Originally posted by GreyGeek
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Yes, it's difficult being a full time student + full time employee + full time parent + look for work full time in a new career field that pays enough to actually "live" instead of just "get by". I pray that all this work pays off sooner or later but, I still have another year on my BS and then I will more than likely go for my MS to improve my options.
It's been rough trying to find work where I am no longer around loud and aggressive people where there is drug and alcohol activity associated with gambling and sports nuts who prefer to spend all their time watching TV. I prefer to be around a more "mature" group of engineers who are quiet and professional in their demeanor and conversation. I have a case of PTSD from being around the wrong culture too long and now I work behind a coded gate and two layers of coded doors in a very quiet room. I still don't make enough to really live on and no benefits, but at least I don't have to take pills to keep from having anxiety attacks. I once got to visit the Googleplex in Mountain View and it was so quiet, clean and the people there were so well behaved that the memory is ingrained in my mind of that is the environment for me. Whether it is Google or not remains to be seen, but you get the idea.
The hardest part is getting the right experience but, I hope with some of these groups from Meetup.com and participating with some open source groups I'll be able to make up for what I don't get from my job from other sources. Right now I'm kind of in a rough spot but, its getting better all the time.