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Playing Louie Louie backwards and future of Kubuntu

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    Playing Louie Louie backwards and future of Kubuntu

    While watching the Castle marathon on TNTHD, I perchanced to check Kubu forums using Tapatalk on my phone, which defaults to displaying the last post first....

    And read the whole thread on Wayland and Kubu BACKWARDS...... :0

    It was very unsetteling!

    ?eb ot yaw eht eb dnalyaW lliW ,eiuoL ,eiuoL

    After reading, and after stopping my head from spinning, I decided to ask a question of the people who actually have knowledge here.

    There has been a lot of "off in the weeds" ( for the average non-deeply technical user) and a lot of "angst" in the other thread over the future of Kubu vis a vis Debian, Wayland, Xorg, etc.

    Wanted: a simple answer, in a minimal number of sentences, without getting off into the weeds, for simple people like me.


    What is your best, informed, guess, about what will be "going on" with Kubu in say, the next one or two releases. And, maybe further out...maybe 5 years.. Re: going to Debian as a base, Wayland, etc.


    OF COURSE, this should NOT "halt" discussion in the other thread!!!

    But, I think inquiring minds, simple ones, like mine, would like some straigtforward, informed, opinions.

    NOTE: I did NOT know that "Unity" is based on .......Compiz!?? :0 Woah! Who woulda thought.!!
