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Kde 4.11.1

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    Kde 4.11.1

    Tuesday, September 3, 2013: KDE SC 4.11.1 release

    A KDE SC minor release is released to the public.
    Was/is there a delay in the release? I haven't see in yet; still on 4.11.00.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    I don't think there is a delay, just the usual gap between release, building for 13.10, then backporting to previous versions. Lurking in #kubuntu on freenode , the word is it will be available "soonish"


      soee 4.11.1 for Raring ready ? \ [13:52]
      Last edited by Rog132; Sep 04, 2013, 12:36 PM.
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        Release plans

        As mentioned in the announcement, the Plasma Workspaces 4 series will no longer receive major feature work. The Plasma Workspaces team is focused on the transition to new capabilities made possible by Qt 5. KDE Applications will continue to be released in the 4.x series, while Platform and Workspaces only receive fixes as part of the release cycle. Users are advised to continue with the 4.x series of KDE Platform, Workspaces and Applications. Frameworks 5 (the new identity of Platform) and Plasma Workspaces 2 are under heavy development and best suited for developers and savvy users who can deal with frequent stability issues. People are free to use early versions of Frameworks 5 and Workspaces 2. However, there is a high risk of breakage.
        After the 4.x series, the KDE Release Team expects the releases of the Frameworks, Workspaces and Applications to diverge. Separate release cycles will benefit both users and developers. Individual components can skip releases if they require a longer development cycle. Separate cycles will encourage developers to have an always-releasable master while work goes on porting to KDE Frameworks 5. There is more emphasis on continuous integration and other automated testing to improve development work.

        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

