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ProxyManager - Call for alpha testers

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    [CONFIGURATION] ProxyManager - Call for alpha testers

    I have written a "Proxy Setting Manager". It is a pluggable shell script to turn proxy settings on or off for various programs, and modules can be individually enabled/disabled.

    It seems usable enough, tested between my own and one other computer belonging to a coleague of mine.

    It has currently got the following modules
    1. bashrc:# ProxyManager module for bashrc environment variables
    2. cntlm:# ProxyManager module to stop/start/check cntlm as part of managing Proxy
    3. curlrc:# ProxyManager module for Curl Proxy setting management
    4. dropbox:# ProxyManager module to restart DropBox with/without proxy environment variables
    5. git:# This ProxyManager module switches the git user global Proxy setting on or off
    6. kde:# This ProxyManager module switches the KDE global Proxy setting on and off for
    7. root_bashrc:# ProxyManager module for Root user .bashrc profile
    8. root_curl:# ProxyManager module for Root user .curlrc profile
    9. s3cmd:# ProxyManager module for S3cmd
    10. sys-apt:# ProxyManager module to set System-wide proxy for APT
    11. sysenvironment:# ProxyManager module for system default proxy setting
    12. sysproxy-suse:# ProxyManager module to set System-wide proxy for Suse
    13. virtualbox:# ProxyManager Module for VirtualBox GUI Proxy setting management
    14. wgetrc:# ProxyManager module for Wget

    There is also a module for Gnome, not included in the github page, because I don't have a gnome installation on which to test it. I can share it if any body would like to try it out.

    There is no Mozilla Firefox module, from my research it does not seem to be possible to do it. I use the Firefox QuickProxy extention to turn Firefox proxy setting on/off.

    Please have a look at the program here:

    All feedback welcome.

    Can someone recommend a better forum to post this message?

