I never put much faith in them. You know a 5 star review means nothing. Where do they get these from? Today I installed a game had a 5 star and only 1 review. I found out pretty quick that is sucked a$$ and I couldn't even play the game. So I promptly removed it. But it makes you think, why have a review/rating system in the first place. If the game or app is in the repository shouldn't it have been debugged, tested, and stamped with a gold seal?
Well that is just some food for thought. Happy 4th of July to you in the states!
I am heading out to the balcony to watch the Detroit display from my side of the river.
Well that is just some food for thought. Happy 4th of July to you in the states!
I am heading out to the balcony to watch the Detroit display from my side of the river.