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Is it illegal to DDoS your own server over the internet?

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    The only reason I can think of for not using the Pi in this way is its somewhat dodgy ethernet port, which (IIRC) is dependent in some way on the USB firmware, which is buggy. The effect is that if you write loads to USB and have a high volume of traffic through the ethernet port at the same time, you drop some packets. I'd argue that if you get this problem you've probably chosen underpowered hardware in the first place, though!

    Also... you could argue that the NUC is a hobbyist board! nothing wrong with hobbyists, Steve! You don't work at Redmond any more!


      Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
      The only reason I can think of for not using the Pi in this way is its somewhat dodgy ethernet port, which (IIRC) is dependent in some way on the USB firmware, which is buggy. The effect is that if you write loads to USB and have a high volume of traffic through the ethernet port at the same time, you drop some packets. I'd argue that if you get this problem you've probably chosen underpowered hardware in the first place, though!
      Interesting tidbit. USB is certainly not designed for continuous throughput like you'd expect on a server. That's what PCI and PCIe are for

      Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
      Also... you could argue that the NUC is a hobbyist board! nothing wrong with hobbyists, Steve! You don't work at Redmond any more!
      Haha. I'm not saying hobbyism is a bad thing. Using hobbyist tools for production purposes is probably not the best choice, that's all


        I know, if you thought that you wouldn't spend so much of your time helping out on the forum, right? It was just such low hanging fruit that I couldn't resist apologies

        BTW, I really like Drupal, thanks for recommending it. So far my impressions are that it's more work to understand/configure, but it does what I actually want, rather than doing only what someone else thinks I want.

        In other words, it's very flexible and I think it'll be a great long term solution.

        Haven't started fiddling with ModSecurity this time around, but from what I've read it seems like it will result in fewer false positives than Wordpress.

        All that, plus the general benefit of it being easier to do things cleanly when you've already configured Apache once before, and the whole experience has been a Good Thing.


          Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
          I know, if you thought that you wouldn't spend so much of your time helping out on the forum, right? It was just such low hanging fruit that I couldn't resist apologies
          "Low hanging fruit." Setting aside the obvious innuendo in that statement, it's obvious that people who utter it have never owned fruit trees. For when you pick all the low-hanging fruit (er, the "low hangers" bwahaha), the branches, thus relieved of their weight, rise too high to pick from. Thus, starting with the high hangers is always best.

          Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
          BTW, I really like Drupal, thanks for recommending it. So far my impressions are that it's more work to understand/configure, but it does what I actually want, rather than doing only what someone else thinks I want.
          Did you take a look at Joomla as well?

          Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
          All that, plus the general benefit of it being easier to do things cleanly when you've already configured Apache once before, and the whole experience has been a Good Thing.
          And when you do it the tenth time, everything will be squeaky sanitary!


            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
            "Low hanging fruit." Setting aside the obvious innuendo in that statement, it's obvious that people who utter it have never owned fruit trees. For when you pick all the low-hanging fruit (er, the "low hangers" bwahaha), the branches, thus relieved of their weight, rise too high to pick from. Thus, starting with the high hangers is always best.
            Touche! Do you own any/many fruit trees yourself?

            My granddad made an apple picking tool that he used to get the high stuff. A good engineering solution, which is what we like! No reason why those high fruit can't be picked (I am 195cm / 6'5" tall after all, and could easily get help from my 6'10" bro )

            He was an electrical engineer, in charge of a couple of the UK's biggest nuclear power stations at the time (decommissioning one, constructing another). I think he would have been an easy Linux convert.

            I made sure to include some innuendo for your amusement, rest assured I did not miss the amusing connotations.

            Did you take a look at Joomla as well?
            Yep, I didn't actually install it but I read a few comparisons and from what I can tell the general consensus seems to be that Joomla's benefit is ease of installation, but its code is a mess compared to Drupal core.

            Not sure how true that is, but it seemed like Drupal was probably going to be the end goal anyway, so I might as well start using it now instead of building a Joomla site and having to migrate it later.

