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Apple products and their company vision: Is it Linux "compatible?"

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    Yeah, I believe most of what Fallows presented was fabricated, but not all of it. I've used "appletard" for quite awhile now but I'm looking forward to adding "iHole" to my lexicon! I saw that XP add years ago and it still holds up - if you'll excuse the pun!

    Please Read Me


      It's a common ploy of totalitarian states to display showcases of their culture to conceal the truth. That video reminds me of Dennis Rodman's trip to North Korea. I'm sure he never saw the slave labor camps, just the actors.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        I've been following Fallows's writings about China for a couple decades. He receives an unprecedented level of access that most other journalists don't. He will readily admit that portions of what he sees and writes about are likely put on for show, but he's also covered much of the nation's less attractive elements. China is not as well organized as many presume. Managing a country of 1.3 billion people is a major challenge -- I've noticed this during some of my own trips to Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. China is also not nearly so dangerous as most people are inclined to believe. FWIW, I tend to trust Fallows's observations and commentary more than the scaremongers who have an interest in perpetuating fear.


          China is also not nearly so dangerous as most people are inclined to believe
          With the exception of the air pollution!

          Please Read Me


            Yeah, really.

            The Bund in Shanghai, on 5 December:

            and 6 December:


              If one can not think out side the box, then one will remain stuck in the box.

              What is the problem?

              13" 32 bit MacBook loaded with Xubuntu, booting by it's self.

              15" 32 bit MacBook Pro loaded with Deb 7, booting by it's self.

              15" 64 bit MacBook Pro duel booting OS X and Mepis 12.

              No stinking Windows on any of my machines.

              So if you do not like it, do not buy it.

              No, you are just jealous because you did not think of first and become filthy rich in doing so.


                Originally posted by zeeone View Post
                If one can not think out side the box, then one will remain stuck in the box.

                What is the problem?

                13" 32 bit MacBook loaded with Xubuntu, booting by it's self.

                15" 32 bit MacBook Pro loaded with Deb 7, booting by it's self.

                15" 64 bit MacBook Pro duel booting OS X and Mepis 12.

                No stinking Windows on any of my machines.

                So if you do not like it, do not buy it.

                No, you are just jealous because you did not think of first and become filthy rich in doing so.
                I really don't understand anything in your post. The discussion had nothing to do with whether or not Apple products will run Linux or anyone being "stuck in the box" nor am I jealous of anyone or anything nor anything to do with money.

                The gist of my original post was the seeming incongruousness of open source software proponents buying from a company with antithetical business practices.

                Please Read Me


                  I use Open Source software and prefer it. Does that make me a proponent? I make buying choices based on their usefulness to me, and do not see any incongruousness in that decision. I will not be held to anyone else’s choices and will accept the criticism.
                  Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
                  Always consider Occam's Razor


                    Originally posted by richb View Post
                    I use Open Source software and prefer it. Does that make me a proponent? I make buying choices based on their usefulness to me, and do not see any incongruousness in that decision. I will not be held to anyone else’s choices and will accept the criticism.
                    I intended no criticism nor am I judgmental. I apologize if I came across that way. Furthermore, I have no expectation that anyone else follow my beliefs nor do I want to make decisions for others.

                    I was just responding to what I saw as a conflict between freedom of choice, from constraint, and from control (Linux) and the opposite (Apple) and was curious as the thoughts of others on the topic.

                    In my view, there is also the moral component of supporting a company with what I consider to be questionable business practices and poor consumer philosophy. But again: that's MY view and I hold no one else to it.

                    Please Read Me


                      Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                      I intended no criticism nor am I judgmental. I apologize if I came across that way. Furthermore, I have no expectation that anyone else follow my beliefs nor do I want to make decisions for others.

                      I was just responding to what I saw as a conflict between freedom of choice, from constraint, and from control (Linux) and the opposite (Apple) and was curious as the thoughts of others on the topic.

                      In my view, there is also the moral component of supporting a company with what I consider to be questionable business practices and poor consumer philosophy. But again: that's MY view and I hold no one else to it.
                      Fair enough. These are decisions everyone needs to make for themselves. I will just note that if I held myself to that strict a standard I would not be living in the house I am now living in, but a self built shack in the forest. Certainly on a smaller scale but questionable practices are common in the building industry, and I daresay my builder was no exception. In fact I know he was not. I would hope that not only would you not hold anyone to it, but that you would not judge them.

                      I am not saying this is your view so please do not misunderstand. I do get annoyed at the holier than though attitude of some Open Source proponents.
                      Last edited by richb; Dec 11, 2013, 11:20 AM.
                      Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
                      Always consider Occam's Razor


                        I do get annoyed at the holier than though attitude of some Open Source proponents.
                        Agreed, although in my lexicon a "proponent" would be more akin to a cheerleader than a zealot.

                        Please Read Me


                          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                          Agreed, although in my lexicon a "proponent" would be more akin to a cheerleader than a zealot.
                          Yes, zealot would have been a better choice for the statement.
                          Linux because it works. No social or political motives in my decision to use it.
                          Always consider Occam's Razor


                            Originally posted by richb View Post
                            Yes, zealot would have been a better choice for the statement.
                            An implication of my view is that an Apple fan is typically unaware of their zealotry; they genuinely like and believe in their Apple products, blissfully ignorant of how brainwashed they are.
                            I am not envious of people who have lots of money who've made it the way Apple has, contrary to [edit*]zeeone's[/edit] assertion.

                            Regards, John Little

                            * Again, I've stung myself replying using Tapatalk on my phone, one can't see the history of the thread and one can't edit posts. Apologies richb.
                            Last edited by jlittle; Dec 11, 2013, 02:37 PM.
                            Regards, John Little


                              Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                              Again, I've stung myself replying using Tapatalk on my phone, one can't see the history of the thread and one can't edit posts. Apologies richb.
                              Hm, which version of Tapatalk do you have? Here, I can see complete history and edit my own posts just fine. And that's not because I'm a KFN admin. I have been able to do this on XDA (the only other forum I read with Tapatalk) for some time now, and I'm just a normal user there.


                                I was surprised too.

                                Oshunluvr, perhaps this is the other group you were thinking of:

                                Mule: Anyone who kicks back hard when they realise that someone is trying to control them, or has been keeping a secret from them.

                                Perhaps, being reasonably young, I am particularly prone to this.

                                When I first read about free (libre) software I felt really stupid, like "they" had got me, and I had just woken up and realised I'd been indoctrinated.

                                I've had that feeling only a couple of times, and it isn't pleasant.

                                Some of Stallman's videos on Youtube are really quite good, and opened my eyes (I'm not talking about the one where he eats something from his foot, although that did make my eyes open pretty wide too!!). I don't believe there are any moral absolutes so I wouldn't take things as far as he has, but I would certainly accept an inconvenient piece of libre software over a convenient proprietary one.

                                I made the effort to learn to use Kubuntu in my final year at uni, even though it was a PITA to do on top of all the work I had at the time.

                                Now I've seen the matrix, I can't go back, lol

                                Any chance we could add a poll to the thread? Would be interesting to see how people categorise themselves (probably a "which one most accurately describes you" type question)


