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Caspar Bowden, former Microsoft Privacy Chief no longer trusts MS

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    I too prefer Linux (Kubuntu to be precise) over MS. I just didn't care for all the reinstalling I had to do everytime it broke. Honestly, with Netflix now available for Ubuntu, there's no need for me to have Windblows at all. Except that my wife likes to print coupons and the coupon printer engine, i.e. malware and trackers, doesn't work with Linux.

    I've been off my old job for quite a while now and the only time I touch Windows is when I'm working on her computer (just installed an SSD).


      Originally posted by Roguehorse View Post

      Thank you for you kind words!

      I should go on to elaborate that I do not bash on Microsoft much anymore as I used to. Some of the software they produce is actually pretty good however, compared to the quality of the open source alternatives I believe it is over priced. Their business model could use a makeover and hopefully this re-org they are supposedly going through will turn the company around. I still prefer Linux and the open source model and believe Microsoft would do well to produce a Linux based "openWindows" version of their OS as an alternative to the closed license model. As we know this will probably never happen and they will have to figure out how to sustain growth or cut back some other way.
      It might finally be time to say Microslop's reign of terror is over, lol, with all the competition out there now and their resting on their laurels while the tech world took off in numerous directions (Android for tablets and phones for example), yep, there will be layoffs at Microslop, to appease the shareholders. That's karma for ya, mess millions around, they'll get what they deserve.

      @charles052...I crossed that MS dependent threshold a few years ago (back from the 'darkside', lol), it's a great feeling, like dumping a needy friend that's always getting in to trouble and costing YOU money, lol.


        Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
        there will be layoffs at Microslop, to appease the shareholders
        Didn't work last time, or the time before that.

        I think it's time for Microsoft to divest itself into multiple separate businesses.


          Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
          It might finally be time to say Microslop's reign of terror is over, lol, with all the competition out there now and their resting on their laurels while the tech world took off in numerous directions (Android for tablets and phones for example), yep, there will be layoffs at Microslop, to appease the shareholders. That's karma for ya, mess millions around, they'll get what they deserve.

          @charles052...I crossed that MS dependent threshold a few years ago (back from the 'darkside', lol), it's a great feeling, like dumping a needy friend that's always getting in to trouble and costing YOU money, lol.
          I dream of the day I can get rid of Microsoft completely, but just like charles052, I still have items and functions around the house that are only developed to work on their platform. My wife does the coupon thing too and my son has one of those LeapPads that Ubuntu will not recognize. Then I have an older Canon flatbed scanner that won't fly with Ubuntu either. I think learning to build drivers for many of these devices and functions would be a good thing and motivate people to who aren't yet using Ubuntu to migrate over.
          BSIT Software Engineering
          " All the best people I know use Linux "


            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
            Didn't work last time, or the time before that.

            I think it's time for Microsoft to divest itself into multiple separate businesses.
            Well we've all heard that Ballmer is going to bail, but he seems to be sticking around. I know his approval rating isn't very high with the people who report to him. When I heard they were going to do a re-org I though maybe they'll straighten up so all their best people will quit leaving to go work at other places like Google or IBM. They still have a good market with XBox, but W8 is tanking and their phone isn't doing much better. It just seems like they can't turn out any winners anymore. They need a new leadership team that knows and understands the way the world is working in the 21st century instead of trying to live off their 1990's heydays.
            BSIT Software Engineering
            " All the best people I know use Linux "


              Originally posted by Roguehorse View Post
              instead of trying to live off their 1990's heydays.
              Good one, and the copycat buggy 'Fisher-Price' jokes that followed. The evil tyrant is dead, the villagers are dancing in the streets, lol.


                [QUOTE=Roguehorse;337873]I dream of the day I can get rid of Microsoft completely, but just like charles052, I still have items and functions around the house that are only developed to work on their platform..... [QUOTE]

                This morning I tried to start an online chat with a TimeWarner sales person. Couldn't do it. Needed to be running Windows or Apple. There's no need for that kind of restriction.
                Try to use iTunes without Win or OSX. Can't do it, reliably. Can't watch Amazon Prime movies, which require versions of Flashplayer that Adobe won't update for Linux. Another deliberate block placed in front of Linux. IMO, there's a lot of cash changing hands now by folks desperately trying to block Linux in order to minimize the effects of a bad Win8 roll-out and public rejection.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Very cynical of you!

                  I think it's more likely that a few key people have been convinced that flash player is the easiest way to do things like DRM, so they use it without Linux even being a consideration.

                  Linux isn't DRM friendly, for good reason.



                    Na, it's not cynicism... it's experience.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Same thing?


                        @Grey...agreed, I've had issues with outdated Flash too, I say FRUDGE THEM! They don't need my traffic or money if they are going to be selective, they will pay in the end, WinDOHS is dying, Android is growing which incidentally is LINUX BASED, pah ha ha ha (evil genius laugh).


                          You're right, Tek_heretik, and that is what is scaring MS and its 3rd party lackeys to death. My son, who manages programmers why I retired from, just got a new laptop from System76, with Ubuntu pre-installed. We are going to have a Kubuntu installation party this Saturday!
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
                            WinDOHS is dying
                            Not really.

                            Yet, 7 still outsells 8.


                              Oh, so it's the Vista/7 debacle again but backwards, lol. Regardless, when all the smoke clears, they peaked at 7, the emperor's clothes are coming off, no offence Steve, but I never put much weight in 'sales data', a great portion of those forced 'WinDOHS tax' machines could still be sitting in warehouses, not to mention back to school/Christmas season sales. But your undying loyalty to your former employer is touching, lol.


                                Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                                IMO, there's a lot of cash changing hands now by folks desperately trying to block Linux in order to minimize the effects of a bad Win8 roll-out and public rejection.
                                There's probably a lot of truth to this my friend. When a person starts putting things in perspective with Linux running Android, all the major stock markets, TV's, cars, supercomputers, all the Apache servers plus all the companies listed at the Linux Foundation who are supporters, not to mention the internet itself, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook and so on, there probably is money changing hands to try and protect the one last frontier Linux has yet to get a major stake in and that's the desktop.
                                BSIT Software Engineering
                                " All the best people I know use Linux "