            Personally, I haven't found Drupal to be difficult to install (certainly not core!). The main diffficulties lie in choosing between contributed modules, but I actually think that is more of an empowerment than a drawback.

            And when you do it the tenth time, everything will be squeaky sanitary!
            Yeah, right! Like you don't tinker with your server? there's always more...


              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              Touche! Do you own any/many fruit trees yourself?
              Yes, when we lived in Denver during 1998-2001. Had two apple trees and two pear trees. Translation: had a yard full of rotten/ing fruit.

              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              My granddad made an apple picking tool that he used to get the high stuff. A good engineering solution, which is what we like! No reason why those high fruit can't be picked (I am 195cm / 6'5" tall after all, and could easily get help from my 6'10" bro )
              Yes, I forgot you come from a line of giants. Clever giants, it would appear.

              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              I made sure to include some innuendo for your amusement, rest assured I did not miss the amusing connotations.
              I may start to like you too much. Be careful!

              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              Yep, I didn't actually install it but I read a few comparisons and from what I can tell the general consensus seems to be that Joomla's benefit is ease of installation, but its code is a mess compared to Drupal core. Not sure how true that is, but it seemed like Drupal was probably going to be the end goal anyway, so I might as well start using it now instead of building a Joomla site and having to migrate it later.
              Interesting, I hadn't read that. Good find. And good logic.

              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              Personally, I haven't found Drupal to be difficult to install (certainly not core!). The main diffficulties lie in choosing between contributed modules, but I actually think that is more of an empowerment than a drawback.

              Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
              Yeah, right! Like you don't tinker with your server? there's always more...
              What, me tinker with a production box? Never!


                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                Translation: had a yard full of rotten/ing fruit.
                ...and a mouthful of wasps, no doubt!

                Yes, I forgot you come from a line of giants. Clever giants, it would appear.
                Not so much clever as methodical, which ususally turns out pretty well!

                I may start to like you too much. Be careful!
                I went to an all boys school... YOU be careful!

                Interesting, I hadn't read that. Good find. And good logic.
                Well, I don't know if it was just ramblings of people who don't really know what they're talking about WRT the code. There probably aren't that many users in a position to judge code quality, mostly just people like me who use it without really knowing what it is/how it works, whilst making an effort to learn the basics.

                However, IIRC the person making that claim said that s/he had developed modules for both and it was easier in Drupal because the documentation was clearer and the hooks were placed more logically, or something like that.

                What, me tinker with a production box? Never!
                Careful Pinocchio, you wouldn't want to poke anyone with that nose! (or would you...? lol)
                Last edited by Feathers McGraw; Mar 28, 2014, 06:51 PM. Reason: tags


                  Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                  ...and a mouthful of wasps, no doubt!
                  Well, the trees came with the house and they (like the house) were in poor shape. I nursed them to health while I remodeled the house. In the final autumn of our time there, the trees produced prodigious quantities of fruit, much like my remodeling produced prodigious extra income when we sold the place.

                  Originally posted by Feathers McGraw View Post
                  I went to an all boys school... YOU be careful!
                  Careful Pinocchio, you wouldn't want to poke anyone with that nose! (or would you...? lol)
                  Thanks. Now I gotta go take a cold shower!


                    Imagine how hilarious it would be for everyone if guys' noses worked like that! Awkward spontanneous nose erections.

                    Even when appropriate, it would at the very least make it difficult to kiss!

                    And on that note, I'm off to bed


                      Perhaps kissing isn't the objective.

                      OK.OK.Must.Stop.Now! G'Night.


                        all these posts and I am learning nothing about DDoSing a box ......... very disappointing

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          So sorry we do like to drift off topic!


                            Hey! Did you hear about the one who ........


                              Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                              all these posts and I am learning nothing about DDoSing a box ......... very disappointing
                              Go find an old copy of MS-DOS still in its original packaging. Open it up and throw away the floppy disks. There... now you've deDOSed a box.


                                Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                                Go find an old copy of MS-DOS still in its original packaging. Open it up and throw away the floppy disks. There... now you've deDOSed a box.

                                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                                16GB RAM
                                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

