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What browser do you use?

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    Originally posted by Simon View Post
    I have a few friends who use the SR Iron on Windows XP. We got to talking about browsers and this "really old guy" in the room, from the 70s I think. He cough up some spider webs and then in a creepy mummified voice said, "Back in my day we used Lynx with Gopher search engine." There was a silence while he stroked his gray neck beard. We just glared at him until he sank back into his coffin.
    hay hay now young-un ...... I had fun in the 70s , you should respect your elders .

    lynx ,,,,,,,,,,you mean this

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Careful when you talk like that around here Simon. There's one or two of those "really old" guys lurking, and we have nothing to lose!


      Please Read Me


        Rekonq -- because I like KDE integration.

        Chromium -- because Rekonq will puke on some sites (it's a QtWebKit problem) and because it's the only way to keep a modern Flash binary installed. The archived one from Adobe is really old now.


          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
          Rekonq -- because I like KDE integration.

          Chromium -- because Rekonq will puke on some sites (it's a QtWebKit problem) and because it's the only way to keep a modern Flash binary installed. The archived one from Adobe is really old now.
          Just curious, because I do not have it installed right now, but how is SteamOS handling the Flash issue? All Steam game pages have Flash videos embedded in them.

          Semi related - Is it really a smart move for Kubuntu to ship Firefox by default for 14.04 considering A) It's not a KDE app, and B) It uses old Flash and 14.04 is a LTS...

          It appears that Ubuntu ships Firefox by default as well...Wouldn't Chromium make more sense? Especially for Kubuntu, as now the GTK+ dependency has been (thankfully) removed.
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            Originally posted by dequire View Post
            Just curious, because I do not have it installed right now, but how is SteamOS handling the Flash issue? All Steam game pages have Flash videos embedded in them.
            I dunno. Google might, though

            Originally posted by dequire View Post
            Semi related - Is it really a smart move for Kubuntu to ship Firefox by default for 14.04 considering A) It's not a KDE app, and B) It uses old Flash and 14.04 is a LTS...
            There was chatter about this on kubuntu-devel a while back. IIRC, ScottK has a number of reservations about Chrom(e)ium, mostly having to do with security and lack of timely updates into the Ubuntu repositories. Version 33 was branched in January and most recently updated this week; meanwhile, the repositories still have version 32:
            steve@t520:~$ [B]apt-cache policy chromium-browser[/B]
              Installed: 32.0.1700.107-0ubuntu0.13.10.1~20140204.972.1
              Candidate: 32.0.1700.107-0ubuntu0.13.10.1~20140204.972.1
              Version table:
             *** 32.0.1700.107-0ubuntu0.13.10.1~20140204.972.1 0
                    500 saucy-updates/universe amd64 Packages
                    500 saucy-security/universe amd64 Packages
                    100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
                 29.0.1547.65-0ubuntu2 0
                    500 saucy/universe amd64 Packages


              So as a member of Kubuntu Developers, couldn't Scott just simply file a bug report w/ Ubuntu Packaging to update Chromium, esp. if it was considered to be the default in Kubuntu? I know there was a Chromium PPA in the past, but IIRC that has since been neglected.

              I really do <3 Firefox, even better than Chrome / Chromium. Esp. appearance-wise in Kubuntu once the Blue Shell PPA is enabled. However, I have a number of reservations in using Firefox as the default in a LTS...a few off the top -

              (1) Flash (obviously...)
              (2) Horrible un-readable pages in Firefox if using a dark theme - even the dark themes included by KDE by default! (See my bug report here). This is a serious user-experience issue. The bug report has picture examples and a possible fix...
              (3) It is, AFAIK, the only GTK+ app included by default for Kubuntu and provides an inconsistent / bad user experience with GTK+ file dialogues and lack of knowledge of any default KDE applications w/o serious tweaking with stock repo Firefox

              Just my 2 proverbial cents.
              Last edited by dequire; Mar 14, 2014, 12:13 PM. Reason: Clarity
              ​"Keep it between the ditches"
              K*Digest Blog
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                Even Martin Gräßlin acknowledges the horri-bad experience using stock FF in KDE...

                Firefox KDE integration in Debian Testing

                ​"Keep it between the ditches"
                K*Digest Blog
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                  Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                  I was a die hard Opera fan, but then they stopped supporting Linux.
                  Apparently not.
                  ​"Keep it between the ditches"
                  K*Digest Blog
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                    Originally posted by dequire View Post
                    That's the old version 12, with Opera's WebKit rendering engine. The current version with the Blink engine, for Windows and Mac only, is now 20.


