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Kurio possible MS killer and Ubuntu ...welll

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    Kurio possible MS killer and Ubuntu ...welll

    These devices are being pushed continually on stations like "Lifetime" which are very "family centric".

    Theree devices are offered, a "full tablet", a smaller tablet and a "cell phone without the actual phone software".

    BUT......the "cellphone without the phone software" has FULL internet access for.............."messaging"!

    This is what MS covets and what Canonical wanted....


    .... CHEVY TRADEUP.............

    ...................................TO OLDSMOBILE.... WAHOOOOOOOO!!!

    Think about it.... a "phone" that the parent has full software control over....

    small hands....

    then Junior high school / hight school.... larger...hands, tablets.....

    high school or College.......the "grown kid" who is completely familiar with the device(s) gets a

    going away to college............PHONE and a tablet !

    Long term, this could be why Canonical "threw in the towel" on the phone.... a note, I was in Wal-Mart and the WALMART SALES people were disparaging the Windows phone! lol

    Click through the left image, the "handheld" to see the full specs which can be....WITH A BUTTON, changed to FULL ANDROID!

    LINUX (could be) WINS!!! from a completely unexpected direction


    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 12, 2013, 12:10 PM.

    they look pretty good I think ,,,,,am I missing something ....
    my grandson just won a ipad-mini at school and it didn't have 30+ apps and games on it and I think is over $300.00 to purchase .
    that 7" Kurio is $100.00
    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Yeppers vinny....

      but the conservative, with their money, parents that haven't drunk the Kool-aide are not missing it! lol

      ANnnnd if history is any indicator, either Apple or MS will either sue or buy them out!

      The MyEebo that I purchased has been a wonder, I just wish I could install Kubu on it!



        Have you heard the iPad story from Los Angeles? Seems the students at two of the high schools that were provided iPads for school work figured out in a couple days how to bypass the installed security and use the iPads freely. I don't think there was any illegal or nefarious use going on - just internet youtube crap and playing games. The pads were supposed to be "locked down" to the school portal. They took the pads away from all the high schools until they can figure out what to do. IMO they should start by hiring the students that cracked the code to be in charge of the security! Lol

        Do you guys remember how Apple really got going big? They gave computers to schools for free. Tax right-off, right? But then, when xmas roles around and Mom and Dad want to invest in the kids education and buy him a computer - "Well, they use that Apple thing at school, let's buy him one of those." Genius marketing at it's best.

        Please Read Me



          You are just about the ONLY other person that I know who has referenced what Apple did.

          Most "Linux" people continually bash MS for this kind of stuff but Apple did the same things only BEFORE MS. Both are equally guilty but for some reason Apple continually. seems, to get a pass in Linuxdom.

          And a comment on your further post...

          And, of course, any kid could get past the parental controls given the time and expertise.

          This is, I think, more that the parents think that it would "take a while" or that a lock only keeps an honest person out. That if the kid's exposure is minimized or at least "put off" then it gives the parents more time to provide a positive influence which will "take".

          However, one could also easily argue the opposite, that if the fruit is forbidden then it tastes that much more sweet when tasted, so...

          it is a conundrum.

          BUT A NOTE about my OP.

          Since I have been in the apartment for three days straight, with jaunts for interval walking, redoing the apartment....

          I have had the Perry Mason marathon running and the ............

          ADVERTS.....have ramped up!

          The ones today are now SHOWING the "cell phone" with the parent and child interacting with it..

          and emphasizing that one can enable full Android with a switch,

          AND.....that the thing has a "free" ...... silicone "bumper" the "green case"....

          AND............DUAL CORE processor....

          This is "pretty technical stuff" is possible that they are purposely doing a ramping up possibly because there are a lot of people like me with Perry Mason "just running"....dunno

          AND......... emphasizing why pay more..........for less...........

          Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 13, 2013, 12:52 PM.


            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            but for some reason Apple continually. seems, to get a pass in Linuxdom.

            "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              ok but, I'm an equal opportunity basher!


