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Now It Begins.....

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    Now It Begins.....

    FBI announces reward in case of power line downed near Cabot

    The FBI is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of whoever was responsible for intentionally downing an Entergy high-voltage transmission line in Holland Bottoms on Highway 321 east of Cabot in Lonoke County.

    The FBI said someone attached a cable to the framework of the 100-foot tower and placed the cable across the nearby Union Pacific Railroad tracks in an attempt to use a moving train to bring down the tower. A portion of the tower and tower dropped without harm to anyone early Wednesday. Said an FBI release:

    We believe that someone may have seen a person(s) or vehicle(s) in the area during the early morning hours of August 21, 2013, or may have heard someone removing bolts from the base of the tower, as this act would have created substantial noise. We believe the person(s) responsible is familiar with the Holland Bottoms area. This person(s) may also possess above-average knowledge or skill in electrical matters.

    Dozens Injured in Chicago-Area Train Collision
    FOREST PARK, Ill. September 30, 2013 (AP)

    Officials said nobody was at the controls of an empty commuter train that slammed into another train at a suburban Chicago station Monday, injuring dozens of commuters, but they don't know how the train got moving.

    Video footage shows that nobody was driving the 4-car Chicago Transit Authority train as it rumbled the wrong way toward the train parked at the Harlem Avenue station about 10 miles west of Chicago. But investigators were trying to determine if it somehow started moving itself or if someone sent it on its way, intentionally or otherwise.

    "If it wasn't a goof or there is someone not telling us something that creates a big problem because if one train can start moving without anybody doing anything than it can happen to another train," said Amalgamated Transit Union President Robert Kelly.

    Kelly said he had never heard of a train simply starting to roll down the tracks. Not only that, but he said to start a train somebody would not only have to have a special key, but would have to know how to use it.

    A really great song and in my top five.

    The operative lyric is the last one.



    The Big Hurt' was written by the L.A. singer's husband Wayne Shanklin. The song went to No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100.
    Notable because it featured phasing effects, and is claimed to be the first song to do so.
    DJ Dick Biondi on WKBW would introduce the record as "Toni Fisher's weird one"
    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 01, 2013, 01:11 AM.

    What are you trying (and failing) to speculate here, woody?


      One time....I was in a restaurant.....and a man, who had been sipping tea and eating a biscuit... calmly arose from his chair, walked across the room, pulled aside a curtain, and, with his stick, started to madly smash a clock! After smashing the clock he calmly went back to his tea and biscuts.



        Dang! I used to live in Cabot. I don't live too far from it now. I guarantee it's just a dumb redneck doing something stupid. Stupidity is hardly a rarity amongst these parts.

        Seriously, I once knew a guy whose last words were, "Hey, watch this!", before plowing his motorcycle into a Ford truck at 100+ mph.


          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
          One time....I was in a restaurant.....and a man, who had been sipping tea and eating a biscuit... calmly arose from his chair, walked across the room, pulled aside a curtain, and, with his stick, started to madly smash a clock! After smashing the clock he calmly went back to his tea and biscuts.

          If you think about it; chaos is far more common than normaility.


            Yeah those stupid clocks, they can be used for so many things.... like a sabot, sorry cabot....

            dumb autocomplete!



              10,000 without power in arkansas latest attack of three:

              A message is left:

              "You should have expected us."

              A question:

              How many of you heard about this on the lamestream media?




                Arrest made in Arkansas sabotages:




                  Looks like Charles was right.

                  I could have sworn it was going to be a group of elitist-liberal-democrat-lefties. Oh yeah, this happened in fly-over country, none of us would get into that region.

                  Please Read Me


                    Welllll okaaayyyyyyyyyy I'll let the cat out of the bag.

                    I really did NOT think it was "Islamo-nazies" or ....."lefties".... or "righties".....

                    I, personally, thank that...."after" the problem of "international/homegrown "terrorism" ", that we now have such a complex system that the "return of the anarchists".... would present problems which nothing but a wholesale crackdown of border checks between states (ADVOCATED BY BUSH AFTER 9-11).... cameras on every corner nationwide, etc. etc. could come near stopping.

                    The clocks reference was about a "pastich" about Sherlock Holmes about "anarchists" trying to assassainate a "prince" in Europe.

                    I have previously posted elsewhere that....

                    What would "Hillary"(when she was figured to run and said she would "bring the troops home".) do except stand behind a soldier with a gun pointing out to the ocean, if

                    TRUELY UN-traceable "violence on a mass scale" were perpetrated here in the U.S. ? ? ?

                    i mean if the MASS violence was truely UN-traceable WHO could "any" President........"blame".... ? ?

                    So.....even Bush's "take the fight to them over there".....much despised by the "lefties" would not work if Anarchists started up.

                    And Obama has very OBVIOUSLY, carried on with Bush's idea only not using boots on the ground but drones.... which the "media" seems quite fine to allow and not discuss except in extremis.

                    Annddd....just WHO would Obama "go after" if the mass violence were TRUELY UN-traceable....

                    So.......again..............the "point" of the thread was to raise awareness of the very real situation that Anarchists could foil the best laid plans of both Dems, Repubs, Lefties and Righties..

                    BUT ALSO............

                    One really HAS to ask...... since what? ...... tens of thousands of people WERE out of power,...... why was this not BALLYHOOED on the national evening news.............or even FOX news?

                    just a qutestion.

                    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 13, 2013, 01:19 PM.


                      I don't know about ya'll, but a dumb-a$$ redneck pullin' beer-induced shenanigans ain't no terrorist, he's just a dumb-a$$ redneck!

                      Please Read Me


                        Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                        I don't know about ya'll, but a dumb-a$$ redneck pullin' beer-induced shenanigans ain't no terrorist, he's just a dumb-a$$ redneck!
                        LOL ,,,,even though I live in the hart of dumb-a$$-redneck country (NC) I would half to agree with your assessment

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          I'm from Kansas myself - we got rednecks too!

                          Please Read Me




                            But! Think about this....your assessment is HINDsite.....ok we won't go there about ......DumbASS...

                            If ..... nobody had been arrested..... and there were a string of them..........and hundreds of thousands of people were w/o power....

                            What situation would have OBVIOUSLY came to mind?

                            The one which one's bias provides...

                            For the leftie..............the rightie did it.........

                            For the rightie........... the leftie did it...........

                            For both...........the Islamofacist did it...

                            We still have to learn about just a train magically got itself to motivate itself down the road can't....




                              Obama's & every Prez's worst nightmare

                              Thieves took cargo truck that was hauling obsolete medical equipment containing cobalt-60 used in cancer treatment.

                              Eibenschutz said there is nothing so far to indicate that the theft of the material was intentional or in any way intended for an act of terrorism.

                              The material could not be used to make a nuclear bomb, but could be used in a dirty bomb, a conventional explosive that disseminates radioactive material, he said.

                              The 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires was a suicide bombing attack on the building of the Israeli embassy of Argentina, located in Buenos Aires, which was carried out on 17 March 1992. Twenty-nine civilians were killed in the attack and 242 additional civilians were injured. A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah,[101] claimed responsibility.

                              At a nuclear security summit in 2012, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano specifically singled out cobalt-60 among radioactive sources that could be used for such bombs.