                      I found some semi-official PPAs for newer versions of Chromium. Currently:

                      * chromium-browser-beta-daily has version 34 for Saucy and Trusty
                      * chromium-browser-dev-daily has version 35 for Saucy and Trusty

                      These are maintained by Chad Miller, a Canonical employee.

                      Just now, I added the PPA for version 35 -- this is the one with the new Aura toolkit. It's still compiled to require Gtk+ and GNOME schtuff:
                      steve@t520:~$ [B]apt-cache depends chromium-browser=35.0.1870.2-0~devtesting031101~s |egrep 'gtk|glib|gnome'[/B]
                        Depends: libglib2.0-0
                        Depends: libgnome-keyring0
                        Depends: libgtk2.0-0
                      Nevertheless, it sure looks better -- fonts are noticeably crisper.


                        Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                        Just now, I added the PPA for version 35 -- this is the one with the new Aura toolkit.
                        Buuuuut something is seriously wonky -- it won't save any settings or configuration data. I even deleted ~/.config/chromium and started over. The browser writes nothing there. Each time I launch it, the default settings are restored. Weird...


                          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                          Careful when you talk like that around here Simon. There's one or two of those "really old" guys lurking, and we have nothing to lose!

                          Sorry about that "old guys" but here on campus we have a friend in the IT division who for lack of a better term is a professional student. Keith is a 64 year old professional student complete with neck beard a deep sense of paranoia. Thank God he doesn't wear an aluminum cap or something strange like that. None of us know how long he has attended the university or exactly what his status is here. We probably have more fun with his quirks than we should, but he is a good friend. He is always saying things that even I know cannot be true about network browsers and computers. He is extremely shy of cell phones and cameras saying all the government needs is a digital photo of you to track your movements.

                          Well back on this subject; I recently stated I have Awesome New Tab Page as an extension and I removed it months ago because they started Ad-ware on it. I replaced that with New Tab Redirect Plus and created a page in my home under .tabpage/newpage.html complete with icons and whatnot. So I just wanted to correct myself before someone added it and said, Simon you idiot you gave me Ad-ware!!


                            "Really old guys!"?

                            I'm one! (And it beats the alternative!)

                            Simon, around September of 2000, give or take a year, I heard about the University of Nebraska Linux User's Group holding an organizational meeting to elect officers for the new term. This was about two years after I began using Linux full time. There were about 30 students, one prof, a middle aged man and myself in attendance. I was about 60 at the time, gray hair, partially bald. The kids all thought a was a prof teaching there at the University. (I had taught night programming classes for teachers for UNL credit at the HS where I taught in the 70s) The acting chairman had us introduce ourselves. After the election of officers there was a discussion session and I answered some questions about SuSE, which I was using at the time. The newly elected president of the groups, a brilliant foreign student from Brazil (his first name was Carlos, but at the moment I can't recall his last name. The next summer he worked for a startup Linux company called "System 76" ) Anyway, he wanted to ask me a question but couldn't think of my name, so he pointed to me and said "GreyGeek, did .....?", and asked the question. Everyone laughed. I told him that I'll accept that handle as an honor, and it has been my handle every since.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                              Buuuuut something is seriously wonky -- it won't save any settings or configuration data. I even deleted ~/.config/chromium and started over. The browser writes nothing there. Each time I launch it, the default settings are restored. Weird...
                              I wrote to Chad Miller yesterday to ask about this behavior. He responded:
                              The dev and beta PPAs with my name on them are for testing. They use a
                              temporary directory to keep from advancing your normal personal config
                              databases to a higher version than the stable versions can read or write.

                              Thank you for using them. I do want to hear of problems, but that your
                              settings don't stay past a launch is intentional.


                                Originally posted by Simon View Post
                                he doesn't wear an aluminum cap or something strange like that
                                Maybe you should get him one, haha.

                                Originally posted by Simon View Post
                                He is extremely shy of cell phones and cameras saying all the government needs is a digital photo of you to track your movements.
                                Does he have a driver license or a passport? If so, then someone already has a digital photo of him. Has he ever wandered into banks or public buildings with closed-circuit monitoring? Then probably multiple someones already have multiple digital images. Bet we can predict his reactions if you tell him all this!

