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Systemd wins

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    Systemd wins

    Doubt this is news to any of you,, but I want your opinion

    I'm used o upsart, maybe this'll be better though...
    Registered Linux User 545823

    I don't care, in the end. Will every-day desktop linux users notice any difference? I am guessing probably not.


      I miss systemd when I'm not working in Arch. The journalctl command is a thing of beauty.

      claydoh is right though, the everyday desktop user will likely not care.


        If they try to install vmware they'll notice. I disable/enable services pretty often, systemd in pretty nice; but, no it really doesn't matter all that much
        Registered Linux User 545823


          Today has not been a particularly positive moment in history for for open source. Too much of the discussion was about something other than technical merit. Ian Jackson let his passions get the better of him. He tried to sabotage the vote with a tactical maneuver, then proposed a more complicated vote, then demanded the resignation of the chair of the Debian Technical Committee, then stormed off in a fit of ragequit.


            Egos. The biggest impediment to any project when allowed to overshadow the desired end result.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              The comments illustrate why I stopped visiting /.. The signal/noise ration is very low, and the vulgarity and troll quotients are very high, making it essentially impossible to hold an intelligent discussion.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                I have 6 computers here booting with systemd -- I like it. But claydoh is fundamentally correct -- I'm the only one in the house who knows or cares.

                Originally posted by jpenguin View Post
                If they try to install vmware they'll notice. I disable/enable services pretty often, systemd in pretty nice; but, no it really doesn't matter all that much
                Four of my systems run VMware Player, no problem.

                Of course the TC's vote is not a decision, only a recommendation. It can be accepted or rejected by the General Resolution. So don't bet all your chips yet.


                  Originally posted by dibl View Post
                  Four of my systems run VMware Player, no problem.
                  I never said it aint possible, it's just an extra step to set up

                  Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                  The comments illustrate why I stopped visiting /.. The signal/noise ration is very low, and the vulgarity and troll quotients are very high, making it essentially impossible to hold an intelligent discussion.
                  there's a bit of humor to be found in some of the comments. I have to laugh when someone falls for an obvious troll comment.

                  Originally posted by dibl View Post
                  Of course the TC's vote is not a decision, only a recommendation. It can be accepted or rejected by the General Resolution. So don't bet all your chips yet.

                  Last edited by jpenguin; Feb 11, 2014, 01:49 PM.
                  Registered Linux User 545823


                    Originally posted by jpenguin View Post
                    there's a bit of humor to be found in some of the comments. I have to laugh when someone falls for an obvious troll comment.
                    This one is...unhinged:


                      Damn! Why is he being so hesitant about how he feels?
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        You'll note elsewhere the conversation devolved to where these brawls always do: someone invoked Hitler.


                          Right -- the operative phrase is "Should the project pass a General Resolution ...".

                          I personally hope it does. I kinda-sorta understand the fear and loathing of those who understand deeply how sysvinit works, and trust it. It's kinda like these gol-danged diesel engines, with no firebox and no water tank and no condenser -- just how far can you really trust them?


                            And the end of the article has this paragraph:
                            Should the project pass a General Resolution before the release of "jessie" asserting a "position statement about issues of the day" on init systems, that position replaces the outcome of this vote and is adopted by the Technical Committee as its own decision.
                            So, it doesn't appear to be totally locked up ... yet.

                            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                            Wow! The poster has a severely challanged vocabulary! Almost his entire complaint is summarized in a single four letter word. LOL!

                            I'm familiar with init and inittab and in the past used their abilities to create roll-over phone answering systems as part of a BBS I wrote using one page bash script and 2 pages of Python scripts on a SuSE 6.4 installation running KDE. That was about. 14 years ago. My how time flies. However, I haven't kept up with SysVinit, Upstart or Systemd. All I care about any more is that my desktop is rock solid stable and powerful. Kubuntu 14.04 with KDE 4.12.x, even in Alpha, is exactly that for me. Trusty Tahr will probably be the last Linux distro I will be using. It should be supported til 2019. IF I am still using a computer in the spring of 2019 it will be a surprise to me.
                            Last edited by Snowhog; Feb 11, 2014, 05:12 PM.
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Luckily, being Debian, if they do end up going with systemd, it will be some time before it gets there (in Stable) and will likely have any bugs squashed out beforehand.

                              Look at Pulseaudio from where it was to what it is now.

                              But alas, this whole thing looks from the outside to be more politically motivated than merit-related, and the garbage seems to overwhelm the pros and cons of all the options Debian has. Hopefully they can just quickly rip the band-aid off the skin and just get on with it

