My laptop has 4 GB of memory. I'm planning on installing VirtualBox soon, so I want to bump it up to 8. So I opened up the back panel for the first time to discover each slot occupied by a 2 GB memory card. ARG! I was hoping for a single 4 to be in there so I would only need to buy another 4. Instead I'm going to have to buy two 4s.
I'm going to do it anyway though. It will be way better to have 8 GB if I'm going to do the VirtualBox thingie. I'm planning on installing Windows 7 under Kubuntu so that I can run certain programs that won't run under WINE -- Final Draft 8 for one. I might even install Mac OS X, whichever version is the latest one that's been Hackintoshed. There is a version of Final Draft for Mac.
I'm going to do it anyway though. It will be way better to have 8 GB if I'm going to do the VirtualBox thingie. I'm planning on installing Windows 7 under Kubuntu so that I can run certain programs that won't run under WINE -- Final Draft 8 for one. I might even install Mac OS X, whichever version is the latest one that's been Hackintoshed. There is a version of Final Draft for Mac.