014, 12:36 AM.


                            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                            Careful, I'll splash you good.
                            Aww, wet ankles! That's mean


                              I won't be aiming in that direction.

