When I was at an American Chemical Society meeting I was offered a job teaching online out of state, which I can do an won't lose my retirement, and that will help pay for the Obamacare insurance hikes I got a few months ago.
It was a kind of "really time critical" so:
I went to the colleges HR site and found that...........surprise, surprise.... they have ONLY a downloadable .pdf to fill out by hand.... but.....they say that they take "electronic submissions".
Ok in the windblows world for me to be able to actually place text on the .pdf I would have to PAY a nice chunk of change to do what "should" be free.. and it really "should" be free, I mean this is something that the average person just should be able to do.
So, I tried all of the Kubuntu apps and found that the only one that would work was GIMP.
I could click a "text" box over a blank line, type in the required information and move on to the next blank.
At the end of the page, it was a three page form, I then exported the page as .pdf.
I repeated with the other application pages.
I had previously scanned unofficial transcripts and diplomas and had converted them to .pdf.
I had previously chained them and so merely had to retrieve them.
I also have a "running resume" in .odt which I updated and exported to .pdf.
I updated my "cover letter"( again in .odt) and exported it to .pdf
I put all of the items in a folder and named them in an alpha/numeric manner that would be easily recognizeable as to what I wanted to have on the front of the file.
I then used /menu/office/,pdf chain...........( you may have to install it from synaptic) to chain the college application pages into one .pdf.
I then made up a new folder into which I placed, alphabetically, a) cover letter, b) college's application form c) resume d) scans of unofficial transcripts.
I then right clicked the folder and compressed as .zip.
Using Kontact, through my g-mail account, I made up an e-mail to the HR dept, attached the .zip and sent it on it's merry way!
I then printe out ALL THAT PAPER.....put it into a manilla envelope and will mail it by USPS to the HR dept.
All very clean, all very efficient and something that ANY person should be able to do "for free" for the simple reason that it is something that the "individual person" needs to do relatively regularly,
YES the "rich person" or the "business" SHOULD probably pay for the whole adobe suite so that all of the employees can interact with .pdf. that, after all, is how Adobe makes money and they should make money they are a corporation.
But the individual person should be able to do "the basics" for free.............now, yes, if the individual person all of a sudden wants to get all fancified, then they also, should pay for that fancified stuff, because it is not what the average person NEEDS to be able to do to get along in society.
just my thoughts!
Anyway, if anyone has questions just ask...
But, Linux/Kubuntu ....does a great job and I use it exclusively, except for a crossword puzzle making program.
It was a kind of "really time critical" so:
I went to the colleges HR site and found that...........surprise, surprise.... they have ONLY a downloadable .pdf to fill out by hand.... but.....they say that they take "electronic submissions".
Ok in the windblows world for me to be able to actually place text on the .pdf I would have to PAY a nice chunk of change to do what "should" be free.. and it really "should" be free, I mean this is something that the average person just should be able to do.
So, I tried all of the Kubuntu apps and found that the only one that would work was GIMP.
I could click a "text" box over a blank line, type in the required information and move on to the next blank.
At the end of the page, it was a three page form, I then exported the page as .pdf.
I repeated with the other application pages.
I had previously scanned unofficial transcripts and diplomas and had converted them to .pdf.
I had previously chained them and so merely had to retrieve them.
I also have a "running resume" in .odt which I updated and exported to .pdf.
I updated my "cover letter"( again in .odt) and exported it to .pdf
I put all of the items in a folder and named them in an alpha/numeric manner that would be easily recognizeable as to what I wanted to have on the front of the file.
I then used /menu/office/,pdf chain...........( you may have to install it from synaptic) to chain the college application pages into one .pdf.
I then made up a new folder into which I placed, alphabetically, a) cover letter, b) college's application form c) resume d) scans of unofficial transcripts.
I then right clicked the folder and compressed as .zip.
Using Kontact, through my g-mail account, I made up an e-mail to the HR dept, attached the .zip and sent it on it's merry way!
I then printe out ALL THAT PAPER.....put it into a manilla envelope and will mail it by USPS to the HR dept.
All very clean, all very efficient and something that ANY person should be able to do "for free" for the simple reason that it is something that the "individual person" needs to do relatively regularly,
YES the "rich person" or the "business" SHOULD probably pay for the whole adobe suite so that all of the employees can interact with .pdf. that, after all, is how Adobe makes money and they should make money they are a corporation.
But the individual person should be able to do "the basics" for free.............now, yes, if the individual person all of a sudden wants to get all fancified, then they also, should pay for that fancified stuff, because it is not what the average person NEEDS to be able to do to get along in society.
just my thoughts!
Anyway, if anyone has questions just ask...
But, Linux/Kubuntu ....does a great job and I use it exclusively, except for a crossword puzzle making program.